Tuesday, November 17, 2009



Is is just past ten this evening, and many things need 2B addressed, even if only touched on extremely briefly. Tim e only permits this much, and if it permitted me more, it would not really result in a lot of different cosmic outcomes, as who really cares or reads these blogs? Well, it is not a matter of who on the waking world that is reading these blogs. There is much more happening than just this. I am talking or electronically talking about the world of electronics that is also reading every word on these blogs, and humans in 2010 give or take a few years remain 100% clueless 2 what I am inferring and imparting here on that sentence. NOT A TINY TIM CLUE, from here 2 the NORTH VIRGINIA AVENUE POLARITIES, SSJKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as with the sentence that I just now typed. Ordinary peeps reading this tell me 2 get an editor like Mizz Umwell, but it is they who remain clueless 2 what is being both said and done, and what is REALLY going on around all of us and all of this, we call the cosmos, or the expansion outward through consciousness from zero dimensional void truth.

Chemtrails R every day now, and usually do begin getting real bad around November of each year. This is what led 2 my term about 20 years ago almost, called “THANKSGIVING SIEGE”. Back in the late eighties and into and throughout the nineties, a pattern was more followed where there was this thanksgiving siege that usually lasted until middle March the following year. Then a 3 week back off period would follow, give or take, and then came other named sieges, and also other back off points. Now, it seems that 4 the most part, every single day and string of days and period and string of periods is just plain deplorable and nightmarish total hell without any real let up, other than maybe super short term of one or 2 days once in a while. This is something that more or less evolved from the older pattern that began in 1986 when I was almost successful at defeating the HUNCUR, let’s start abridging these 2 very nasty combined words, OK JK HOSEWATER???????????? Yeah, Y did the mighty King Johnny, Count Petofi, insist I go 2 that beach-hose on that late summer day in 1996? Maybe your friend Marylou has the magical answers, or is the answer in one of those lamps that my mom and I helped 2 carry up the stairs 2 the suite in that palace in Sahasra Dal Kanwal out in infinity somewhere? How I love that gorgeous multiple colored sound equipment that is kept in that large bedroom there, YO. But when I really stop and count the flowers, things R starting 2 make some Freudian sense as well, yes blog audience, I do admit 2 seeing it, I am not a closed minded individual, not even 2 time travel;, not any more, I have seen some parlor tricks that even I cannot explain away now, misses Marola. I mean really yo, how could U have known that people were not gonna B going around saying 20 oh this and 20 oh that, back in the spring time of 1969? Yo, U were the only one who knew this, other than the creators of the fabulous Brigger Production, “Two Thousand One, A Space Odyssey”. Now in that show, both our moon, and the planet of Jupiter were the basic theme in the plot of the movie. Now examine my life, Morianity, and Mountainpen, especially the days of the Highview, during my second tour in that lovely shirt hole, in the middle nineties, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!

My copyrighted work entitled, “The Permission Barrier” ,says it all; and yet the most important part of this book from 1994, was only a small part within it, but who could know then without lots of assistance from Orson and Weena? Capeesh Tone???????????????? Hay, U don’t wanna bust my nose man, blood everywhere, what a mess, yuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah Bro, the Other Atlantic City of Sarah and Harrah’s, the built in double bubble verification that parallel universes were opening up. The entire book should B redone as well as renamed now that so many more facts R in, huh Mister McCoy? Its new name should B, “Ohio Avenue, which one” Talk about the next best seller, only I am not looking 2 make money, I am looking 2 tell a story. How in the name of the devil can so many things B told in this mighty book from ‘94, and so much of it came true, that it is just totally beyond haunting and muscle men from RPL late in ‘79. I’m ‘haunted all right big dude, or is something haunting me, BRO???????????????? It seems that my partners screwed me out of this great firm that I created, and left me with a pittance when all was said and done, over there. But how does a special clock fit into this, or really 2 special clocks? Was the huge bully that kicked me 2 my own curb literally on Ohio Avenue, Mister Martino senior? How do all the Kings fit into this, all of them, the KING himself included? Did he have a hand in my ting shot 2 death not that long after Dave died in both universes? The questions go literally on and on forever? Did the school system hire the lady that knifed me in the back with this great book, Jean Ruba Smith, after-all, in the near future from the knife, the kids that were messing with me went 2 that school, and they came as close as a whisper 2 a Columbine incident? It definitely made all the news around here, BRO. Well 2 start it all off, my daughter Pee said that I was not enough of a true capitalist 4 them, and after I suggested turning SODI into a religious foundation after joining Eckankar, they secretly got together with a few major stockholders and found a way 2 inch me out, translation I got the royal and painful screwing of my life. How does Pee talk 2 me? Well she does this in 2 ways, and one U would scoff at, and the other U would call me an out and out liar, so Y bother, but the world of the electronics knows it all, and knows how real it all is, right down 2 making the EM tapes and laughing back at them raucously. Well if I can laugh at myself and think my nightmares R funny, then Y wouldn’t my own friends and family, the entire EW, and everybody else from alpha through omega? Miss Blake, it isn’t funny. Just C how much U would like being run all around like a dog by these CAL-KINGS. Real Calliendo funny, YO!!!! But U know what the hugest urine off 2 all this really is lads and lassies and Lobbies? These convincer PROOFS, as Doctor HC would call them perhaps, should make the entire world sit up and take notice and C this is all real, and yet they do not. Do any scriptures come into any of your minds, U preachers out there, like how the eye is blinded by the forces of wickedness? I did not say this, it is freaking BIBLICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I merely quote, I bring the message, Sarah-Stacey influenced this, and now she laughs, I told U she is sixteen, but hay, don’t believe me peeps, it literally is all of your funerals as well as it is mine, YO!!!!!!!!! I know the very few that do C and believe all of this as much as they R shocked by it, may B saying silently 2 themselves, wow, but what can we do about it, well I will tell U. Believe me, tell others, get this thing around. Otherwise we R all 7 or 8 gaga moremites, and that 2 is biblical. The Copyright Office I am quite sure has been sworn 2 total secrecy, as I admitted long ago that I knew I was in very deep water with something that goes far beyond the confines of this mortal world, and my master plan then, was 2 use them as a time capsule, and a reporting tool, in every way possible, and this is precisely what I have done since the days of my adolescence turned into adulthood; and I never freaking denied this 4 one single moment. 4 those laughing at my technique and tool, I reply in this manner, as I did 2 genius Mizz Umwell through blogs. U don’t know me, U don’t know my incredible situation, who in the name of high horses and Dukes named Fake Wayne, RU2 come along and think that it is as easy 2 fix my life as clicking your darn heels 3 times and saying Dorothy Twisters?????? Hay, say what U want, comment with anything U want, it is a free world at least there, but I am free 2 retort back while laughing, U don’t know beans from beer about me or my wild ride through hyperspace, LITERALLY. Hay, parlor trick here, or timer travel, U tell me geniuses? But seriously, between Misses Exploron Marola of the non Milco Movcom, and making the most famous triple murder in Massachusetts history just vanish out of recorded history, I am really left 2 wonder and ponder and heavily cogitate on Doctor Goldberg, and real physical time travel, am I not? Studio Park Records, the death of my mom and David Roth in horrific ways, Starburn, the Jersey Earthquake all though not as big as the one in TPB book, but yo players, what IS going on. I was never intentionally trying 2 make any of this stuff turn into reality, it was fictional so that I could write a story line of non fiction that was built into this other stuff. Instead of exposing the stuff that was real that I had 2 write fictionally, the fiction in the book turned into reality, and I then had a double weird situation as the 21st century came 2B as currently now stands. Everything that I ever try and do intentionally, just about always trucks up. So how could I have intentionally pulled off so much self fulfilling prophecy, use your heads? RU with me kind Ron? If so, glad 2 have U aboard my ship named the SS SUNK, if not, oh well, am I one bit worse or better off either way? Jane Disease Slime Maggotswallow just got me on the clock, eleven stinking eleven, let me please compensate here with this: 5555555555555555555 and 555555555555555555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555555555555555 and 555555555555555555555555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555 is equal 2 the gods only know, and most likely do not care one tiny miniscule amount. Out of all of the 1,440 clock minutes each day, and no matter how hard I try and avoid seeing the 3 or the 4 ones, or even these times both AM and PM on a non digital clock face, there it pops, OVER AN D OVER AND OPVER, this is YI know 4 certain, that atheism is a huge crock o0f shirt. If some evil power far beyond us humans was not doing this, the odds that 15 + years of this clock crap would B going on like this, would B quintillions or more 2 one against. Translation, atheists R totally fullabulla, and I know this personally. This clock thing is just one of other ways that I totally know what I know. I would love 2B an atheist. I cannot B, I know it is a lie. I do not have any faith one way or another, I KNOW, it has all been proven 2 me beyond the shadow of any possible doubt, all my freaking like, that other powers exist all around us. Powers 2 make us sick R invisible, we call them germs, and only in about 1% or less of human history have we even been able 2C these invisible things with external amplification systems, such as the microscope. Yeah 4 out of 1,440, and instead of trying 2C these 4 minutes, I go full steam ahead 2 prevent myself from seeing these 4 minutes, yet there they R, over and over, thank U so much Jane Fonda, U horrible miserable witch. I keep trying 2 forgive U and I must admit, as with all things I n this life, I total FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What U and your husband did 2 me that awful putrid night at the Atlanta Braves ballpark was so far beyond the pale and so totally deplorable and despicable that adjectives R as meaningless as blowing bad breath into hurricane force winds.

THEY knew Dawn had a Medicaid dental appointment at the Bellevue Avenue Welfare Building yesterday. They always have the County security guard there. They would have no reason 2 hire our outfit. But the day I went in with Dawn, there was fake cousin Dennis. This was all planned long ago when pieces were all in different places B4 Dewitt at the Shack was not the only back that turned black, and substance abuse peeps were added 2 the list. Those that R guilty of all this evil R the ones that know what is being said here. That is all that matters, that they know, and that electronic knows. Humans can scoff at that sentence all they want 2, freedom of thought BRA---HHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah Dennis, U sure turned out 2B MYE HERO, oh well, blame all of it on the economy, hah, the economy is in perfect shape, The stock market has fully rebounded, and the poor will always B among us. That also is biblical, I merely again am the freaking messenger. Something is trucking around with my computer, making words disappear from sentences. Well that should freaking B childsplay 2 peeps or whatever, who can make a famous brutal triple murder vanish out of recorded history, RU salivating or ejaculating yet reading my true life story, Doctor Bruce????????????????????????????????

These disease chemtrailed me again today, and yet the Swine Flu is not happening on a mass scale, so again, something has been altered and fixed, another huge and famous parlor trick, by THEM. They knocked out our electric box again in the house. I know the FBI landlord is in on this, he never came here, he never showed up, I never forgot the lovely daughter of Helen Harris, and the FBI agent involved in that little Paula King matter either, and imagine that Quentin old pal, her name was Amanda, and I asked McGuire where I could go 2 find Sarah, exactly 100 years after she was born in Trenton, New Jersey, McGreevy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greedy, greevy, gravy, and graves, no matter how U shake it all up and toss it all around, when ‘U tote it all up there Joe Dragnet Friday, it comes out all stinky, like somebody covering up a factory of dead missing bodies. Well, that is not all that far off point, and I intent 2 tell things soon that most likely will cause PEE 2 have 2 tune into another bandwidth 2 talk 2 me, and maybe I better check my drivers’ documents, as well as begin acquiring a taste 4 chocolate cupcakes, and close ups of police persons’ eyeballs, because infinite existence is one and the same thing with HELL. All the DREAMS of the reel to reel being used by so many famous recording artists, all the DREAMS of the Egg Harbor school that was forever being searched 4 in the misty fogs of Steven the King, all of this and so much more, and the entire time, I was oblivious 2 the reality of the full truth around me, and no different than any of U, so can I talk and say that others R sound asleep? I went through hell and back and still hadn’t put a lot of this together, so who am I ever, 2 think that others R slow or challenged 4 not seeing things. They R not even experiencing any of it, they have never seen nor been shown, let me not B such a hypocrite unto my own self, Willie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell daddy not 2 call me Peej, my daughter said 2 Billy Harner. He told me this B4 she built the machine that piped into my system. I did not need any magic maintenance men or mind experts, the machine did the work, PJ. Remember that Studio Park Records was a division of SODI, in the book called THE PERMISSION BARRIER. No U all do the math. Parlor tricks by me? RU kidding. I cannot pull off the smallest thing. I can’t even have a normal relationship with a girl. Oh but I can pull off this huge hoax, GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There go the Lattisaw Hackers again, no problem, I just retype what U took away, and wow your moms were lots of fun last night between the sheets, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barnacle scraping beach sweeper, slash, head of beach security, yeah, if this was not all planned B4I managed 2 make lakehouses and mayors vanish out of my nightmare with a little help from Maggie S., then explain SORA, and explain how my non government outfit was just hired yesterday 2 fill in 4 Sam at the Welfare Building, where I know 4 a fact that only government persons do the security work????? Don’t let me B untrue 2 myself here Willie, it was not Maggie that did the dirty work with Lisa the one who accused me of trying 2 destroy this great mighty dog loving family, it was merely using the powerful secret of whatever I want, doesn’t happen, knowledge. It is very hard 2 fake, but done successfully, poof, the greatest fish in the bay managed at least 2 escape this entire prison of Scylla’s. After my appointment with my doctor next week, I will pack up and leave 4 Hawaii and anyone who doubts this, is in 4 a major rude awakening. I’ll close by telling U the biggest convincer punch of all that I stand no chance of anything short of vampirism if I do not at least attempt 2 escape this hellishness, planned from B4 the world was even dreamed yet.

When they threw me out of school as a boy, a guidance counselor was in on this plot along with several giant peeps in the system that were all part of this Philadelphia Watch, which whether I believe the time-travel part of the story or not from last weekend, I still know that this part is true, due 2 other major personal things, Mister King McAndrews. This is so major that it is not bloggable, I have 2B very careful as I step up here into the world of Comcast offices and symbolic daughter license plates. First, every time these trash butt wipe maggot sniffers go into space with that stinking shuttle junk, I AM ALWAYS PERSECUTED AND HARASSED MUCH MORE THAN TIMES WHEN THEY DO NOT PLAN A MISSION. JUST TODAY, I LEARNED YI HAVE BEEN OTHER THE BIG FRIGGIN’ GUNS AGAIN, OR ONE IOF THE AND-AND-AND-NOT-OR-OR-OR REASONS. Nasa tried 2 kill me on the highway, STATE HIGHWAY 295, and the judge hearing the case was Esquire Scattergood, of Florence township, New Jersey, in early 1988. 14 years later I worked in this town, no where close 2 where I ever lived, this was the place that manufactured the municipal pipes that the ATLANTIC CITY MUNICIPAL UTILITOES AUTHORITY and Sarah Callio, purchased their city pipes from that lay beneath the Atlantic City streets right now even as I electronically speak. Y did NASA and McDonnell Douglas try 2 have a trucker named Mister Jackson force me 2 crash onto the shoulder of the road, right where construction was ongoing at the time, and there was no shoulder, just a place 2 die? Y? I don’t know what NASA’s problem is, but if they wanna war with me, they can have one, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There R theories and postings on the internet if U search it out real good and hard, that NASA is an alien force that makes sure that we humans keep 2 ourselves and don’t bother any of our stellar neighbors. They would of course know about me and my hyper dimensional awareness, and even long B4 time caught up with that fact in my waking consciousness. I still do not believe in aliens nor time travel physically being done, exploratronically is a totally different story, that is Y we humans DREAM, 2 explore in our full dimensional selves, all 5 dimensions of us that exist in the hyperspace transdimensionally. Anyway, forget freaking NASA all though a child following this blog knows the connections here in many ways, but moving on and back 2 boyhood days and my planned destroyed and ruined education. There were several key players of power that were all involved in doing 2 things 2 me that were more wicked than if they just had walked up on me and shot me dead right then and there and just had the testicles 2 get it all over with back then. Back when no World Lab was retracing me despite the fact that I was living in the exact spot where World Lab will B a long time out into negative space expansion points. First I was sent 2 a state psychiatric facility 4 never doing one thing that by any legal terms, would have caused me 2B sent 2 this horrible place, this is or was during my year that should have been the 6th grade. This is the time that I first interacted with the most powerful teenager in the cosmos, the ALL MIGHTY SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Then within 2 years or less of the time I was paroled out of that nightmare hell, I was removed from the great school where decades later I was exploratronically back in time and 2 African American males were determined 2 steal a shoebox out of my Saturn automobile, and they did. It contained a powerful newspaper from
Wildwood, New Jersey, the details R so unbelievable and un-bloggable, that we won’t touch all this right now. My point is that I was wronged beyond verbal description, and they knew that what they did 2 me was actionable, and a special deal was made 2 my mother, that if I would B willing 2 take a test and pass this test, I would receive a diploma from a school where I never ever even attended, the school that Michael Landon went 2 by the way and things fit here huge time as well, and the ‘name of the place’ is not ‘I Like It Like That’, but is called Collingswood High. Watch how quickly this history marker becomes (Herbert
Huntington removed), after I really start getting into this Jack McCoy ‘DEAL’!!!!!!! The President of the Board of Education in those days of 1972, was a man by the name of Thompson, no less, and PEE tells me that the mighty Senator Hopeful and him R related. This of course is hyperspace hearsay. Still, if my lovely daughter tells me something, I’ll blog it. Now U tell me out here, any of U, and I have the diploma and other proof that I never attended the school, I secretly purchased the 1970-1975 yearbooks, my so called grad took place in June of 1973. Again, it never was real, it never happened, and I would like 2 know how many peeps out here believe that any high school or board of education, would grant a phony diploma 2 a fake student, but this is all real and it happened. Just as Sarah Jacobson Exploratron is one of MYE real true experiences. The lights R flickering a bit, and if power goes out, this blog will not B destroyed. I am saving every sentence I type. The FBI guy ‘landlord’ has promised Dawn King over and over again that this problem will get repaired, it has not, I blog only the facts and the truth. I would not lie about the FBI, or the Prosecutor’s Office, how dumb do any of u think that I am? Like I would tell blatant lies about powerful people that have legal power 2 jail me? Things R right back 2 the eighties again, this had all gotten a tad bit better, but we R now at full scale thermonuclear war, me and the EVIL EMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They know I am on a roll 2 tell it all, with no freaking holds barred, nor punches pulled, just like the dude at work knows the move I’ll use on him, and U all saw that move and will most likely C it again. My ‘leaver’ is back in action as well. Yeah, I do not plan 2 sweep sand off the beach, either Mister Thompson, not now, not later, not ever, and lakehouses and Atlantic City Mayor’s B damned along with all of the stinking rotten torpedoes. I am the family destroyer, huh? Hay Lisa, old beach buddy, U have me mixed up with your mirrors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE ENGINE AND SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM AND KING-SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES OF 2298, this is all the sworn totally true future GRAND JURY testimony, if needed or ever wanted in any proceedings, this is voluntarily sworn 2B accurate and true, so help me SSJKK and under flag and nation. A nation that my 7th grandfather and his peeps and pals all put here almost 300 years ago, and has since managed 2 go 2 hell in a terra hand basket at C cubed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is also all registered intellectual property as R all blogs of Michael Wayne Mountainpen/Mark Wayne Mohr, hyperspace identity from one other particular universe, Mark Martin Rusty, and this is registered on an official bloggers registration website, and this is all copyrighted in 2009 and is part of a 4 plus year blogging project called MORIANITY, in the United States Copyright Office. This is not a balloon hoax peeps, I have much better things 2 do at half past friggin’ midnight than B typing at a stupid keyboard. Take Mye word 4 that, please peeps, thank-U.

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