Saturday, November 21, 2009


Datfile: 112109.340

I am under a nasty MILITUFORCE WOMO SIEGE, SOSO-WEIN, SSDD? WOMO-TAWF, washcloths, human sacrifice, and more, yes there is still so much 2 say, from here 2 the late Alice Gallagher and her peeps 2 the west. YO, does my story ever end? What do U think, it does doesn’t begin, so explain the rationale of an ending??????????????????????

First off, it is Saturday Mouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurning, it is light, and as far as rear enders, heat companies worth billions, cover ups starting north of here and keeping right on going further towards planetary polarity, and so very much more ladies and gentlemen and smelly little things that come 2 life when juiced up by Diana, where 2 start a blog is the issue, and not the issues themselves sometimes, BRO.

These disease-weeds struck my health hard at work, gave me a nasty night, and some plane action. They must B ticked off because Snyder’s and his cheaters lost yesterday, boo-hoo-hoo, BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re bweaking my heart in 2, Elmer Wabbit Fwuddcurls.

Lads, Lassies, and Labradors, I had a few car axes as most of us do, but what R the odds of having an accident with one singer, while on the way 2 visit another singer?, one of which U could call a singer, and the other one a real live recording artist, but still both R in this equal profession, but come on, what R the friggin’ ODDS? Whoever is behind all of this, will I ever come EVEN and get real justice in this life? Also, Y didn’t Donna sue me when I hit her at the light in 2K? I was in the wrong, as anyone hitting a vehicle from behind is unless the vehicle in front is driving in reverse and clocks U in so doing this. Clocks, wow, what a story we could proceed into just from my typing that word, rip off movies, real life magical clocks, and so much more, huh ol’ partner 3 stooge mustache? Yeah Jay-Jay, Kid DIE-NO-MITE, what CAN I really say here, BRO? RU and your gang exploratrons 2, BRO? When UR working your mustache in the mirror, what is it U said back in the 7-DEES, B-R-O?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U know the sad part of my subtleties Scy-LLA Ga-LLA-gher, is that my entire normal waking world audience, the Mizz Wells of the UMWORLD, and all the rest of them, R so totally clueless 2 all the stuff that is being said in codes and cleverness, and think I need an editor or I am not able 2 construct proper sentence work from a literary standpo0int. Pitiful, Lieutenant VanBuren, totally PITIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 me anyway, it sure is, maybe 2 everyone else it is just insanity, except 4 maybe a tiny few who really do know what is going on, whether they R able 2 properly decode and correctly decipher all the words in my blog story, a true life tale, NOT FICTION, not at all, or not Miss Blakentee!!!!!!!!!! Still, Larry, Moe, and Curly play a huge part in the Shakespearian theatres of 1 Michael Wayne Mountainpen, with absolutely no assistance whatsoever from Turner Broadcasting Stations, very funny or not, end of Callio, the gods I ten-wish, roll CALLED, or NOT, Miss BLAKE of ‘83!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 500 million dollars is quite a lot of money, even 2 the Donald, yet I know a dude who wiped a history marker off the map just 2 stop me from having more evidence 2 a nightmare tale of hell and woe, and never batted an eyelash at this extremely exorbitant price tag. The gods, what can of night crawlers and Jim Stafford valleys of the dolls and raspberries have I dug up, as well as hornets nests have I stirred up, 2 quote the late, David Charles Roth of the Planet known now as Earth, Sir Prince?????????? Well I hear the magical words of James Garner Rockford, and yes sir, we can always get back again 2 this. What happened out in Hollywood with those hookers kills me Jim, yeah I know about it, I have magic shoelaces, ask the mighty disco queen if U doubt my story Jimmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well all heroes and mavericks aside 4 right now, on with the show, and what a show, as even the dudes operating the curtains and the wing tricks R in the dark and clueless 2 how the script terminates, U can take that one straight 2 Chemical Bank, and do it in an exploratronic travel back 2 the days of other spray cans, and a younger James Earl Jones, yo, what can I say here Jay-Jay, what can I say here, BRO?????????????????????????????????????

U know, the government is indeed sitting on secrets, but it is not physical time travel, space aliens, or even secret sociological agendas, as much as it is playing the games, and joining the club, or else; and the awareness of this last major powerhouse statement. They really know what is being fully said here, and they can take heart in the knowing that nobody would ever believe me, certified or not, it gores against human reasoning, and is lawtronically never meant 2B known by any Marola majorities, with or without the great Sir Gawky. The argument we had on this one was a bute, and there was no way in those days especially, that an adolescent minor could ever win over the adult. This is the way things were in those days, crissake, today your kids’ll threaten 2 call Dyfiss on U if U so much as scold them 4 not passing their math test, what really can I say, kid DIE???????????????????????????? Guess I didn’t really miss out on 2 much, all though neither of mine would do things like that, I know that. Still, growing up in any generation is a story in its own, a real honest suegenaras situation despite any arguments 2 the contrary. U may B 40 or 50 and have grown kids, or B 35 or so with a couple of teens, but guess what, parents, U will never have lived 2 or 4 or 6 years, in the world of your kids. They tell us all this in indirect ways, and have throughout time, but we dismiss it, we R older, we have lived longer, as we fool ourselves into seeing this misguided perception. They R perhaps 16 and have lived 4 years as teenaged peeps in this time, U and I as parents, we never lived as teens 4 one minute, in THIS time, and THAT, is the equation, SIR-ROCK-TREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t B2 quick in dismissing this little piece of wisdom lads and lassies, just give it a bit of cogitation. Yes as adults, we have more wisdom and less foolishness, we learn 2 take less risks or most of us grow up, along with Dan Mackey and Robert McDowell, but nonetheless, the story remains the same. U cannot ever offer your wisdom as a mom or a dad, in some perfectly fitting puzzle piece, when the puzzles that need solving and belong 2 our children, R not the same picture, maybe ours was a truck on the highway, and theirs is a house in the hill. My point is there no matter how U may wanna pick it apart. We can get k 2 this also, Jim Rocks. So many would ask me how can I talk, how can I know, gee, how indeed, do U really think U can burry the dead deep enough Julia?

Deedee knows I am dead, an entire flock followed me yesterday from the water tower of Egg Harbor City, all the way back 2 Winslow, the place where lots of the cement came from that is holding up the great Manhattan Empire State Building, but it also is where Champ works, the border we had when we were Back living at Judge Tombay Bloodshoe Raso’s structure, at 65 Middle, the Medical office of the ‘other’ Atlantic City, Mister fake-hair. Aniwho, they know there name, they know it is DEEDEE. They were all over me while Ann was inside a bakery called Delucca’s on route 561, or Jimmy Leeds Devil Jersey Avenue. Never tell me there is no Jersey Devil, as I have not only seen this creature in the pine Barrens of this lovely state, but know the potential of this legend, and respect the judgment of President Bush, who would never have allowed experiments like World-Lab, even though pappy was is office at the time that I exploratronically visited this place in early 1989, while over in Philly at Walker and Water Streets, beneath Highway Interstate 95, Mister Transit Vandergrift Copyrights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, DEEDEE, a flock of DEEDEE’s really, swooped down and I called them by name. They R so beautiful and graceful, I love giant buzzards, all birds, but large things and black things R always going 2 enhance my liking, this is YI love the Turkey Buzzards and Hawks so much, and call them DEEDEE. When I call them, they come. One of them followed me miles and ,miles as I lay stretched out last year in an ambulance on the Atlantic City Expressway but this has absolutely nothing 2 do with my rear ending Governor Florio in 1990. That was exploratronic. Now Donna, that was right here.

Where R the State Police when U need them, last night at work, I did not C so much as one patrol car roll down that highway, not one, and I am less than a mile from the barracks. Maybe one of theirs was entertaining them all, all though he may not B living in Berlin, or even living any more, no matter how many rumors circulate, Kevin Bacon, tell your wife 2 close that one, I know all about it at any tide and any bet level, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Plato’s messenger is all worn out Brad, and yet where have 40 years really taken me old ‘buddy’? Well at least U never wet your underwear and your name wasn’t Brad Gaines, but Yogi, do I hear your voice again with those Abbey Carmichael deals? What can I say, BRO Mustache Exploratron?????????????????????????? Multiverse Existors and Mustache Exploratrons, now that is sure a motley crew if U add on swimming pools, tractor trailer hit-lists, and Doctor Goldberg!!!!!!!!!!! Still, I wonder who is cheating who, and who is feeling blue, and if Roseanne really cares who my so called past is part of an y more, maybe like so many, she just moved on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna move on 2 U know, it is THEY that will not allow it. It is their cornfield, and their rules, Mister Costner Karge. So how did World Lab really pull this off from advance dreamers? Do U all have 30 years 2 hear the details? So Y not just take me whittle word 4 it, whaaaaaaa? I am telling U that no matter what they appear 2 have done, there is no real physical alteration of normal time motion. We live here in this spinning ball of dog poop. It is creating a perception in your waking part of mind that produces roughly 400 separate instant pieces each and every minute, 4U and 4 me. If U go into space with a powerful propulsion system, U can indeed compress this illusion. U can return 100 years from now and think U were only gone a week, traveling around the solar system at 183 Kilomiles per second. Fine, but that proves nothing. How do U then get a message back 2 me 100 years ago? Well indeed, U can argue that distance delay radio transmissions would operate this way, only, if U bounced a signal off some dense matter or distant radscan object 50 light years away, all U will accomplish is sending your message 2 yourself when U get back. Will there B a time when any of us could potentially B advanced enough 2 use space that is inside of a controlled electromagnetic field, that has been polarity reversed so that electrons and protons inside this field R on opposite charges and time inside is running in reverse? OK, with this argument presented, I must admit, that I have 2 conclude that just maybe, within a few thousand years, this could happen. However, when it is within our ability 2 do this, we R still locked into a lawtronic power that forces us 2 never B able 2 alter our real true time perception, and remain in the same atomic bandwidth, so it is still the same argument, that U cold not travel backward, alter something, and have real effects on individual causality in unique individual dimensions in hyperspace, it would violate lawtronics, and can only come into our reality as fictional television movies and stories. The 4th and the 5th dimension R twins of a sort, and they move as well as operate together, they R married, in a sense, at least here is a term that most can relate 2, unfortunately as many might say.

PC? What is it. I have my own 2 items that I attach with these lovely initials, POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS, and kitty cat command, Saru will object 2 my wording this in the way that the initials would work out, and my mother would love this person. Maybe I will change this name from SARU of the UM site, 2 a shortened version and just say, SARUM. Thank U4 helping me learn 2 break my swearing habit, SARUM. I do find it interesting that if I am not mistaken, I have seen some other text on the site however, that gets through your stop-systems or editor filter programming, or whatever might B the teck-jargon? I could B wrong, but I am almost sure of my facts. Isn’t the world an interesting place indeed, Sarum?????????????????????????????? Possible combinations, hay Jay-Jay, U beat me 2 that pouch, BRO, and U beat Eddie Green it seems as well, BRAH. Still, my 1994 book called, “The Permission Barrier”, copyright MWM, discusses this topic in great length, but is there a permission barrier, some of U out there may just have wondered, once or twice after reading the name of my book. Yes there is thank the gods, it is called, LAWTRONICS, and will B discovered nearly 200 years from now by a professor who a tiny select few of U out here know, just as U know about the non reelection of New Jersey Governor Jim Florio, when I forgot the hyperspace effect of exploratronics, as well as the history marker datfile system of 1990, along with those so many other little pieces of paper that the Camden County Prosecutor told my mom that he wished that I would stop littering out of my car all the time, B4 things escalate out of hand. IT’S ALL PARLOR TRICKS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, SO DON’T B SO TOTALLY EASILY FOOLED. Whether a future is able 2 reverse space-poles in an EMF, and transmit it into a bouncing reactive exciter or some such equivalent thing, theoretically possible by bouncing it from our strings of satellites and lunar ones later constructed as well, or whether it is done by dreaming, or exploratronically, there is hyperspace effect. So then Y did UI claim 2 know the World Series in 2008? 4 right now, that has 2 stay quietly kept secret, because people involved in THIS curly equation, R2 powerful 4 me 2 really tick off right now. The Copyright Examiners if they really stop and smell the stinky dog stuff, remember the refrigerator and my cut and healed hand through Magnesonic. This is not travel, and they all know what I mean, this is showing me that I will someday remember things, they knew if I lived through this, I had 2 eventually, when will people learn 2C through the tricks and the deceptions of Houdini and Vegas magic, when??????????????????????????????? Maybe when waves and kings learn 2B as careful and subtle as the All Mighty incarnation wants them 2B, think about it, Jay-Jay Poole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t make me laugh with this Orson Wells and Weena junk, as that is what all this trickery is all about, it is all part of the MBS, the MISS-BLAKE-SYNDROME. It is all so funny is it not. Yeah, they did try 2 force me 2 use a cell phone, but I totally refused. Sorry 2 mess up your games, my lovely brown eyed girl. I know U mean well, so I just laugh and remember the day not so long ago by my way of seeing it. I try and remember the good part, not the bad. I always tell Cuz Dawn, I would rather C people happy than angry and sad. This is never a good thing.

A few R tearing out their hair and wondering what the great Roger had 2 say 2 me the other day. Well, B careful, U don’t wanna end up with a piece like the Donald. He said a lot, the note was 4 pages long, a lot, BRO. He said not 2 say a few things that he said, I won’t RC. But U told me that that is no disguise. It is an exploratron by my very own words. OK, let us assume this motion thing that all of UR about is so at issue here. What do U want from me? I am what I am, I can seemingly violate the Lawtron in this one way because of what I believe 2B true. It is only that I believe it 100%, and not 97, or 99, or 99.999999999999. One speck of doubting and not absolutely knowing, and poof, down U come fast and hard. Can’t UC that the reason this other universe is on my case si9ncve I have been a grown up BRAH, is because of this very thing? Mister Circle knew the truth, didn’t U dudes ever rap on that B4 he came over 2 the Wood and tried 2 poke around? U know, even Ann King Silva, between the wild shut down and after taste of none other than paranormal proportions of this long existing swimming club with dozens of very affluent members, and my mom giving my my HD when I said or did stuff she did not approve of, daily, is now convinced that ‘something’ is going on. She says, never tell Dawn any of it. Gee, really. Duh-81Z. Still pal, this is the only thing I can ever tell U, and it really makes me mad that no one believes me, not even U, I know U don’t. If I had a secret beyond that, I would tell U and the family, just in exchange 4 letting me C my own child, OK. Now, as 4 the WW Project, Copyright 1984 while residing on Highland Avenue, it was a song, don’t take it all so seriously, not everything with me, is totally telling true tales, can’t a song writer just write a song, ol’ pal?????? I do not care what the mighty LR may have told U, I was an exploratron at the time, not awake, and she fell 4 a big parlor trick. There is no shipyard story, get a life Rog. The only thing I know about her since 1978 is that she helped kick Sarah off of the number one Inde country music slot after a week, with her and her friend, but hay, that’s show bizz. The real anger is not even with my old part, PEEPEE. It is with his sick rotten egotistical nutcase associate, David Mahon. Bad name 2 BRO. Have U been following my long winded story????????????????????? Hope U have, since U have had more than ample time 2 go hog wild with some ol this other stuff. Look, here is the deal. I will show this entire family anything, and in return, just let me leave this situation, U all know what is going on, just let me escape this nightmare. Games and distractions R fine and well, but this is beyond Les Kiter and his cuz, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As 4 the transmission machine that some say I built in 1979, that is a rotten lie, along with whatever Karpf and his dad, or anyone else 4 that matter, may have told anyone else. It is easy 2 lie and say anything, but wow Rog, I have real proof of stuff, yet real judges, cops, prosecutors, and politicians won’t touch any of it with a pool pole, I wonder Y? Let us at least B straight here, U said at the cigar store U were my friend and knew how bad this deal was. Fine, U also knew I had a kid. That is not forgivable with my own mother, U don’t really think I am gonna forgive U when I don’t forgive her, gimme a break. No disrespect, but please YO, gimme a break, and if U do C Margie over at the Moorestown store, or wherever she might B, tell her about Lenny Atkins, gee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now in case there R any flames beneath that smoke on the news the other day, let me go 2 sleep and dream this machine is on and leave eleven of the clock and come back 2 a quarter of nine and post up. Don’t wanna get into trouble at work, now do I, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t swallow it, YO, but then, wonder, right Frank from Mars?????????????????????????????????????? 1977 was yesterday 2 me, but I think about the days with U and Maroni quite a bit. How’s that bombshell wife of his doing these days, BRR?????????????????????????

As 4 World Labsd and Dorthea Dario, I knew her long B4 that was her last name, Roseanne. Without this powerful exploratron interacting with me, I never would B here, and lots of powerful stuff around the globe, would not B there, she plauys a major role in hyper-dimensionalization, let us leave this here with Anthony and the Leavers, 4 right now. Still, there also is Little Anthony, and if I had gone back with him that night in 90 or whenever, 2 his New York nightclub, something tells me that 2009 would not B the way it is right now, I wonder if that is a good thing or a bad thing, I can never know all that, UC Bruce, U had me pegged perfectly in 1972, U said I am only human, like UR, bud!!!!!!!!!!! Still, I never cheat in games, or steal songs from anyone, at least I sure hope I never have, wow, what did U say Bruce?????????????????? Hope U and your girl made up LA, not being a smart a^& here, just trying 2B a decent guy, dude. Best of luck BRO.

Google Engine, Satellite World Interconnection System, and King-Soifer
World Labs, this is all Copyrighted Michael Wayne Mountainpen, psudenum, Mark Wayne Mohr, and HS identity, or one out of googolplexes of them anyhow that I’ve tuned into, Mark Martin ‘non-tattooed’ Rusty. The death angels and Leavers R back, so R the mists, so is the Brigger Cult, only as Harner told me so many times, HE, and in this case, THEY, never left. OK, Billy whatever U say, I have had many disagreements with many rock stars over my time, U never win, so I just shut the heck up, and play the friggin’ game.

End Transmission until blog # eleven rolls into conscious mind maya. Stay solid there Mister Klemp, I think U make one heck of a great exploratron. Aniwho, E/T.

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