Monday, November 9, 2009


All subtitles apply, some of which R:
Beginning of Transmission:

Yesterday, Sunday, I made a Bruce Pennock verification that I am only a human being and that nobody indeed is perfect. I used today’s date, and said November 9 while it still was November 8, my error. Sahwee evewybwuddy.

As soon as I posted up my last blog, say within 10 minutes or so, a nasty loud and low chopped zenithed over my home here at 13th & Frankiemyway Streets, here in the Blueberry Capitol of this sick demented and demonic world.

Don’t B cute world, I know that the powerful amongst me has worked out millions of GAWNUM matches, and has numerous software programs now analyzing literally tons of freaking data. Glad I am able 2 assist U. Happy that this little worm germ can do something 2 serve my powerful KING TAWF WOMO.

It is time 2 tell this planet of blind willful-ignorance now, that without any further hesitation, in black and white, the simple truth, that I have concluded that these 2 families all though they have been in feud 4 centuries, also R indeed in bed, in more ways than one.

This is Y the mention was made with Dawn and her real father, not the fake she loves down in Puerto Rico, along with Jane Nace and how the Freudian mind slip was sent into me from the sixth dimension, when discussing his song and another song that he had nothing 2 do with, both having 2 word titles and one word being sister, and in reverse order, DUH-81Z, and in all colors and ceramics!

Look, B real, I cannot tell everything. At least, mom had her say, Dave had his later in the pine forests, everyone got 2 record their music, and no harm no fowl, right? Well, wow, can IC the gorgeous babe in the old early eighties hair shampoo commercial inside my mind, W-R-O-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Playing with the paranormal was always a game with me, so was music, or anything 4 that matter. I think the only thing that I ever took seriously in my life was ROULETTE. This lady has indeed forever stolen my heart and my attention. Still, this does not mean that those around me felt as I did. They did take things seriously, and in many ways, the same peeps that think ol’ mountainpen takes life in general a bit 2 seriously, R actually taking life much more seriously. I know it is all nothing but a bunch of freaking waves and particles. I know that IU am in void nothingness right now in total truth, dreaming out and away using space dimensions as the tool for interactive room, and time dimensions as the tool 4 interactive order. The great older gentleman organ player understands this totally. So does his organization that soon I plan 2 make contact with. They need 2B told my life story and know also about TAWF and the Queen Guatamayan JULIA WHITE. There is no way that SHE can ever B “darker than UR, Sarah!!!

Yes the contact information is at the end of the videotape, and it was my hyperspace daughter Pee-Junior who told me 2 do this. Those misinformed pathetic peeps that think only tangible life here is real. The total opposite is real, this is all a fake, a powerful parlor trick, an illusion of the greatest smoke and mirrors that Vegas could ever have 2 offer any of us, the epitome of MAYA.

Timeless-Satellite, and my teenaged scheme 2 create both it, as well as an army of androids 2 work 4 me so that I could build it and create it in my lifetime, was no accident. No young lad in his middle teens could possibly have come up with all of this wild nightmare stuff on his own without any external help. U believe that is not so, and U place the ultimate SC hat on YOUR internet head, BRA-------------HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this death siege and EVIL-EMPIRE strike does not back off, there is gonna B a huge horrific rash of destruction this world over, POWERFUL STORMS, EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOE, FLOODS, WILDFIRES, FROUGHTS, and there will B heavy casualties and violence everywhere, all caused by MAGNESONIC, as it has been done all along since 1985 when all this got started, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! U have been politely informed, WOMO trash slime.

Thank U4 your part in being a total snake, Mister Bernstein and family, U pile of diseased mob filth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring it on, and wish U hadn’t, BRO!!!

End Transmission:

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