Sunday, November 29, 2009


SUNDAY, 112909.350.5555555555555555

OK, John the KING, late, 2-LATE, or Congressman Whatever Greatvoice Andrews, let me get right down into the dirty trenches. 1st off, there is a new SAURM FACTOR 4 me 2 deal with, and I need 2 explain this on 4 blogging sites that I’ll B capping this into in an hour or two. I received a message and, um, well it seems that the great Mr. Wolf’s television show, “Law and Order”, has a lot more reality 2 it, than even I initially began believing. We bloggers R being asked not 2 post exact information, as it is stirring up things. Well, I stayed up past noon yesterday, looking all through about half a dozen or more recent blogs, and could not find one exact address that I posted, still I will not B doing this any longer. So 4 example, my cousins in Long Island a long time ago grew up on, I am permitted 2 say Peninsula Drive, but not the exact house number, stuff like this. No problem, but a lot more is happening than this somewhat interestingly timed request. I am more paranoid and connect many more dots than the average person does, translation, I am far less gullible than most people, Mister Shotinthedark Flowerman. I am nobody’s fool. All is connected, all is energy, and here go the boxes again, this must B THE MILLIONTH COUNCIL’S NEWEST HACKING FREAKING GAME. WOW DID I HAVE A GREAT TIME WITH YOUR MOTHERS THE LAST FEW NIGHTS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot dog, Jethro Bodine Clampett Hillbilly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moving on, all though the mighty MC will always do their ultimate best at distracting and interfering with my telling of any stories that they know darn right well involves them directly, and imparts mighty secrets, but here goes aniwho, BRO!!!! This sure was not my best time 4 receiving that message, but I always obey the rules, Mister Lowenstein. I all ready am in a horrible jail, and do not need a double bubble set of problems. UC, the way I look at life, those with sordid things they try and hide, need 2B Joe Friday Dragnet Protected, bum-ba-ba-ba-BUMMMMMM. I am telling a powerful true tale, and even though I am no perfect person and am totally as human as Bruce Pennock, and others, I want it all out there in the open, along with my pal Ward cleaver, and broken automobile windows, still, there is Mister Lowenstein, and so I obey. I must keep learning 2B more discreet and subtle, I know this. My youngest read me the riot act when I fell asleep yesterday, telling me, “I am about as subtle as a piercing knife, through a salt covered pre-existing wound”, as she put it. 4 an 11 year old, that is quite a statement. It is therefore time 4 daddy 2B more careful of the step there at the local Comcast Cable Company office, sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do U know what it is like 2 have your entire life violated, B murdered not once, but numerous times, B unable 2 remain at a peaceful death, and never B able 2 receive any justice or the smallest amount of understanding or sympathy from those around U? No, U do not, so judge me if U want 2, but it is as valueless of a judgment, as a pile of smelly garbage blowing in the winds of hell.

Getting down 2 cases, it seems that Arthur Huntington loved quite a normal life until right up through and until 3 or 4 days B4 the brutal double murder/suicide event, in Braintree in 1948. Family curses had little 2 do with Y he did what he in fact did do on that early February night. Here is the story as best as I know it right at this tick tock moment, UR now as up 2 date as I am, and I am the one living through this nightmare hell, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arthur owned a men’s clothing store in Boston, the city nearby his suburbia home in Massachusetts, and ran it quite successfully. Money and finances were definitely not the problem, and the family stories that exist and attempt 2 portray this totally wrong reason 4 the incident, R pure fiction and lies. What happened is that he had been visited by a friend of his father’s, his father being, Herbert Huntington. He was a younger friend, and quite close 2 his son Arthur’s age, and when Arthur was a younger dude, these 2 men became real good buddies as U might say in these more modern times. Oh well, at least they were not real good girls with lots of pretty curly hair, and smacking Moe and Larry all around!!!!!!! If they were smacking WOMO, now that would B a HORSE of a totally different COLOR, but then, soon it’ll B 3030, just not in mye lifetime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moving back on POINT, we will just call this man by the name Bill, I could have chosen that out of hundreds of other names. Bill and Arthur went on a short Roadtrip, I think possibly 2 go hunting, but they did not take their pal Judge Tonbay along on the trip, let’s keep the humor going here, Harold!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don’t beat me up when I go 2 sleep later, Mye, I am just trying 2 keep things lightened up so I don’t totally lose it. Anyway, on this hunting trip, or if it was not, is was some short fun thing that these 2 men in fact did on a regular basis, and out of the blue, Bill said 2 Arthur, did your wife ever tell U about her family from Illinois and the dark secret? He did not know about anything and told
Bill this. Bill was not sure he should tell it since his friends’ wife had not seen fit 2B candid about it with her own hubby after many years of happy marriage. A strange hack just happened on the computer. This box showed up and the words address-block came up in the middle of my sentence back there, with 2 very strange characters on each side of them that I do not C on my keyboard, and it was difficult getting rid of it, eventually I tried highlighting this stupid thing and then hitting the backspace key on my board. It went off, but back again 2 this, as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL IS DOING ALL IT CAN 2 PREVENT ME FROM TELLING A VERY HUGE THING RIGHT NOW, and is getting told because I am under death siege, hacks, sky, chemtrails, choppers, planes, U name it, and it all came zooming at me at daybreak, and is very major. Some huge MILLIONTH COUNCIL THING HAS INVADED MY COMPUTER, AGAIN, and I know this, I am not that stupid. So getting back 2 Alice Gallagher Huntington not being straight forward about this huge secret in the family with her husband, let me move it along B4 the friggin” MC wrecks my entire system. Her family is all a part of the Chicago deal in Decamp’s book, and they all knew the father of Robert McGuire of Atlantic City, who bu8ilt the Pittsburg Hotel on Tennessee Avenue back around 1902. There R secrets in this building that involve the great Kennedy’s, Monroe, Hoffa, and especially Teddy. The reason I know this is because Teddy Kennedy told me about it. He is a very good friend of mine, or was, B4I was shot 2 death by a state of New Jersey Police Trooper in a deserted wooded clearing that is not all that far from Hammonton, where I have resided here in this dimension of the hyperspace 4 more than 9 years now since Halloween Day of oh-oh. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Wife, Jacqueline, is a miniature, or was many years ago in this dimension, of Sarah Krassle, from upline, in facial features. Let me tell UB4 going on with this, YI have interacted exploratronically, with so many United States presidents, from the man now in office, back 2 every one of them except 4 Reagan and Clinton, going back up until Mister Ford, Patty Lang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the parallel universe where SODI exists, most of the political twins of this universe R all family friends. Beyond this, I cannot go, first it is very complex, and secondly, it is not all bloggable. Between the SARUM FACTOR and a warning note from Roger, that says that his curly cuz is about ready 2 come over and personally kick my butt, I have 2B much more careful in telling mye life story, I simply couldn’t resist that one, sahwee Elmer!!!!!!!!!! Actually, Rog, Y is she mad? I am the one that got the really bad end of this horrific stick, BRR???????? I all ready promised I won’t make WAVES with Dirty-Nasty-Absolutes, that would prove my entire hell indeed goes far beyond the limits of this mortal world, and if I give my word, that is final. Today, I need 2 tell that I have learned some things, and what is bloggable or hopefully is bloggable, is gonna get said, one way or another, and with or without mopping up the floor r the bloody shoes, OJ. Get real, if my asking questions on Tennessee Avenue in 1997 up set the great man from Ireland, and I was the invader of the street poking his nose around where it did not belong, that is one thing, give me a punch in the nose and a shove, and tell me 2 get lost. But when a man comes at U with a hand gun, and wrecks 2 of your automobiles with sand in the gasoline tank, over a 13 year period, long B4I was asking anything down there in stinking rotten Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG, this is not simple rage at a nosy invader, this is a major cover up and total Shannon FEAR that somebody knows something beyond HUGE, and is dangerous 2 them and theirs, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If only I had the money 2 get a new website, and repost the photos of this Irish son ob a bully witch, coming up 2 our legally parked car, taking legal tourist website photographs, and actually broke the law and illegally harassed myself, and Mister Edward Himacane Lynch. 2 bad Ed’s monster brother is in the hotel big boy, he took out 2 coeds, and not on any date, and I am quite sure he would not blink an eye about taking U out also 4 messing with his BRO, BRAH!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, the Gallagher connection with Senator Decamp, and the connection with the gone-missing-kids-club, and the LAMBRIGGER CULT, is all there, and when Arthur was told, back in 1948, that this plan was in the works, and that a powerful thing was going 2 begin in the following month, and that is the official start of the abduction of many people, some would B adults, hypnotized, drugged, and even told they were on spaceships, all 2 keep the truth from ever REALLY COMING TOTALLY OUT, with the GONE-MISSING-KIDS-CLUB, the entire UFO and ROSWELL thing was a planned hoax, and even powerful interests in the Unites States Military, both WERE, and STILL R, IN ON ALL OF THIS, BRAH!!!!

Senator Ted Kennedy told me a lot of things, and over where SODI was a multi-billion dollar land management company, home based right here in New Jersey, and I was one of the 3 partner and equal share owners in 1986, there was a huge party planned, and I was with Ted, and he had a few, and was laughing and having a great time, and told me un-bloggable stuff, I cannot wait 2C it when it all comes out in the 100 year waiting period’s end.

There never was any HUNTINGTON CURSE, not over in that parallel universe, and not here either. But when Arthur Huntington learned about this, he had a very wealthy cousin in the Eastman side of this family, check things out. When he learned this monstrous plot was real, and that they were about 2 target thousands of children over the next 4-8 decades, he went off his nut and totally cracked. This is Y he was observed by neighbors up in Braintree, the day B4 the atrocity, 2B whistling and mowing a lawn as though nothing was even any different, while all the while, obviously planning 2 take an ax out of his store, bring it home, and make a noose as well 4 himself, and then do what had 2B done. Yes, I could probably never have done this dastardly deed, but now at least I better understand his pain, Kevin Costner. There is obviously volumes left 2 talk about with this, and I need not start in right now. The hyperspace effects with President O sure had a mighty punch 2 them. UC, here is where, as financially poor as I am, I am totally different than all of U. This also is Y so many R thinking that my tale here is a balloon hoax. Let me make one thing PERFECTLY NIXON CLEAR, about myself, I am not chasing the deer, or the buck. Even if I get it proven someday that 4 example, McGuire wrecked 2 of my cars, maybe more, I just want this filthy piece of sewer scum in prison where he belongs. I would not want one red cent in restitution from his mighty empire, here is what all of U out here in Net-lands that love money so much can go and do with all of your rotten diseased money: snort, hock, puuueyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want nothing. What I desire, all of U put together cannot ever give me, and that is nirvanic oblivion, total non awareness 2 any possible interaction, in the void, on the Astral Plane, or out here in the dreamlands of 5th dimensional hyperspace. I would push a button without batting an eyelash that would wipe out ten trillion Earth’s and all of its peeps, if in return, I could receive this priceless gift, NONEXISTENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We EXIST, U do, I do, and all else is a freaking illusion, even bloody shoes and curly hair, all parlor tricks, all MAYA. Go and Google up the mighty religion calling themselves, ECKANKAR, and at least U will c that I am not all alone in much of my speech and text, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I’m saying with all of this is 4 example, the newest balloon deal, the party crashers at Obama’s house. All they want is 2 sell the media a story and they R taking nothing less or so I heard on my car radio last night, than 500 grand. 4 what? 4 BREAKING THE LAW, 4 TRESSPASS, 4 SHOWING THAT OUR GREAT SECRET SERVICE IS NO BETTER ORGANIZED THAN MY PRIVATE SECURITY OUTFIT, AND PROBABY IS NOT AS GOOD AS MYE’S???????, AS JAY LENO HAS INFORMED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should my nightmare ever B really figured out, stopped, and those responsible 4 the total destruction of an entire human life, and long term torture of a fellow human being, brought 2 justice in a criminal proceeding that leads 2 a conviction and a heavy prison sentence, THAT IS ALL I WANT. U can all keep your stinking BLOOD MONEY, U couldn’t give me a thin dime, and U never could pay me off, I have evolved past my days of discussing the exploding gas tank, and am glad it is used on my favorite TV show, if nothing else than 2 help me make my point right now, screw U and your money, but I do demand justice, and no matter what U do 2 me, I will keep pursuing it. If the websites all shut me down, I will go off disability and run far away and work 100 hours a week, and have a webmaster create the monster website that MORIANITY needs 2B, and never was under the now imprisoned Ed Himacane. America has slowly spun around on this wheel, and I’ve watched it now 4 many decades. How can we make a buck off something? Well if anyone ever accuses me of that motive or goal, in so far as my trying 2 get my story out, and getting the help I need 2 resolve a cosmic nightmare of proportions never B4 experienced by mortal man, all I can keep saying 2 any of U is what I told Mizz UMWELL, U don’t know me from Jack smelly stuff, this is not what I am about. Yes it makes me a bit wild that I told a powerful idea and something that simulates none other than still-fictional time travel, seems 2 have just poofed into my personal hologram interaction, but that is not me creating a fake story or breaking the law, so I can make the news and try and sell a story. This is not what Mountainpen, or Morianity will ever B, or ever was, all about, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’d B lying 2 say I didn’t wish I could click a magic pair of Dorothy Twister heals and after 3 times, the entire world would come 2 know my story in one huge fell swoop, and judge it all right then and there 4 themselves. I would crave this, this is YI am blogging 4 crissake, but let’s keep the real priorities straight, and please do not confuse me with parents that would put their kids up 2 scaring an entire nation 4 an afternoon, just 2 get press and money, and couples that seem 2B celebrity struck and R chasing big bucks. If that is what America now worships, this type of rotten behavior that smells so bad it makes diarrhea in contrast smell like fudge, then I am indeed way out of place, and living in the wrong time, and need 2 get back home. The school mate from ‘over there’ in the ‘other’ Sarah-Hurrahs Atlantic City, wanted 2 get home 2, sorry kid, U exist, and that’s that, Esolph. I am not the boy who cried Wolf, but I am sure THAT-BOY who thanks Mister Wolf 4 seemingly caring enough about me 2 dedicate his life 2 a mission of rendering lots of great assistance and advice 2 me, while simultaneously creating the greatest television law show production in the history of the EW (Entertainment World). I said I’d put U in my will, but actually, U would not want 2 inherit my bills or my hell, so forget that, ol’ buddy. If U wanna ever show me what the entire thing is all about, and think U can do it cleverly so that no one else but me gets the true message, U can send your team over here, and I will personally let U have my dad’s 7 Spanish Treasure Galleon sites on a locked away sea chart. I could never do anything with them, it would B a multimillion dollar operation 2 reach the stage of go-bat. But did U or anyone else ever wonder Y my dad was so fascinated with buried treasure, and especially out in the area near the Golf of Mexico, in the Atlantic Ocean off of Florida? I have contacted real psychics, and moist R total fakes, but there R real ones and I know this 2B a fact, Mister fakejane, who have told me that my dad personally knew the Callio family, as well as powerful people in circles of government, treasure salvage, and the EW. He carried the same type of gun that the great Lenny McKinnon did, and here is the time 2 tell what U said Roger, sorry, I cannot resist this any longer.

He is not holding any WAWA or office stores up, nor is he out under some field, any more than Mister Hoffa is. Lenny said something so horrendous recently, according 2 Roger, about me, that if I knew where he was, and I had his side iron, I would not totally trust myself. UR1 horrible evil big brother, that is what UR. I think that when you mommy had U, she instantly died of fright and fear of retribution from the gods. U evil and sick man. I hear the train coming, if U still live in Reading, BRR, please fall down onto the tracks and let fresh air exist once more on Planet Earth. Roger, I am sorry, but this was totally monstrous, and I am almost as mad at U, 4 what U said in addition 2 what he said. Did U ever stop and wonder YI am trying 2 put this hellish nightmare together, or RU like everybody else, mono-minded-$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$? The gods, wake up and smell the rotten spoiling 3 day old caf, bud. U said U were my friend last year. That seems 2B the biggest lie told on Earth since I told Stacey I am not my brothers keeper 13,000 years ago. I am, U know, we all R, where is your humanity. I do not expect any from fam, but I thought U told me that U had a falling out because U did not believe in some of their plans. I really do dislike using the “A” word, as it makes it sound 2 sinister, but hay, BRO, how dumb does your family think I am? I had no choice but 2 get a lot of my memories knocked away, spray cans, top pro hypnotherapists, giant musclemen that stalked me, giant girls also, and more, give me a break there liteupman.

Speaking of the GG67 Club, or sightings of girls between 6 and 7 feet over and over again wherever I go, this seems 2B coming back. U all scare me like a rushing overflowing diseased toilet, get a life, mine is occupied, BRO!!!!!!!!!

Well, under the SARUM REGS, things may reach a point where I will get a bit 2 much Ron Wirtz ON-POINT, and end up politely removed. Hopefully, this will not become the eventuality, and still, I am on 3 other open-non-censored sites. Also I plan 2 try and get connected into a few serious minded UFO-oriented blogger sites as well. After-all this all connects, and Terry from the Harbor is nothing but a fool. This story is not scatterbrained, and if any of U out here can connect it all up better, and get some justice 4 a destroyed life of 55 years come Friday, then B MYE GUEST, any of UUU!!!!!!!! MORIANITY is no balloons, no party crashing, and no fiction. I am no James Patterson or Steven Spielberg, so bear with me, if I was some pro writer, I would not B having all of these hassles and problems, or would I? I know a parallel universe where all the money and connections in the world was not stopping this, whatever this thing is, so the gods only know how all of it is planed and destined 2 all come out. But if U wanna play couch-dock or tell me I should B writing with a ghost and competing with James, don’t bother e-mailing or commenting, please. I will read the first 3 words and know, and click away, BRAH. I have no time 2B told that what I know, is not what I know. I have no time 4 any bull shirt.

Well, now I am not so concerned any longer with cousins, and YI am the next dude ion line 4 all of this horrendous hellishness, and Y they escaped it, and who might B up after I’m gone, and blahh-bleee-blumm. Still this latest exploratronic interaction with Ted Kennedy, as a man in his thirties, in a parallel world where the year was still 2009, was quite major. He told me other things as well. What I have told on this blog is just one of the things that he divulged, and only because he was a bit early into the party that he was phoning up lots of the Sensate making invitations 4 a few hours later on.

JANE SRUTSHIRTSBUNT just NAILED ME AGAIN. 4 absolutely no discernable or logical butt wiping reason, I just happen 2 look up at the clock, staring at 4 ugly large red ones. Let me do this and attempt 2 compensate, it won’t as the freaking damage was freaking bloodyshoe done, baseball freak. 5555555555555 plus 555555555555555555 times 55555555555555555555555 divided by555555555555 subtracted from 55555555 to the power of 5555555555555 is equal 2 what, Mister Einstein??????????????????????????????? Anyone, especially, that ignorant witch Terry from the HARBOR, with her SECRET, and her put downs, can do things 2 me that the great SARU of the UM would not approve my saying in a million days. But, U get the picture of what U can go and do Mizz Terry Know-it-all. The UNCONSCIOUS mind is what that great SECRET of your obeys, Terry Einstein, not your normal awake mind and its so called wants and desires. So go ahead and believe that U know so much more than I do, UR like a shadow of passing light 2 me, 2 quick 4 me or my side mirror 2 ever observe. Give it 2 me Marge Leo, Atkins diets and all, just please, I really do need that friggin’ BREAK, thank-UUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many have told me how they could repair my life and how they would do this and do that. My mom is a prime example of this. She said all the time how I was such a pathetic person, and how she was so great, and how she could do it so much better. Well one day, a coworker at her office began giving her just a little bit of trouble. She was spoiled rotten. She was brought up with summers at Long Beach Island and her dad owning the summer camp down there called Mequon, an all boys camp, with any boy that she wanted 2 date, just there 4 the berry-picking and choosing, along with her sister Barbara, who was such a mind case that she was no competition despite her physical beauty. Then she got a job at 19 at a famous top American city shipping company, Lavino, later bought out in the nineties by the great British firm, Inchcape, that held this firm and many others, a billion dollar + operation, and only one child 2 raise, who never was interested in girls and sex, never smoked or drank, and had no interest in popping pills and shooting up, or taking any kind of illegal drugs, no pot, and no nothing as Diana would say; and she had it so made in the freaking shade, it stunk going in reverse at the speed of light squared, Albert. Aniwho, when just as tiny bit of real world pressure was one day exerted on her back, and she came 2 know a tiny taste of my world and things that I endured and lived through on a daily basis all of my darn crummy life, she turned 2 the bottle, and in no time at freaking all, I was a regular in the liquor store, buying bottles of whiskey 4 her 2 drown her BIG TROUBLES in. One day, she said some things that really made me wonder some things, after lots of swishing the juices and then upchucking. This is when THAT FAMILY from 1970 started getting nervous that she would talk, and tell about what happened in 1975 up in freaking
Babylon, Long freaking Island. Then the mighty Paula King had 2 strike her in her sleep, and my mom was never the same after that. Whiskey was no longer the big hell in my life, it was this horrendous monstrous surreal medical condition after she was literally brought back from the dead as U mortals would say, at the Kennedy Horsepistol up on the hill at Stratford, New Jersey.

How many of U know that when my mom was pout in the hospital by mighty exploratron Paula, she had the unmitigated nerve 2 trap me in the hospital elevator, and rape me? It is all on previous blogs from late oh seven into early oh-eight, Misses Marolatron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Babylon was where she saved one of our ‘encounters’ 4 later transplantation in early July of 1969, but this was the first week of January now up in 1997. My daughter Paula King Junior would have been born on September 29th, but she died inside of Paula. How does the great opera play the Quintessential Blues Song, mentor Hinger??????????????? Did U all ready know the NSA dude fake that was about 2 replace U when U returned 2 your native Manhattan around mid-late autumn of 1967? Did U ever get 2C those cool one way mirrors, Freddy boy? How about coworkers, how does all of that play out, BRR?????????? Am IO connecting 2 many dots, or not enough dots, Lieutenant Anita Sorrysick?????????????????? Besides sending all of your consciences out 2 lunch and then shooting them dead like dogs, what other atrocities does TF-70 plan 2 do 2 me B4 the next poison cake is served, and my shoes turn bright red??????? Well, better my shoes, than my insides. Aniwho, I do get the feeling that mye days might B numbered on the entire internet system, until I can get my own webmaster 2 really do a bang up job. UC Judge Tonbay employs this dude Walter, a handyman, as he is in the slumlord bizz. When I told Ann and him originally about THINGS and technology being perfect 4 doing THINGS, Walter told me he had experience with the Queen Victoria Callio Network, and had his product aired on it at one time, and also had a successful website done by a really good webmaster. No one them 1 year ago said BOO about this all ready existing. Now Ann says 2 me last week, it is been there 4 two years or so. I am tired of trusting people with great ideas and getting torn 2 shreds, how much blood can fit on my poor shoes, yo? They do not have this yet, not the way I talked about it, where the recording companies sell a music track that syncs up with the midrange speaker inside the large digital dolls. Try getting this at Wal-Mart, who R peeps trying 2 bull puke, the child with a lollyslop in his stupid mouth????????????????? I told Samsonite when I was ten years old that they should put ball bearing wheels on suit cases and an adjustable handle 4 easy carrying. A year later it was done, shortly after writing me a very legal looking letter telling me that THEY ALL READY HAD THE IDEA. Capitalism, hay call it however U want, I call it Crookedalism, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not GET this idea, it has been out, but not here. It came out in 2005 over in the SODI parallel. Paula King Junior invented it at the age of 6, shortly B4 they shot and killed her daddy, me. She did not make it over here, but because she does live over there, this is the hyperspace effect of Y Paula decided 2 come into an empty hospital elevator, hit the stop switch, throw a piece of duct tape over the camera, easy when U stand 7 friggin’ feet high in flats, and then proceeded 2 literally rip all my clothes right off of me like a crazy girl. She is so beautiful, and I’d B the liar of the internet 2 tell U that I did not have the freaking time of my life, and right down the hall a ways from where this monster had just flatlined my mother. CAN U DO THIS GOOD JAMES PATTERSON, CAN U, MIZZ UMWELL, MYE-MYE, Harold Camping, U always did have a powerful affinity with my older daughter, but t5remember, she really lives on the Astral Plane in HER true existence, in a lovely city called Sahasra Dal Kanwal. She is here 4 one reason, and it makes me ill. She tells all the rest of us not 2 put our attention on atomic arrangements held together by forces,(material-things), and then her entire reason 4 all of this is 2 get around a major Astral Plane law that I talked about 3 years ago on the now extinct MOTIANITY-FOUNDATION website.

So no more exact names and addresses, must B real careful, well, that is YI do avoid it in the case of world celebrities, as mush as I’m able 2. How I remember how the song about her was silenced by Atlantic City TAWF branch members, when it aired on the Vineland, New Jersey radio station, WVLT. How a once local celeb herself was crucified and accused of being something that she definitely never was. U know, I know many celebs, and none of U out here have a clue how much pain they go through, how human they all really R, and how phony the EW forces them 2B in this new world order of things. Tinsel town was always sort of this way, now try multiplying some quantitative mathematical formula on what used 2B, and just maybe, U will have what it all has evolved into, BRA---HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes starting at daybreak, I had some fairly heavy chemtrailing around just this area, where the great blueberries R grown and picked by the mighty MAYAN peeps who predestined and programmed all of this. Things R rapidly winding down, tick-tock, and neither 11 or 12 is gonna B that significant, sorry Nostro. I could tell U how things change so huge in the twenties, but should I? This is what I wrestle with. So how do I claim 2 know what dreams will in fact happen, and what ones will not? Well, it has 2 do with the energy supply, that causes the vividness and the recall, when back awake in your own reality. All a parlor trick, but still it is real in its own rights. Do all vivid dreams happen? UC, this is no easy topic 2 address, there R so many factors, such as trick memory. Many memories of exploratronic experience R instant alterations that more easily R able 2 adapt 2 your now awake real world that U just popped back seemingly into. Can U trust your dream memories then no matter how vivid? Only 2 a point, and someday I’ll teach U all more on that trick. Can U trust your memories here? Wow, I am glad this came up without being all out of place and just suddenly blogged as a new paragraph in the worlds of Terry Egghead Harbors and her scatterbrained judgment calls. I originally had absolutely no memory of ever quickly asking my oldest daughter 2 stop laughing and slapping her left thigh B4 the music track started after Mister Martino Junior hit the play square on my open reel Panasonic Techniques RS1500US recording machine. When I began remembering flashes, I went 2 sleep and saw it all replay out. I asked Martino his giant sister, and Mye, and several others in the room, if they could tell me about the Starburn Land Management Company, and they all just gave me very honest blank stares. I knew then that I was an exploratron back in that other world. I was actually revisiting the past of my own world, that may have been off by a few atoms, such as a piece of dust in a closet somewhere in Japan, was no there, and instead that dust was over here in some Detroit, Michigan Auto Plant. I was really experiencing the past, and remembering, that I was sprayed by Doc Roger’s MOA sauce. Then I observed it all, and then, I woke up, and when I went 2 work, I grabbed the original tape that does not have a karaoke mix of me singing recently over it, and a very clear voice that is absolutely MINE, is on there, and it says, “MYE”, as though I am going 2 start now, cool it. It is there, and the entire copyright office of the United States can pull this, and back in 1986, it will B on there, it happened, but my memories were messed up with that can of spray that Martine shot me with. Can U do better than this, Spielberg Umwell? No, because U write fiction, and I write facts. I may not have them all, nor have the correct order of them all of the time, but there is no weather balloon fakes in here, and I have absolutely no intentions of crashing any White house Parties, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I*t is time 4 me 2 take a whittle nap, I muyst work a 4-midnight later, and I know they will persefreakingcute the living disease out of me, as always. Sundays R pure hell. WOMO just crucifrickinfies me on Sundays, well, “SUNDAYS”, right? My 61st grand pop’s uncle Jesus, and me, guess this is more our destiny than even the Atlantic Queen, still I think kettle drums R great in that song, but they blow in that silly TNT promo every week. Well, what can U say, there Kid-DIE, other than BOOM, huh???? Oh, a PBHE occurred , I will not hug U big meat packer, gorgeous as UR, I did however accidentally or perhaps not, type in the word HUH. Don’t worry, it’ll B all right, just not 4 me this morning, this is when all of Lester Upline broke loose 4 me today. If U don’t mind, I’ll stay a bit up tight with this. I wish the chemtrails were out of sight however, YO, big D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE SYSTEM, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM, AND KING/SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES OF 2297, this is all Copyrighted Michael Wayne Mountainpen in 2009, quit Quantum exploratroning, please, tank-U!!!!!!!! This is total truth, all though not one soul has a clue what truth is, truth is void infinity, and void infinity is truth. Still, speaking mortally, I am telling this truth as best as my waking world knowledge is permitting me 2 in fact do so, BRO. This is all registered on a blogging website as well. Lads and lassies and definitely all pretty LABS, may I bid U now a fond farewell, until we meet again on the mighty net, after all, I am the greatest fish in the whole damn bay, and even the Atlantic city Beach Patrol named me SHARKEY in 1997. U guys would love some of Ann’s photographs with her and Mayor Whalen in the bar together, come ion, these dots, they never stop, and what, I am paranoid and nuts huh, well HUG this, $(&^#$$#@$%$@@%{}{||\\|\\\\|\\\|@#***(*{!!!!!!!!


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