Wednesday, November 4, 2009

stu-blog 16

All subtitles apply, and a fitting blog number 4 this night
Ten shy of eleven at night, November 4th, 2009

Nothing at all is happening that I am shocked over, it is old, cold, predictable, and a royal pain in many places, from King Neb’s old haunts slightly 2 the northeast all the way 2 the capitol of Blueberries, and far beyond in all points outward and into the expansion. A child can C this entire thing, a silly, dumb, runny nosed pain in the rear end tiny simple child. Parallel event and using it against people much weaker than u that have no resources nor any family support, and determining the outcomes after researching it for 24 years or so is child’s play, or put another way perhaps would B, a simple little trick. Here is the way another weather balloon hoax would work, only I am 2 honest 2 do this, but if I had wanted 2, what would have stopped me from saying the following on this blog: OK, U heard me discuss my early days of commodity trading. How I was fooled by the experts and the professionals on the floor of the stock exchange who were playing and messing with me. They always want your money and they have the power 2 get it away from U every time, unless UR not greedy, cursed, or totally stupid and a mark 4 the con person. Lots of freaking Brooklyn bridges have been sold 2 many people all over the world. Notice how I told U’all the first trades were so great, and then after a dead unmoving metals market in the early autumn of 1979, I get into it and it zooms lock-limit-up 4 two straight days in a row. Wow did I clean up, and thought I could do no wrong in commodities trading, and once I was sucked in and the big boys knew I was there, and I started trading T-bills and T-bonds, no matter what I did, the markets whipsawed and went the opposite way against me until I lost a lot more than I had made. This was a message or a parable of the upcoming World Series games. However, this is a lie, but if I wanted 2 use what was all ready written down B4 hand, what would B there 2 freaking stop me, if not 4 my conscience. I will not sell out my credibility and tell lies, but this would have been a marvelous little trick. The stucking nerk doffs R hacking my computer again big time and making my space bar screw up and putting all my words together again, FBI, state police of New Jersey, and Mizz Bradlees Boswell Darrell Muzak Jones!!!!!!!! Don’t worry mahm, Eddie Himacane who said he was my friend, never believed a word I said either, I truly hope the filthy dirty laskerd enjoys his nice jail time. If the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office is following the blogs, as it has in their possession, and has viewed the website of the Morianity-Foundation that was on Ed’s confiscated computer, and I have nothing 2 hide. He was always so worried about my using the words “TEEN-QUEEN” so often. This is one typical example of how political correctness in this evil empire is so totally frickin’ out of control, right 2 the point where free speech is about 2 disappear right in front of all of us, u know peeps, when it finally does all go away, do not think that UR gonna get it back in your lifetime, if U do then UR a pathetic sick dreamer.

All day and all night, the persecution was off the scale, what else would happen but a FULL EVIL EMPIRE? I have watched this go on around me 4 a solid quarter of a century, some of u out here have not even been breathing 4 that long. I can add 2+2, and get the right answer without Einstein’s help, can U? I have told major things on these blogs, and am not afraid of any legal reprisals because I know that I have spoken only the truth. My only one lie that I may live 2 frickin’ regret is saying that Sarah defended me on the bus that night on the 12th of freaking July. This is what I have said right along, weather balloons r never worth it. Sell you’re credibility and it’s over, beds, turning, rooming houses, songs and all. This brings me 2 another point that Ann king told me I should straighten out if indeed I have been using the word on my blogs 2 describe the Callio girl group of friends, with the word gang. She told me that using the word gang is a slander because unless a group of people really R a real gang, it is an insult, and possibly actionable. Fine, may I take this time now please 2 publicly apologize 4 the numerous times that I have referred 2 these teenage girls as a gang, throughout my 4+ years of blogging. I have gone so far as 2 call them either the Callio-Gang, or the Quoddy-Mocker Gang. They R not a recognized official gang in any true capacity, and if using the GANG word loosely is a negative and wrong thing 2 do, then I am guilty as charged of indeed doing this, and am extremely sorry. I now transfer all the times that I said gang, and officially make the change 2 the word GROUP. This is an official retraction on numerous blogs, or a change in word choice. It is every bit as wrong 2 offend people by saying things that they take a much bigger deal than I meant it as, since what I mean and how people take what I say R never the same 2 birds in the sky. So B4 my freedoms may B taken away by giant girl recording artists of the past, or anyone else 4 that matter, please accept my sincere apology. I can B the captain of stupidity from time 2 time myself, this I never deny. Bruce Pennock puts this far better than I ever will, BRAH. Supposedly all Bruce is saying, is that this is the reason that the World Labs sent back all of this hocus pocus, in order 2 bring some kind of a hope 2 a society of numbskulls. Still, intentionally inhaling the sponge up at Calvary is one thing, I only wish I could have known and had held my breath with the aerosol can, and faked the rest. If I only could have seen ahead, and known.

All night B4 the start of the massacre final game, a loud sports car drove around the house, back and forth, until Ann was about 2 call up the Hammonton Police station and complain. Somehow THEY always know, and vanish into the 4 freaking winds. Then when I tried 2 call a retail store, they messed with me on the telephone, cutting off my sound so I could not do what I wanted as I should have been able 2. Eventually I managed 2 do what I needed, but once the damage is done, the game is over, I all ready knew the score basically, B3 the first mother rucking pitch ever got thrown. I---T-O-L-D---U---G-I-A-N-T---G-I-N-A THAT THERE WOULD B A ****F-U-L-L-----E-V-I-L-----E-M-P-I-R-E**** TODAY, AND I WAS 100 FREAKING PERCENT ON THE MONEY, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U think I enjoy this. That I enjoy being some freak. Being right so I can get on here and go, TOLD-YA, TOLD-YA, like some sick freak? Get a mother shrugging life, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parlor tricks. There R hundreds of good ones, tens of great ones, thousands of mediocre ones, and a hand full of superb ones. I listed one that would B ranked perhaps in the mediocre range regarding lying about my commodity trading on a blog about 10 days ago give or take, and comparing it 2 the World Series final 7 games, or 6 really. Indeed, the palladium or the Phillies hammered the Yankees in the first game, and then, excepot4 a little bit of flap and flack, it was downhill fast, all the way, or T-Bonds/T-Bills. This would have been a trick, taking a prior thing I said and then forcing a tie in with present reality. What does a trick serve however? What really was accomplished with that stupid weather balloon hoax other than 2 worry half the nation 2 death 4 an entire afternoon over a missing boy? Now make no mistake about parallel event. I have not used my knowledge of how it is real and how I know it works, ever, as a trick. I on the other frickin’ hand have been totally up front about the technology behind this from the go bat. But, if I had chosen 2 play a mother closet daughter secrets game, an entire other story could have resulted over the past few years of my blogging, BRAH!!!!

We will really get into parlor tricks, how they R done, some of them anyway, with no danger 2 the world of magic and magicians, but we will definitely start exploring lots of powerful stuff as the next few blogs unfold. When I talk about the TRIX R4 KIDS TV commercial now, this is not some game or trick, I really wonder who knows what, and what messages R indeed sent out covertly and yes, subliminally, all though this it is illegal activity, just when did that ever stop anybody, Senator Watergate???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I experiment with things 2C if the E knows or can C or hear things, this is not a trick on my part, it is a limits tester of sorts, on “THEIR” PARLOR-TRICKS. 4 example, I would white-fib and say my system made 50 units, when in fact it long crashed, and after playing with this, I learned beyond any doubt at all, whatsoever, that somehow, don’t frikin’ ask me how, but yes, THEY absolutely knew when what I said regarding a roulette system winning or crashing, was legitimate or was a fake out, I needed 2 run these tests, now, I never fake, if it crashes, U will know it. If it holds, U will B told. At a more opportune time 4 me, I’ll get way more hyper-time specific on things, and yes, on these tricks, those I use, and those many more used on me or may I say, used ‘against me’, my brother??????????????? Once again , in a quick rehash on PE or parallel-event, some PE is visible and logical while other PE is totally weird because 2 the observer, it seems that no rational connection exists permanently between these 2 seemingly isolated events. Hay, I did not make the sky blue, the seas green, the muddy Earth brown, and the stars white. I bring the understood message, but I did not create the LAWTRONICS. So who really did? We did, we created the dream out from the void, away from the nothingness, and went from a prior closed curve infinity cycle into a new one, but in so doing, the one we left never existed in the first place. This is lesson one about Lawtronics, if time permitted me Uncle Nebuchadnezzar, I would list about ten million more.

A child can C that I plan 2 run far away soon, and just when everybody is lulled into thinking, nah, that little gutless butt wipe doesn’t have testicles enough 2 step on a piece of slap if he was offered a million bucks, wham, I’ll B in the wind forever, and back here long after all of UR long dead and buried in the ground.

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