Friday, November 6, 2009


8:00 PM, Friday, 6 November, 2009:

This new series of blogs may B very short or a little bit longer than very short, it will not B all that long in either case ladies and gentlemen, and boys and girls that get past the filters of your parents. This is all slowly and maybe not that slowly, winding down now, but things still need 2B said, and I am still here in Blueberry Capitol, New Jersey, USAESMWG. U know, the Bible Code and all these type of things from Numerology and astrology 2 all sorts of so many various methodologies 4 divination, all totaled up does not equal, and this might even include Gawky Gaukauk’s Numerology, all total up close but still no cigar, to the HCS. This great religious man and I go back quite some decades. I enjoyed speaking 2 him in 1974 if memory serves, during my final year of just over 5 years, at the 2nd longest residence of my current ME lifetime, the apartment of O-15, on Oakland Avenue, in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG. If memory serves close 2 correctly, and 4 the record, my stay here with my mother was from the very end of July in 1969 until February the 28th of 1975. Leaving this place, as well as leaving any place in the area of Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, seems 2 have the FLINT-EFFECT on me, and the Trekkers all know what I am saying here, the real loyal fan base aniwho. When I leave, perhaps it is not physical immortality that is big time sacrificed, but spiritual magnetics certainly R. This goes beyond any wonderment, I know this as sure as I know my given birth name in this ADD. Jim Rockford Garner and I can get back 2 this beat up tale later on Danny Rosemaryson Fakeocean.

Wall Street posted huge gains this week and was up every single day I believe, not one down day 4 their crooked fixed C&M ST. Notice that the Street word after Wall is formed by using the nickname procedure here of Stock-market. The huge one day gain power puncher day this week was of course the day following the night when the (WS) ended, and this works with either the nickname, or the accepted abbreviation, in the case of these initials.

Dawn came into my room and apologized 4 treating me badly, and asked if we could go over 2 the Payless Shoe Store and then go 4 a quick visit over 2 her AA friend, Carol. I was happy that at least she felt badly. Maybe that is not totally Christian, but then, family or no family, this World-Lab Experiment has gone way 2 far, and so has this Christianity nonsense. However, the HCS (Howard Camping syndrome) is beyond real, and beyond hyper-major my friends and fiends. Put simply, a written story is inviolate, and all though an author CAN create a remake and make changes 2 a previously written work, and I doubt this ever has been professionally done, but then who knows unless they do know, and when I don’t know, I tell U that I don’t know, remember? So my point is that things done R done, and no basically rational thinking mind or person thinks otherwise, no one, especially me. Some may want 2 know, and 2 better understand, how I can discuss intelligently, the DDLTT, or the resurrection of the dead, and still hold 2 what I just now said. Very simply put , it is indeed very simple. It is even simpler than Henningsen’s one way mirrors and motorcycle chains of the nineteen-sixties BRO. The people of late 2009 C life and death on several levels, dumb, dumber, and dumbest of all. Those who think they have the absolute answers R way off base. Anyone who combines these 2 things, life and death, while remaining in a mindset of life rationale or insisting on linear time as a true constant and reality, is but a silly fool passing smelly gasses in strong winds. DDLTT stands 4 (Distance-Delay, Laser-Trace Technology). Scanning back through a distance delay system, zooming into an area, and recreating a reality with powerful atomic lasers far beyond today’s wildest imaginings, does not violate any kind of causality, or disrupt some religious power structure, or anger the gods, or anything else that humans may dream up in their sheer ignorance. Lawtronically built into the entire 7th dimensional system is a combination of forces that create mind, separate individual pieces of it, separate arenas so interactions may contain necessary space 2 have the actors do their parts in places, and time 2 have actors do their parts in order. Without conscious mind bringing this material world 2 us, in ways quite similar 2 sponsors bringing us our TV shows through their commercials, then simply put, U would B watching a blank screen, and things then would B no different with your TV on the on mode, or the off mode.

Now in Doctor Goldberg’s Book, TTFOF, is a marvelous ‘must-read’ if U have a mind, and any desire 2 get varying points of view on the Y’s of everything all around our so called daily lives, but in this mighty book R great truths, and then some things that this author personally knows, all though totally unrecognized by the current waking world around me, 2 definitely need some work. One part that is in the NEEDS-WORK area, great as it appears on its surface, is his 5 paths and frequencies in the hyperspace, verses all of us, the ideal ones, the real bad ones, and the neutral and in-between ones. Hay, where did U get this number, from which Vegas hat my friend? It has been suggested by some quantum theorists that there may B more individual universes in the 5th dimension than vigintillions 2 the power of vigintillions. The word vigintillion can indeed B written, and is so ridiculous, it ain’t funny. One vigintillion written out looks like this: Ye, GADS!!! 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. U can make this a lot neater and nicer by writing 1X10 and then a little 63 over the right side of the zero on the ten. Just count these combinations of threes. There R 21 of them and 3X21=63, DUH, and soon running, yes!!!!!!!! Color me so impressed Lenny Briscoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y would only 5 universes B potentially ahead of me in negative space coming back at my interactive awareness 4 me 2 jump across, and how does conscious mind make this jump sir, when it cannot jump through time the way various levels of under the conscious mind can. Time and hyperspace R kissing cousins, they move and interact and have their being together, at all times and in all ways. This is Y causality is never a possible violation. But we all know mankind and its greed and mockery of things when not understood. We want that feeling of POWER that oh my gods, we might throw the cosmos out of kilter, give me a break, the cosmos created us and we cannot overshadow the cosmos. Once U have a thought it is gone, and that thought can never hurt U. It has downlined into endless smaller closed curves. To it, UR infinitely beyond its grasp. As 4 these 5 frequencies, well, it sounds real cool, but it just is not truth. U can slowly move into more or less positive interactiveness I suppose from the dream or exploratronic state, and I never really had a chance 2 even start getting into this, but maybe we still will, I have some new plans baby love. U can put a book on that with borrowed mob money and feel totally secure, BRO. Let me open a door a crack, later on I will walk U through it and down the hall a ways, I promise. When U go 2 sleep, set your alarm for 3 hours when U feel yourself ready 2 crash off, and make it a loud non snoozing buzz or bell, that forces U up and out of bed. Now go right back 2 sleep and B4U do, think about an incident in your past, and then redo it. Hold on 2 your doing this as long as U possibly can B4UR sent back into the dreaming state. U will find yourself back at the incident redoing it in the new way now. When U get up and go ion with the rest of your life, a definite change in recognizable patterns will b totally visible 2U, based on your alteration of things, in hyperspace as an exploratron. If this does not work the first time, try again, but it will happen. This is just 2 prove 2U that hyperspace, exploratronics, and my claims, R all real; so experience it, and C4 yourself, and get a real mind blow. However, Caveat Emptor, as if things worked exactly as your conscious mind willed it, your life would indeed match your waking wishes, right 2 the freaking T but it is not your conscious mind that is in control of waking life, despite any medical and psychiatric doctor that may disagree and say I’m fullabulla. I know better, and I know that this is Y that famous (SECRET) thing, from several years back was sort of a belly-up thing. When UR in the state of exploratron, UR also in a state that makes time and space go from solid and impenetrable 2 liquid and fluid, but what is allowing this 2 occur is the same thing that is in charge of your life, your deeper and inner self. Some call this Divine Spark, Soul, Higher Mind, and a host of other paranormal and esoteric similar names and labels. This is what your deeper U is really seeking, and if U think that your waking self is in some kind of dual agreement with the deeper realer self directly existing on the Astral Plane, UR in 4 a very rude ‘awakening’ literally, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not running away just 2 get out of here and out of the grip of THAT-FAMILY-OF-1970. I amgoing2 settle in someplace, and begin at that point 2 go ahead with what Muscles-Ed and I were discussing a couple years back. Working security over in Pack or Rack or some other dangerous place, and earn 100 or 200 grand a year for 2 or 3 years, and then retire 2 the islands and live like a frickin’ KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Half a mill is like 7 million in Guatemala, and not all places R that different, but there R many spots where American money has much more purchasing power than here in the states, BRO. If I get shot or blown up, World Lab will just retrace me just as they do here in New Jersey. But if the Briggers or the EW think that they hold a patent on Astral Plane groups getting together and forming clicks and getting born on Earth with the agenda of reforming, unconsciously of course, and controlling the global behavior, again, UR in 4 another major rude awakening on the level of a Richter quake around 11. Also speaking of this, a huge one is right down the street. I have my group as well, and certain peeps R in it, like dunk, like Dorthea, and others that need not B in this blog right now. Let us talk more about gorgeous Dorthea, turned total pig when all grown up. Jam up and jelly tight Tommy Roe, and keep jamming my words together and hitting that old MILLIONTH-COUNCIL SPACEBAR HACK, Stacey Lattisaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would expect no less from stick, in the south’s like U’alls, Mickey-D-F-CEECEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us all grow up and B men, it is no longer 1972 Robert, right Daniel Mackey?????????????? Aniwho, Dorthea had a large GROUP of friends, all luscious teenaged girls back in 1970. They liked me, all of them, and they all made me sick. I could not stand these evil swats. Forward aggressive females turn me off. Keep hacking, when the huge quake takes out all of California, U will say, “SAR, we should’ve listened 2 that little stick”, but then as Sky would say, TL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The HCS never stops U know, right Cyrus, I mean really, the renamed B-Ball teams 4 Philly and New York, and what I discuss as full or split, really, but who knew who would B engaged and married 2 who back when this show was made? Well, this is what BRIGGERS do, but they do it on the Astral Plane long B4 any dreaming down into the hyperspaces is ever done, not that there is any reality 2 the term of ‘long-B4’. I simply am forced 2 use it while speaking in the language of (human and waking).

Blog 2 will get into a lot more things, not so much the great secrets so much as the great jig saw puzzle solving. We R gonna start busting those mirrors and fan sucking out the Vegas smoke. Parlor tricks R great, but I need 2 bust some mirrors and show U how they’re done, it is my life, my funeral actually, if things R allowed 2 go on much longer, status friggin’ quo!!!!!!!!!!!

This is all intellectual property of Michael Wayne Mountainpen. All my blogs R, as well as registered on an official blog registration website, and also, this is all and all blogs R all, copyrighted in the name of both Michael Wayne Mountainpen and Mark Wayne Mohr, 2006-2009.

Google Engine and Swis and world Labs, this is all the truth, nothing but truth and no truth is omitted either. This is a voluntarily sworn oath by me, under full pain and penalty of legal perjury. This oath is sworn under flag and country as well as sworn by the All Mighty GODDESS JEHOVAH, or SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE of the Astral Plane. She has a hundred million other names, right MUZAK. Again, thank U4 playing my songs so many years. Tease me all U want in stores, I forgive U and I forgive Muscles-Jane. I know the Brigger Agenda, and I have my own, Gloria Gainer, and that is 2 frickin’ survive.


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