Monday, November 16, 2009


Datfile: 111609.970.11111111111111111
Beginning Transmission:

Things R beyond as bad as they can B. As I told U all, and there is no real big trick 2 it, FULL EVIL FULL EVIL FULL EVIL FULL EVIL EMPIRE. The FLYERS WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN, THE DOW JONES SHOOTS UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP. It is not magic, I am not a prophet, and I certainly am not a time traveler, but I call it do I not, over and over and over again, as if I were Annie Wilson’s magic man. One box after another is coming up, the computer is getting hacked 2 hell and back, and it is all a huge trick, if U know how 2 do these things, it is like going 2 the toilet, it is second nature, no big deal. Speaking of going 2 the toilet, the Flyers had the game, and I knew it hours ago when I was brutally struck with major stomach cramping. This is REALLY THE NINETEEN EIGHTIES AND NINETIES COME BACK AT ME, 100%. This is how I all ready know exactly what is going 2 happen, just as when that jerk opposite of on wo0uld come into my building and throw the Courier Post Newspaper in my face every stinking morning, like I was Train Collins on the Law and Order television show. Every day was FULL EVIL EMPIRE, every day the Flyers played, they cheated and won by hurting me severely. Every day, the Dow Jones shot way up. It was every single day. Then summer time came around and the Phillies lost every single game, or at least it sure seemed that way. This went on year after year, the stats and records R all there 4 anyone 2 fact check me, that is if it has not all been altered somehow. This thing now that started after the ushering in of 2008, life has never been the same, this even Trumps the Castle and the Donald 4 changing my life forever, screw Queen Irene, CE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what is going on? Well, if I knew, I would B out one very serious curse. None of U out here have the smallest idea what I am being put through. It is so bad, when I did nothing at all 2 deserve any of it, that I can boldly state that atheists were correct all along, there is no loving caring all mighty god or great spirit, there is a parlor trick, and this indeed can B simulated. The researcher looking up the Huntington murders is as mind blown as I am with this newest and greatest trick. How this one was pulled off is beyond the talents of both of my kids combined, vibrating on any freaking frequency. So let me qualify a few things first, right off the bat. What I am shocked by and what I am not.

I can only touch opn some of this, but no matter what U or me or anyone believes, this creates a truth somewhere. But thiks is a total lie if U look at this in the order of direction that I typed this sentence. First, a reality exists somewhere, and this is what is actually making and causing us 2 then believe whatever we do. It also causes things 2 interact with our proximity, but what exactly s9ince I used this term on numerous occasions, is our proximity, how can I define the ranges? Well, the real U is at a point smaller than the smallest particle that U can fathom. The only thing real is U and your existence, and it requires nothing any greater nor larger than total zero-dimension. There is no need ever 2 have anything out beyond this void or point where U simply exist at. When U remain on levels of consecutiveness with the outer circle beyond this in the 6th dimension, U do it in ways that R not just one way. Many nearly infinite ways of receiving signal from this prior looped closed curve infinity will all keep U existing in void. But there R signals that R different, and that eventually always will get around given all of the everything, 2 send U the type of connection that allows U2 suddenly expand out beyond this point of void. U have now created the expansion around your proximity. U call this the cosmos. It is huge and has about 30 trillion light years of space out away from the void at all angles. It is called a hypersphere. When U dream out at the beginning of it all, UR in the truer existence because it is closer 2 the truth of void infinity. It is also called by many mystics and psychics, the Astral Plane. From here, entities become more and more divided and multiplexed, filling up an arena that U cannot possibly fathom. From there, many dream further down into a more tangible and less real existence, in series of broken pieces, or what is thought of as lifetimes on the mortal world. Long story cut so short it would B a factor of a million 2 one or better, there is a truth that states that everything around me, as well as U, is sort of pre-programmed by us, so that we can have a human experience. Some falsely believe it grows our Astral ands realer part of us, (spirit) and that we intentionally experience things in order 2 grow, this is all totally false. The truth was known by a great man named William Shakespeare quite a while back, he really knew what he spoke when he said that life is a stage and we R the players on this stage. It is a show, and the Entertainment World has always existed throughout human history in some form, plays go back even long B4 Shakespeare, and dancers And musicians entertained many a King from the earliest dawning of recorded civilization. The Briggbase has always been amongst us. They mold and form and shape the sociological structure of the society of each time period, and as hard as they deny this, it is total truth. Now there is a lot of absolute secret things on this waking world, the secret of life and death, the secret of the physical forces of cosmos, the secret of prophecy and or omniscience, and the secret of the games and existence in void and dream-outs. We covered, 4 right now, the last secret, let me back up and start quickly exploring just past the doorway areas, on some of the others listed here. What really R the forces around us? Einstein broke his testicles in his human life attempting 2 fit all of the forces into one neat box. There R2 stories out there, one is that he failed 2 really accomplish this completely, and the other is that he did not fail, but realized once he found out this secret, how deadly it would B4 humankind that is no more evolved and ready 4 this, than the green cheese is piled high on the mountains of the moon. In a nutshell, the mighty brain with the curly hair, never added enough dimensionality 2 some of his mighty formulas. Really making this super quick, an illustration of what could take a year 2 try and type and say is the following thing: If U placed the Milky Way Galaxy into your living room, it would need 2 become hyper-dimensional. But in mathematical theory, if indeed your living room contained a thousand dimensions instead of the 3 known ones of length and width and depth, it would indeed fit, as long as the galaxy remained 3-dimensional. Using this principle, every force in cosmos or nature, fits perfectly into a pattern, and into a reasoning that makes precise sense. All mystery is wiped away from the problem, U might say that solutions equal problems times hyper-dimension. If the math symbols were applied and IU have no clue what they would really B, but using the letter initials just 2 illustrate this one quick point right now, the formula is then S=PXHD. Now I admit I am oversimplifying and being ridiculous, but only 2 make a very big point in a very tiny amount of time. In laboratories, extra dimensions R easy 2 simulate, in reality, lawtronics creates a barrier 2 protect the waking world from this very thing happening. There is a lot 2 say on the subject of forces, but this introduction is needed tonight so later on, I’ll B better able 2 talk with potential blog readers on just how all of this directly relates 2 all of my personal problems, at least as I know them 2B. Built into everything is a very magical connection between what lies out beyond the closed curve cycle of all of hyperspace, and what is indeed trapped forever inside of the smaller closed curve circle of infinity. Weird theory gets into some fascinating concepts along these lines and so much more, but still, it covers many topics, yet omit’s the one needed 2 cement it all together 100%, and that is the SS, or the Shakespeare Syndrome, and this topic cannot even start 2B compressed and shortened, so t5onighjt is just not the night, BRO.

Now Ron Wirtz, the nineties Prosecutor dude told me some wild things that also fit into some of the things already blogged herein. He insisted that my answers all lied in the town of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USAESMWG. He also insisted a real person walked this Earth named Sarah Kessle, even though she identified herself 2 me as Sarah Krassle. There R many things that change a lot less subtly than this small letter rearrangement, between planes, Astral and Physical. Still I had the great now defunked search service do a search 4 me world wide, and came up with nothing 4 Sarah Kessle within 10 years up or down of my age. Now 4 those who know my old blogs that explained the mysterious chain disappearing trick interaction where she was able 2 make my chain disappear in a dream and then in ‘reality’ as well, and in this interaction in middle December of 1969, it began where we were about 10 years of age, and ended in another dream shift where we were in her shop on Tennessee Avenue across from McGuire’s place, and she and I were the current age that this date would place us at, around 15. There is a significance about a ‘dream’ that has a 5 year jump, nothing ever just happens with no rhyme nor reason, not on the waking realms or the dreaming realms. Carlisle, Pennsylvania was indeed visited, not once, but twice, by myself and David Roth in the middle of the year 1996. Something indeed is going on there, as we were literally practically run out of town on a rail by the Sheriff of that county, 4 doing no more than stopping in at the Sentinel Newspaper, and attempting 2 place a personal ad that I was trying 2 locate Sarah. When people have something 2 hide, searching out their secrets invites dangerous wrath and rage. It is more than as Dave would say, a pretext 4 aggression, it is more like an invitation 2B bloodied up, head 2 shoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In any event, whenever a person looks back in a hindsight view on anything, one thing more than anything else usually becomes crystal clear. This is that a plan and goal and motive from some un-named and unknown force and source, is behind this entire situation that we call waking physical life. The SS agrees with this of course 100%. Can an advanced computer system B devised and can a program B written if the machine had sufficient size and power and memory, 2 literally automated cause an entire interaction with one or a group of individuals, 2B interfered with? If so, would the great MOVCOM of the mighty MILCO possibly classify this as MOGOSP? The answer 2 the first part of this 2 part query is a big enough brain can do virtually anything. What the MILCO does or thinks is not my business, but I am quite sure that man evolves eventually 2 a point where the outer 6th dimension of mind itself can B totally simulated and duplicated to a point indeed where MOGOSP is child’s play. So is the Huntington Curse real, and has some time traveler gone back physically and undone the event in Braintree, Massachusetts where my distant cousin murdered his wife and mother in law and then hung himself in the cellar? Who the truck knows. At this point tonight, I will add, all though I will change my mind after a night’s sleep I’m sure, WHO THE TRUCK CARES???????????????????????????? As I said in the song ‘Real Good Girl’ in 1986, “I don’t care at all what they say, I wish that all of U would go away”. Right now I don’t care about dog shirt times 10 to the power of 55 trillion. I have had it with hyperspace effects, games, curses, bull shirt, leavers, sendbacks, pop-ups, rip-offs, and TAWF and WOMO. U can all burn up in the fires of eternal hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really do not say this in any hostile way however, no offense meant 2 a single soul, just leave me alone, so I can get home. All I want is 2B with Jehovah forever in HER great city. If she wants 2 come here and play her silly teenaged games, fine, that is your business SSJKK, I’M DONE!!!!!!!!

End Transmission, GE, SWIS, & KSWL-2301. Another blog bites the dust, great QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YARRRRRRRRRRR, Cap’n Harringer!!!!!!!!

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