Friday, November 6, 2009



Many things just will not ever get said. Oh well, that is the way it goes Rodney, and U knew that a lot better than I did back in the summer time of 1969, 10 days after I was forced 2 participate in the school play of Memorial day. Looking back at all of this now, it fits more than ever, yet at the very same time, has sort of a who gives a heck ring 2 it.

Basically, it has been only a year and a half since the biggest part of the Callio-Martino/McGuire story broke 4 me in 1997. It all sort of reminds me of the treasure map game many of us played as children, those closer 2 my age and not today’s kids, the gods only know what they do and did. U know, look here and when U do, another note gets found that says look there, and so on, until eventually, U find it, whatever the IT is. Still it was an amusing game 4 kids of my day and time.

Dawn was very mean and nasty 2 me this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, demanding all sorts of money and saying that I am being the smart butt 4 merely telling her I cannot afford 2 remain living here, I simply don’t have the money. If I had the money she is looking 4, I would not have been living like a rat in a trailer park, only this goes over the head of Mrs. Dawn Einstein. I was not going 2 leave until next weekend, now it is official. I will relieve Roy at work on late Saturday night, and by 1 in the morning or so on Sunday morning, Eastern Standard Time, I will b in the wind, whssssssssshhhsssshhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, let me whisper out her name and then remember, copyrighted in 1996, only I had no clue what I was copyrighting. Remember, there is no past, only the illusion that at every present point that simply exists as the eternal now, a fake parlor trick past is behind us, inside of the smoke and mirrors. It is the greatest deception that conscious mind can ever produce, at least IMHO. Ann and Dawn have no clue how there life is gonna change within a small march of hours. Kiss your life as U know it ladies, BYE-BYE, I am with my pal Harry Callas, or at least his baseball. I knew when the Dow Jones flew up well over 200 points after the previous night’s destruction of both dreams and Haddonfield and Mister Smith’s and the Philadelphia Phillies, that this was it and as my ancestor of quite a long time back said so perfectly Bruce Alan Pennock, “It is finished”. At least when I escape this horrific monstrous family, nothing can ever again B this bad. No one is gonna convince me otherwise. If I have 2 live in a freaking monastery or something, I will. I need 2 permanently get away from worldly people that do nothing but think about this material realm, something that is here one second and then poof, gone the next, as though it actually really ever mattered one tiny bit, in the grand scheme of the cosmic collective. Go ahead, jam my words together, I can space them with a click and a spacebar tap. Just don’t spell jelly on the telephone Sarah non-Callio. Yeah she tells my mom it was her cousin, and me it was something else, and Paul Pedersen a still different story. Then she gets her relative McGuire 2 wipe out many of my automobiles, just as Paula King did 2 me that day outside the JFK Hospital in the parking lot. I caught her red handed trying 2 flatten my tire. She sped away in her car that she had idling next 2 mine, forget about coloring me. Then 2 days after this while visiting mom again, left 2 go home to my Somerdale house just down the hill from the hospital, and got on the elevator, and the great PK-not L&O-TODD, raped me. I will never know whether this is how PEE was born, or if it was a frozen-emb insertion as MYE was, from the incident at 175-P Drive, in middle August of 1968.

U know, a strange thing was recently told 2 me by yes, a biker, a cool dude named Gil, a real biker, not one of these butt wiping weekend Harleigh Davidson wannabees. He said that one of his B rhyming itches was all that was needed 2 kick the brown sauce out of Sarah Callio in the bar parking lot back earlier in the century when she was talking trash 2 her in some Atlantic City bar. I did not believe his friend Ann King silva, but I should have, she did get roughed up by this biker broad. They do not like certain branches of their own family, because of numerous things that R just way 2 personal 2 ever B told 2 me by them, but I was told that if Ann tells me Sarah got butt kicked, she did, and that it really did happen. They R not all that fond of Paula Gil tells me, and Ann told me last night, that when they R at the meetinghouse in Philly, if Paula shows up, she’ll B in 4 the fight of her 7 foot life. I still say Paula can kick all their butts at the same time, but my ear still hurts from Ann’s laughter regarding this. I told her they never even met Paula or know her as I do. Ann says, yeah, I never met the WOS gang, only since this exchange of dialogue, I did, at the funeral I told U all about a while back, YO. Think maybe U need 2 duck 4 cover soon, PK. Your cousin Dawn is bankrupting me, and treating like as a personal slave, disrespecting me continuously, and I am only taking it another day and a half or so, and then it is goanna B curtains. Do what U want 2 me MILLIONTH TRUCKING COUNCIL, I am escaping and that is that.

Here is where your evil DOW JONES will B: 11,000 by Wednesday, 12,000 by December, and 15,000 by the end of winter, and doubling 2 thirty thousand points by the middle of 2012. I all ready know this, and must leave B4 it really is 2 Gods darn late 4 me. Run away if I wanna survive, the car with the SKY-81Z plate was blaring that out on its car stereo system yesterday. Well, this time unlike a dozen plus years back, I will heed the warning, and take the advice, B4 Archie really has the legitimate opportunity of calling me DEAD FROM THE NECK UP. I all ready know your cuz will B right back in jail inside of a month without me around 2 use as her personal slave, MYE. The Flyers will win the Stanley Cup Championship in twenty ten Misses Marola, and I will B far away on the islands of the Pacific. But then how does Stanley and Oliver fit into this, without hockey trophies and cups? U don’t think I am aware of what U guys all did 2 me when mom had me send some music to Stanley Burnstein in early 1997? Forest from the trees is an old and true deal lads and lassies. When UR2 closely involved in a situation, things that R right in front of UR very often missed, and never seen, yes, until it is quite a bit 2 late 2 really do anything worthwhile or meaningful about them.

A child can C that this disease was going 2 SCORE, and get their evil miserable way this week. They even had muscles Ed at work inform big-D who got the word 2 northerners, about how I was gonna teach the driver a lesson who came in the rear area and messed with me. I made a karate move that would have impressed Claude and Bruce and Chuck all at the same time. Didn’t think I had it in me, but this dude really ticked me off. He hasn’t bothered me since and has gone out of his way 2 stay the heck out of mine ever since, but I can C through the Brigger chain from here 2 the 6th dimension ,Jimmy Stuart. They’ve had Muscles Ed and Fire Chief Anthony, in on this 4 years now. DUH, 81 escapes. Don’t think I can huh daut?, watch me.

Here is what is driving me mad at C hyper cubed, BRO: I now have made 341 and a half units with my “Split-Mart-4-5-6-String ROULETTE SYSTEM. So then Y is the enemy (E) so able 2 wipe me out? I always believed that if I had the potential 2 wipe out the evil filthy rotten HUNTINGTON CURSE, the E would die like a dog shot down in the streets of the old duded up west, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, who knows, maybe it will make 500 units and then lose back 650? The only thing is that I’ll never B here and around 2 experiment with this, I will B down the mother trucking road there 601 Miss Chillie, and roger that and a big frickin’ ten fo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Beetlejuice, how did mom really fit into all of this? Was the Shaw of Iran in it also with his great personal friend, my Aunt Geraldine snow, the only member of my immediate family that the mighty Long Island banker King Nebuchadnezzar known also Sir Prince as Heinz Gottwald, ever had any respect 4. How I heard my mom repeat that over and over again as though she actually cared. Who cares who that miserable old diseased man respected and didn’t. Him and President Addenoher of Germany, who cares, bankers and banks R all nothing but crooks, and all wealthy persons R nothing but scum. I am complimented when they hate or disrespect me. It is no insult, it is a hyper time complement with me, mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is your loyalty misplaced or what? I am so angry I’m gonna tell U what some smarter peeps may have all ready put together and guessed, the monstrous horrendous thing that mom said 2 me on one late summer of 1988 afternoon. We had just sold a house that I had bought as a HUD investment, in Camden, New Jersey, back on the 8th of August. 8888, yeah a double Hextall Flyer, YO. She said, “I should castrate U when U fall asleep tonight”. Dave knew she meant it, and was horrified. Dave also told me that if he had been wearing his service revolver, as he did carry a legal 235 card, and was employed at a place that required his having this weapon, and had just driven off this site and over 2 my house, and it was in his trunk taken apart, as these weapons can and legally must B taken apart and placed in a trunk, especially in the state of New Jersey, and he said 2 me later on that evening when we had driven into the New Jersey Pine Forests 2 relax and eat some WAWA sandwiches, that he was actually tempted 2 walk out 2 the car, put the gun together, and shoot my mother dead. Never had I heard David make a remark seriously like that, on this powerful an issue, not B4 or since or during the entire time that I was his friend. It all started over a trip the day B4 the incident when mom and I rode down 2 Long Beach Island. On the way down, we stopped at an ice cream place and mother wanted a vanilla cone and I wanted a Hot Fudge Sundae. Some of U know this iced-tea-Grace Messenger similar story, with the little tike that served me the 2 orders while mom waited in the car. Looking back on many things, if she had come clean with me and told me a lot more family secrets, I would have reframed from saying certain things in her presence that obviously would drive her up the wall.

This is also YI plan 2 spend my time in either South America, or on the islands, without living the rest of my life in this totally controlled, and anything but free, environment of political correctness. U know, this planet managed quite well and good 4 thousands of years, better really if U ask any historian worth his or her salt, without all this PC absurdity.

I guess some of U noticed the wild strange run of pick-it numbers a few weeks back, in the Pennsylvania Lottery system. DIE, Diana’s 1-2-3, and a few other wild ones all came out within 2 or 3 days. Yes my DEEDEE’s know a dead man when they C one, lads and lassies and dogs called Labs. U will never know what it is like 2 call them no matter where I go, and a flock of my huge black buzzards just appear out of nowhere and swoop down all around me staring at me with their pretty eyes. Lately, DEEDEE is all around me again, this is how I know the death angel is as well. When I use terms like the death angel, or MOGOSP, U must try and C that I do not buy into silly junk. All things have a rational explanation. Religious leaders the world over that claim the opposite, simply put R just totally mistaken. Truths in the spirit world or the ASTRAL-PLANE go beyond what mortal minds seemingly R capable of grasping much of, and they R all in these protected cozy and comfy zones and won’t listen 2 someone who really knows stuff, and that’s cool, that is all your bizz everybody, I just know better, that’s all.

Do me a favor and forget my 4 years of blogging, starting with Atlantic city and the various families that attacked in numerous ways 4 no reason whatsoever. Forget also the entire THAT-FAMILKY thing, and also forget the supernatural stuff as well, anything I ever claimed that is out there and 2 weird 4U2 handle as it ruptures your safe cozy zone 2 much otherwise. Now, let me tell U a story in terms U can deal with. It won’t sound like me at all, so B ready 4 an experience. If U will B just open minded enough 2 go with this, I can leave happy Sunday morning, and the world B damned 4 what it did 2 me over 50 years.

My name is Victor Domino and I am nearly 55 years old. All my life there has been something unexplainable going on. I know it but no one anywhere ever will believe a thing that I say. They all just laugh and poke fun about it and me. Nothing ever made any rational sense in my life from my earliest childhood memories. Things would happen that I all ready knew I could never tell about, I just knew. Mom and I moved around along with my treasure hunter father who never worked a regular job or hardly ever, and not 4 any long stretch. After dad was out of the picture, U would think that moving constantly would B a thing of the past, only it kept right on being my reality. Reasons would just present themselves over and over, where mom and I just had 2 keep leaving places, and I had 2 keep leaving jobs. I thought I was crazy until a friend I had met at a computer school in 1973, found God as they say, and one day told me that he knew what was wrong. By the time the 70’s had ended, this friend Jim, had told me that something in my family was causing this wild strange endless procession of unexplainable events. Dad had vanished from the time I was nine or ten and came back when I was 19 saying he had made some huge plan and I was involved in it, and 2 keep mom out of it. He had a gun hidden in his underwear, and mom saw it one day, along with photos and much wild paraphernalia and documents showing dad had remarried a lady from the south by the name of Monica. One night B4I managed 2 help dad find a small room 2 miles 2 the east of the apartment, in the beginning of 1974, I overheard my parents discussing the Herbert Huntington issue, and then with even quieter voices, I heard them say things that at then time made no sense at all. I totally knew that they were discussing me, and I began hearing word groups such as, “It is going 2 effect the rest of his life”. “Maybe we should tell him more about her and the family” Other things were said as well but U will need 2 wait until tonight, as KING DAWN the AMAZON QUEEN, needs 2 go and buy some silly stuff 4 herself, while I cannot even afford 2 pay by bills. I knew THEY would stop me when I got on this particular never B4 blogged topic. BYE-BYE, 4 now brown COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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