Thursday, January 22, 2009

5 straight days of hell-siege from twisted satanic slime


At exactly 20 minutes shy of one this after-freaking-noon, out of a clear nice sky, came a vicious evil trucking Chemtrail assault, again, for a 5th straight brother ducking day now, this is off the scale persecution, and I am getting sick and tired of this demented activity. The evil empire is scoring huge hyper time, and always at my expense, and I kind of hoped that our new president would not permit this 2 go on with me any longer, but realize now that neither he nor anyone else is capable of stopping stuff that is originating on the Astral Plane, and then dreaming its way down 2 here. Still I hoped, but that is that. No one will convince me that the top dog in this nation does not need 2 both B aware of, as well as give a blessing and permission 2, the agencies that R involved in the wicked unconscionable destruction of an unconvinced and innocent United States citizen, which in this case is none other than me or Mountainpen. I know what I am going through is personal and real, but because others have been totally blinded by the reality of it all, it is though a person is walking around murdering other people right under all of our noses, invisibly. In the movie Conspiracy Theory with the great Julia Roberts, the dude that was representing me 4 all intents and purposes, said it beyond perfectly when he stated that it wouldn’t B a perfect conspiracy if anyone was ever able 2 C through it and penetrate it and prove it. What I am suffering through and enduring is indeed, this PERFECT FREAKING CONSPIRACY. So no one with clout or reputation is ever gonna help me or believe in me, people distance themselves from certified lunatics and nut cases. We all remember freaking high school,. If UR within the cool crowd, and then suddenly befriend the school’s top 10 geek, UR now off the cool list, I did not invent this terra hell, I just am living this nightfreakingmare.

I knew my system in roulette would crash eventually, they always do with this endless godsdamn siege, but now at the risk of losing credibility, ?I must confess that I was doing a little experiment on the internet with my Blogaud, knowing fully well what would eventually happen as it always does, and then fess up and tell U all the total story this time. I made up the profit on yesterday’s games, it really was minus 3 and a half, minus 4 and a half, and minus 7. I lost 15 units. Today I played just one game while Dawn King was drying her clothes in the local Laundromat, and I was in the car with a deck of cards and my tablets. I lost 32 units not counting 6 house hits for a total loss of 35 units, and The 2 day loss was 50 units. Long story short, I just randomly invented another new system 2 apply against the famous game of Roulette and 4 about 2 weeks, it was making me some nice little unit profits, totaling perhaps after 20 or so games, with a 45 net after house-edge units. Of profit. Hence as of today, the system crashed. Siege is what causes systems 2 crash despite anyone telling U anything 2 the confreakingtrary. I have done my homework on professional gambling since 1982 when in December, George Belton of Deptford, not far from Haddonwood by the way, first ‘introduced’ me, no Jerry Heitzmann, not 2 Sarah Jacobson, but 2 the game of the fair lady Roulette. Some call her, Miss Eight, or the 8-Lady, and have for centuries ever since the great Trappis Monk invented the game, a cool dude by the name of Herman Rhoule. Let’s get down now 2 brass tacks and let me tell U what I was up 2 by playing with my Blogaud on this issue. I knew all ready, that any system will crash, once I am put through high amounts of siege, or siege that would if plotted mathematically, B well over the recent as well as the longer term averaging of the endless continuing siege, all things existing in the 4th dimensional space time continuum, have motion, and this motion always produces peaks and valleys, as well as moving averages of these peaks and valleys. This can B reduced in formula 2 the 3 letters of P, V, and A. Complex math computer FORTRAN programs or the newer version of the 20th century FORTRAN programs, this is an abbreviation of 2 words, FORMULA-TRANSLATION. A well written Fortran Computer Software Program or FCSP, can indeed show a synthesized projected futures model beyond the current points on a chart being kept, and the better and mightier the program that was written, the more accurate quite naturally will B the statistical predictions of where any plotted and graphed item or event will show up on a future right side or part of the time-line on the graph. This is simple reality son, U do not have 2 like it or hate it or even believe it, but it changes not one thing, it is total truth. OK then Mister John Astral World King, so Y did I fake out this newest thing and begin blogging about some recent paper games played by me here at this lovely house of horrors, or HOH as I will now forever change the name of this hell place 2? I need 2 continue building the foundation that hopefully some day will enable and allow me 2 successfully prove my plight of basically being a victim of ICPOE since August of 1986, 2 the entire planet Earth surface population, I need not convince the Nodians, or SUBTERRANIANS, as believe me lads and lassies, when I proclaim 2U that they all ready know all of this and so much more that it would boggle the mind of AE. I knew that ICPE TEK from EVIL WICKED DISEASED SLIMEBALL WOMO_TAWF, would eventually do in the system, but many math experts love 2 tell me that this is bull razor slit, as no system will win in long run play. Now listen up and listen well, as I am gonna freaking tell, and know this hard and hot as hell, as when I do, they’ll C dispel. Yes I will rhyme a little ditty, but then I’ll go on indeed 2 totally dispel some major myths about beating the odds, as well as how ICPE-TEK and applying it 2 defenseless enemies, can B used as the most dangerous evil demonic weapon in the arsenal of all the war lords of the heavens and the hyperspaces. First, the odds R always hard 2 beat, and the casino games R legally stacked with odds greater than 50/50 chances 4 defeating us players. Yet 4 eight straight months, I was continuously and very consistently able in the year of 1986, 2 defeat the great 8-Lady, at her own game, Herman. It CAN B DONE, so do not bother 2 argue with me about it, but this is not the point that I am attempting 2 make at this precise time and second, no sir baby love, read on and hold onto your freaking hats!!!!!!!! Here is experiment 3, enjoy it Blogaud, and B ready 2C life in a major new light once U practice 4 real, the stuff that I am showing and teaching U. I all ready showed U how 2 test your luck during times of basic neutrality verses when U just went into a hand 2 hand combat after a road rage incident, or with your significant other, or some son of a female dog boss, or whatever. Every timed a system crashes, it is when I am being lit up with enemy fire at the maximum, and never does a system crash when I am under normal and more ordinary times, normal at least 4 me that is, with all of the milk of magnesia not withstanding. This proves that it just is NOT QUITE ALL THAT JOHN HENNINGSEN CAMPBELL’S SOUP SIMPLE, BRO. Now B4I go on and forget, let me verify how fixed the stock market is. Every time it goes down into the 7 something’s, it comes instantly back and moves up anywhere from 800 to 1800 points, and this cycle is like a day trader that finds a range in various penny stocks, the computer is fed all of its daily high and low prices, and then it finds a smaller inside safe range, and trades it back and forth endlessly or for a long time, buying the low range dip and selling the high range rallies. This may B4 example a stock that is moving in-between the price of $3.35 and $3.60, every trading day for months and months. There R expensive software programs that will search out tens of thousands of low price single digit dollar stocks and even lower under a dollar stocks, and find these similar trading price ranges over long periods, and then it also adds and subtracts a safe tolerance amount over the actual range, and then 4 example with this stock ewe will call the YZ555A, range, 3.35-3.60, and it then creates within this 25 cent range, a 7 cent range on both ends, buying each time it trades at 3.42 and selling each time it trades at 3.53. Those ignorant 2 basic stock market trading knowledge would scoff and laugh at an eleven cent take, but this goes back and forth over and over, and UR not buying and selling a few shares, but thousands of them, or at least hundreds, over and over, until the first time it breaks the channel where U would have stop loss orders placed at one or 2 cents under and over the established long run range, say at 3.33 or 3.62, and then a new stock is selected and the broken range stock is software automatically removed from your 10 or 20 or say 50 trade-list. This is also done illegally on higher levels, the same principle, and the Federal agencies that oversee and police and supposedly regulate all of this, do not always do their jobs, and this is Y the markets R totally predictable by the insiders that R totally aware of all of the shenanigans and tricks going on there at Broad and Wall Streets at NYNY. Now back to luck and life of a person being intentionally messed with by diseased dirt bag swine, such as Millionth-Council-TAWF. The real trick is 2 find systems that do not sit there looking pretty and hardly ever move in large directions that if U look at it quickly, U might C it as winning a lot of units or losing a lot of units, get that freaking mentality out of your head, as U will always end up unable 2 win and not have a system crash, U may B 500 units ahead, and in a run of bad hell and bull pit, U will blow through 550 units in a week or 2 after months of posting these lovely consistent gains, and this equals a system crash. There R systems that 4 whatever reasons that applied 2 the outside bets, or the black and red, the odd and even, and the 1-18 and 19-36, on the roulette layout, that will do this one thing quite often, and that is win and win and then lose and lose, so how can this B of any value UR most likely thinking, and now I’ll explain how, so there!!!!!!!!! Inventing systems that do this, such as one being the ‘345-Majority‘, as U heard me make some noise about recently only without the full truth being told about it, is the key. It will over time consistently B on a roll for winning or losing, but U need not look at this relative thing any differently than when UR observing an event horizon ion a worm hole, and there is black space and white space, each on the apposite sides and each charged oppositely in atomic polarity, causing the direction of motion and event 2 run opposite, but which is running forward or correct or winning? The answer of course is neither side, as on either side, this is the correct polarity 4 that side and it is white-space, and the opposite side is opposite only in its relationship 2 the white side. When U make up a system, it is important first 2C if it wins or loses in large streaks, as some do and some do not, 4 complex mathematical reasons we will not even attempt 2 tackle on today’s bwog Elmer Fwudd!!!!!!! When U get something that appears 2 win or produce 40-80 units or more, it will eventually go the other way and produce the approximate amount of losing units. So instead of seeing this as a system that is winning or losing, U simply alter the way U perceive the entire situation. It or the system, is moving this way in white space, and then that way in black space, and getting caught on the wrong side is a wormhole financial nightmare. It is important that your system produces a large range over time and many games, it will whipsaw in the other direction, but if it is large enough in its RANGE, U can always make money, as U can in the stock market, no matter which way it is trading overall, by taking advantage of being on the side of 60, as I term it. UR always in the winning 60%, and never R attempting 2 pick exact times of top outs and bottom outs, U simply accept the reality that U will lose the bottom 20 and the top 20 percent, but that is only 49%. U still R winning in the wide in-between safe range of 60%, and this is a constant, as 60-40 does not change with market trends, dealers in a casino or the weather, it is equal 2 a 20% profit on Monday’s as well as on Friday’s, and on all 12 months and all 7 days of all of the years that lady-8R will ever B played here on Earth or anywhere else, and all 1,440 minutes of the days and nights. This is a huge freaking ass secret, BR, treasure it, baby love!!!!!!!! And BR is 4 brother, not Black or Red roulette betting, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! I will always miss U Detective Green, U and my pal Lenny.

I have decided 2 wait 4 my next blog to get into the 3rd experiment. It is more important that I post this while some trading time exists on the Dow Jones.

G/S/KSWL-----this is all Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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