Wednesday, January 28, 2009

yesterday's story continues today

WITH SOME ANSWERS”---T/T/W/M/ and all other subs:

Oh yes, how I miss the old times and Lenny Briscoe and Ed Green, BRO. U can C that I am infatuated with these cool dudes of the LAW AND ORDER television show. This is the greatest law and court drama show since the ever famous PERRY MASON. Yet since I lost GREEN, it never will B the same 4 me, I am his greatest fan, and always will B, I wish U only the best Jesse Martin, and hope U do not take offense that my blogs so often use your BR, and BVRA, and BRO, as I miss U so much doing this on the show, and thank the gods that the dynamite cable channel of TNT still re-airs these marvelous and stupendous episodes, U go pal, and make some more movies like RENT, loved U in that one BRO, and saw U the day U were talking about it at the R Center Plaza on the Good Morning America show 3 summers or so back. I never forget anything, nothing, from the minute I was born in this present astral dream down right through 2 this present second of STC illusion. Sorry about the jokes with my teen queen and the lawns, it is just that she grew up there, and 4 no reason and totally without my ever even knowing about it, 2008 came, and I suddenly was in all of this way over my head. Wish U were real and not a fictional character, I bet U and Lenny could help me get 2 the bottom of what has been wrecking my life since I was 3 or 4 and HH committed the double homicide/suicide up in Braintree, MAUSAESMWG.

Now I wish 2 move things along with the new case law thing. I am gonna with Himacane’s help, try and start a club and message chat board, on line when my new MF-2 website gets posted up, where I want people 2 send in and discuss complaints of how they feel the entertainment world has indirectly VICTIMIZED them in the same way as my situation back last Friday night here at the TAWFHOUSE, with the mighty KINGS. If a large class action suit ever can happen, we will need 2 involve large religious faiths into this such as THE MORAL MAJORITY, that basically share my total distain 4 the entire WOMO-EW, the Entertainment-World. They do lots more that just ENTERTAIN, and they KNBOW IT. I have only just begun on this one, Karen C.

Finally, we had some snow last night and trees were cut down earlier during the day yesterday, neither event had squat 2 do with the cable outage that prevented my prior blog from getting posted up well ahead of the STREET and in time 2 have any bad effects as well on those miserable prick FLYERS. Again and as always, it was caused by those miserable trucking rock chucking hunt trapping rat bastard neighbors. They have not paid any of their bills and R way behind on their rent as well, yet the Judge 4 whatever reason lets them stay, but COMCAST does not play games, and I41 do not blame them 1 iota. I offer U a service, U pay me, or I stop serving U, there is nothing at all wrong with that philosophy. Philanthropy and giving and charities R all well and good. This is a necessary part of the more fortunate and blessed who care enough 2 help their less fortunate fellow humans. But those in business R in business, and have a legal and fiduciary responsibility 2 their stock holders, not 2 put a FREE sign up over the door of the company. Services R paid out in exchange 4 services rendered in the form of remuneration. This is all legal and within guidelines and limits, is a perfectly fine system that we all refer 2 as capitalism. Remember, I am not ant capitalist. So not misread my words. I am a limited-capitalist, as I have said all along, and if the banks, Uncle Snoots, and all of Wall Street, and on and on had seen things more my way over the past several presidential administrations or say a quarter 2 a third of a century, this global economy would not B in quite this deep of a mess, so all I say is, am I so totally dumb and wrong, special Edder or no special Edder??????????

Even the mighty lovely Sarah Jacobson from Haddonfield in 1972, believed in the things that THAT-BOY talked about even way back then. There still is more 2 tell about this mighty Scylla and her endless powers, such as Y she dreams into this so often and interacts with us in these space-time realities of hyperspace, 2 keep a closer eye on her ‘creation’. When she learned that she could do certain amazing things that transcend and stagger the human imagination, her dad impeded her upon many occasion from doing it, not just there in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, but here in the dream down. I cannot tell U more than this other than it broke my heart when he caught her playing what she thought of as a game, in fact all young children do it, but when U have power behind U, real stuff happens when U play fantasy games. She nearly got away with it, but now I put an interaction I had last year together with what happened at the school with Sarah Jacobson when she vanished and no one even knew it happened, sort of as reality-erase, or another one of those DELETE-OTTOS buttons. When she was spanked 4 it, it really up set me, I wanted desperately to intervene, but have no power to mess with the all powerful Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious. He threw me off of a 1400 foot huge astral escalator that leads up 2 his mighty and awesome suite, overlooking a large area of Krassleville, in the PO, on the AP. Speaking of the Astral Plane, I am getting major heavy death angel attacks again, and last night they were really super nasty as well as a royal pain in my Diana Rear End, so let me not Babel on or name the baby Lon, just ell it quick and straight.

As 4 roulette, I would not suggest playing powerful systems in casinos, they just might eventually find U at5 the bottom of the sea or buried deep in the Nevada desert. I often wonder Y the huge birds all live in Egg Harbor City, and follow me all around especially on heavy death siege days, and seem 2 know mw and fly over me or my car, staring right at me with their lovely eyes, and even seem 2 know their name, as I always say 2 all of them, “HI DEEDEE”. Did I ever tell U about the summer of oh-seven when Diana came all around me and my trailer park, U would say LIGHTNING? I was on my porch and talking 2 her and telling her how much I longed 2B with her on the Astral Plane as her Rictafarius who is now having this terrible astral dream down, along with Zeranniss Yancy, as they both R dreaming the exact same dream and that dream is me. Lightning made the most beautiful designs and fractal patterns in both sky ribbons, intra-cloud bursts, and beautiful breath taking cloud-2-ground bolts that came down all around me clicking and standing my hair up on edge, sending lovely tingles and warm lovely currents of her delicious electrons all over my body. I love Diana so much, she is my endless blond teen queen. All of a sudden, the nearby forest swarmed with birds and they flew directly out into the clearing which was the trailer park, and began circling just my trailer over and over again. Most birds when it is pouring rain and during severe thunderstorms as U all should know, remain snug and safe in their nests, as SSJKK tells them 2. But 4 whatever reason, as though they knew who I really am, were all there 2 greet me, and my endless love doll Diana. It was a sight 2 behold and a total video 4 Mister Ripley, only no video was taken. I often wonder just what the birds really have been told about me, by Sarah-Stacey Krassle. I am totally aware which is the same thing basically as being dead, and yet grounded 2 this world. Vultures R basically DEEDEE’s, and maybe they C me as dead, and wonder YI seem 2B able 2B quick enough 2 keep moving within this planets’ motion gear. There R roughly 400 of these graduations or gears that move step by step into each other each and every minute, 4 all persons living on Earth, based on its spinning of 1100 miles per hour giving us our 24 hour day or one revolution, and all of its solar and galactic other orbits as well. When some one no longer can move from one instant into the next one which is about one four-hundredths of a minute, UR no longer quick enough 2B in agreement with the space time continuum and grow still. This illusion is called by mankind, death. Deedee knows I am sort of trapped and stuck in-between life and death, and I think birds, all birds, R very sensitive 2 things like this, and even more aware of a mortal man that is in communication with lightning Herself. This is Y many birds follow me around. I love birds and all animals, I even try 2 love humans, but damn it, they make it somewhere between extremely difficult 2 totally impossible 4 me 2 like them.

Aniwho, MCMCAAONMC, if U like my roulette ideas, I would suggest playing them online from South America, and not in a real time casino atmosphere. After all, when I started playing professional roulette in 1986, my life shortly thereafter turned into a large landfill of brimstone and hot endless hellfire, Agent Falcon and Agent Condor, WPIX-1988-UFO-the cover up television documentary, New York City. The problem with me is that so much happened in the 1986 circa, building the larger scale model of MAGNESONIC, playing and consistently winning money at casinos with roulette, using Maggie 2 crush enemies and wipe out neighbors that were messing with me, and causing numerous Earth surface disturbances and plane and chipper crashes, using Maggie as well 2 communicate directly with the sentient electron, Diana Zudlocrenessia Arteemis, and on and on and on. I will always love my 2 goddesses, and maybe they R making a bloody fool out of me, but I cannot help the way I feel towards there beyond awesome and hot teenaged queen goddesses, Sarah-Stacey and Diana.

I have lots more 2 say and tell, huge hyper time secrets, and many things in general will all B told and blogged. So as I said B4 and now I say in reiteration, please STAY-CEY TUNED 2 THIS BLANNEL or (blogging-channel). Thank U my Blogaud, my Morians, my Lessians, any of U, 4 your attention and interest in MORIANITY, BRO. May the gods take pity on us all, bwaby wuv wabbit Fwudd, WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Google, SWIS, World Labs, this is all Blahhhhhh and bleeeee, and blummmmmm.

E-N-D ~~~~~~ T-R-A-N-S-M-I-S-S-I-O-N, BRO!!!!!!!!!!
POST SCRIPT, the cable company disconnected out cable as well last night by accident, at least I like 2 think it was and give the benefit of the doubt. They had us all up and running again B4 10 this mourning, we pay our freaking bills, not like these illegal’s upstairs, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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