Wednesday, January 21, 2009


“Another Blog 4 Gina”
T/T/W/M/ and any other additional subtitles
Date And Time File: 012109.854

This entire brother ducking week has been pure hell 4 me, as total death siege as well as beyond hell at the house of Doctor Steckle horrors and flat lines, Julia. I knew when I was forced 2 take Marcus home at 1 in the moUrning, that they would score a huge gain on their cheated hollow victory market, and Gina they did, TOLD U. Every time they pick the truck on me huge hyper time, the evil wicked satanic empire SCORES , and if the Voorhees, New Jersey Scum Balls R playing tonight they will have a sealed up FULL EVIL EMPIRE, BRO!!!!!!!!!!! This is how they stopped me from breaking out of a 1980 year old family curse in the year 1986 and stopped me dead cold in my fookin’ tracks in Atlantic City, playing professional roulette. The best system in the world was very nip and tuck today, as I told U in the previous freaking blog.

Every day now, as bad as bull pit was B4, it is far Wirtz/worse now mister prosecutor. Every singe frekin’ day this house is filled now with drug addicts and scum bags, it is hell on Earth. Not one prick swallowing person can even begin 21 conceive of what I am going through and enduring. This is worse than living in a maximum security prison, and there Is no way out of this. I am so very angry and disappointed in many things, and am starting now 2 realize that another reason exists 4 David Roth/s 2002 ADEG murder by MILLIONTH-COUNCIL-TAWF. He called me a pagan and said my beliefs were all trucked up and wrong, and that all these goddesses meant absolutely no good at all 4 me. I am getting ready 2 disconnect my lightning balls and other equipment forever. I do not need 2B a part of this satanic and demonic mess any longer. Karen can get me down 2 South America where I will B far away forever from all of this diseased freaking slimy scum. They have wrecked my entire mother sucking life. I no longer trust Scylla from here 2 the Wal-Mart down the road, in fact, from here 2 an ants crawl away 4 that matter. She and her miserable family mean me no good at all. They have invaded my entire life and have literally kidnapped me against my will, and I cannot get one person 2 believe this nightmare plight and or help me out of it. Himacane tried 2 warn me and said not 2 ever move in with this family of hell horrors. I had no choice. It was all planed as carefully and complexly with township and state law makers and inspectors, and my landlady at the park, and the coworker at my job that put me onto telling my story on line, as this would maybe cure my ills. In fact, it served 2 amplify my all ready existing hell like a powerful crown amplifier would do 2 a small signal.

I knew in June of 1980 when I came out of that incredible trucking experience with Scylla-SSJKK, and she was singing her song, LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS, 2 me at the boardwalk area at Tennessee Avenue where benches used 2B. I knew that life was forever altered in ways I could not start 2 even grasp if my mind was on par with a million Einstein’s. I went into my weekend job a full year later that had turned into a full time job, and would find myself crying like a baby when all alone where no one was anywhere around. This had such a profound effect on me, meeting this goddess that claims 2B Jehovah and ruler of the empire, that life was never the same 4 me after this. I thought the wild interaction of December 1969 was beyond fathomability. On the way into Haddonwood Swim and Health Club that early autumn overcast day in 1994 after awakening from the 3rd major contact, this was the start of an even larger piece of this incredible outlandish developing nightmare.


Yes I gave U2 experiments 2 try, and shortly, I will give U something that is gonna fookin’ blow your damn socks off, but 4 my older Blogaud, bear with me or skip over this paragraph, as I need 2 tell the newer followers that U can Google up what is called the FASCITAR. It will prove and verify all the things that my incredible blogs tell U, nut U will have 2 put in a little of your time and effort, otherwise, U will never C, and U will never GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not the 3rd experiment, just a quick whittle addition and foot note ad on in this discourse Elmer Fudd wabbit, Whaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Whether Trix R4 kids or anyone able 2 legally purchase them at a grocery store is way beside the point.

When I went down 2 the Atlanticare meeting, the one B4 the last hellish experience with mizz I Love Myself Know-It-all, who gave me her unsolicited flack, she was a duplicate of Beyonce or however she spells her name. Spell checker is no help. I know it was not her, but it was her twin, and I know it was done by THEM 2 get a reaction, and Ann and Dawn and I were 3 inches from a fatal automobile crash as a result later on that day from her upsetting me. But remember when I said I drove down 2 the shore 4 nothing and there was no meeting? Well there was, and remember the time on the beach last summer when I got Bermuda Triangled? Ann Silva nearly had a fatal stroke when I vanished completely that day while Dawn Kink was at the TAWFHOUSE OF HORRORS, enjoying her favorite TV show, “Doctor Phil”. It is all on previous blogs 4 anyone 2 look up on the site at, under Mountainpen or drunkenhive http.

U all know how the Atlantic City lifeguards in the latter 1990’s called me Sharky. What U do not know is that when I was younger, still in my teens or perhaps just into my twenties, I had a powerful vivid interaction one night when I fell off 2 what U all think of as sleep. My Aunt Ruth Huntington Gottwald from 175 Peninsula Drive, in Babylon, Long Island, New York, United States of America, planet Earth, system Sol, in the Milky Way Galaxy, or (NYUSAESMWG), was with me in Gloucester, New Jersey, 4 the gods only know what reason and I was swimming in the Delaware River, ands she pointed at something and I heard her start 2 scream over and over, “SHARK, SHARK”. I dismissed this wild crazy interaction from long ago, as I dismissed my coming home from Atlantic City when my mom was up there visiting these snooty banker relatives of mine, and this is when those 2 muscular tall lifeguard mascots had just beaten me and ruffed me down on the now called Hilton-Beach, and something possessed me 2 get back at SATAN, the DEVIL, by grabbing my bible and reading aloud, the entire NEW TESTIMEN T, and I did, every word from the 4 gospels to the end of the Revelation of Saint John the Divine. There is a lot a bull pit going on in my hellish nightmare endless existence of fire and brimstone, and if it takes me 40 quadrillion years, I WILL get 2 the freaking bottom of all of it, and that, MILLIONTH-COUNCIL DIRT BAG SCUM, U CAN BELIEVE, BR!!!!!!!!! A CRASH LEVEL AIRPLANE HIT ZENITH OVER THIS HOUSE EARLIER TONIGHT JUST AS THE Egg Harbor branch of TAWF arrived 4 their daily visitation. Oh happy days ohg happy days, where the truck RU snotty little moon producer Opie???????

GOOGLE AND SWIS and KING/SOIFER WORLD LABS, this is all copyrighted as 2009 Michael Mountainpen’s intellectual property, the online story of my endless hellish nightmare existence with no beginning and no freaking ending. Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmm, and windbags of the 9th!!!!!!!!, BR!!!!!!!!!!!! CU at the Lakehouse BEG, I know U will B kicking the slit out of me and my razors later when I tune out this waking wave and particle illusion.


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