Monday, January 19, 2009

saturday's siege made my birds cry and die

“Saturday’s Siege Made My Birds Cry and Die”
Date and Time File: 011909.643.555555555555555555555

I am back 2 getting lots of nasty death angel attacks on both the left and the right side, old Morty Mortino strikes again, as does Diana 2 the NYNY-ESB 23 times annually on average, according 2 the shows on THE WEATHER CHANNEL. Also, being struck with constant Jane Dirtweeds witch-bitch ONE’S on counters and clocks is back 2 being incredibly freaking nasty recently, BRO!!!!!!!! If this was all that is going on, I could learn 2 live happily with this quite easily, only that is not the case by any stretch.

We will discuss a little parallel event experiment that I hope some of my Blogaud will run, and then contact each other and blow each others mind with the results. Most persons still cannot really get into the power behind the ICPE, and all the things related 2 this that has come slamming into my life in 1986 like a Star Trek photon torpedo. Grab a single die from a pair of dice that U most likely have laying around the house, or else grab a deck of playing cards and take out the jokers that represent many of the BRIGGBASE residents of the Astral Plane, and do this simple experiment, the die is better as U can choose any 3 numbers each time U make a bet and record the results on paper. Choose any 3 numbers such as 1,2,4, or 3,5,6, or 2,4,6, or 1,2,3, it only matters that U choose 3 out of the 6 possible numbers on the die 4 a 50/50 chance. With the playing cards, 26 R black and 26 R red. Choose red or black each time, shuffle and pick a card without looking after making a random selection. But either way, UR making a bet hypothetically, and then dealing yourself the outcome 2C if U won or lost the bet. Out of 20 bets, if U do this at all normal times, U will average out with quite normal luck factors such as 46-54%. This simply means that your (luck) is where it should B, or your (interaction with the cosmos), basically within a 4% tolerance of the exact 50/50 parity. This IWC is what I also double term as MAGNETICS, and this is what TAWFAMILY since August of 1986, has come out directly in the open with me, and has intentionally used persecution 2 bring my IWC or LUCK, DOWN, and DOWNER!!!!!!!!!! Now after UC all this is real and have played with it, start doing a separate chart and game. Wait 4 a rotten time or day, or after U have a major blow out fight with your spouse or opposite gender friend, or your boss, or whatever. Now, U will C that averaged out over time, a definite difference in fact does exist between U and the cosmos, when things around UR negative or normal, and it will show up on these luck-testing systems. Compelex plans can B devised 4 having opposite secret persons waiting in the wings to do opposite things that U do in a larger quantity,m such as if U have a partner in a day trading on line brokerage account, and he or she knows that U just went long on September wheat on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange with 10 contracts, he then gets on the phone and on his account, separate from yours, and goes short on this at 10 contracts. Or he or she follows U2 a casino and U make minimum outside roulette bets and after the wheel spins, he or she bets a grand or whatever on the opposite, in other words UR standing there and throw 5 bucks on EVEN, and he or she is sitting there with cashed in table chips, and bets 500 or a grand on ODD right after U make your small bet on the opposite. These secrets and many like them, with my knowledge of how this cosmos is REALLY operating, can literally allow a partnership of 2 to take over this entire planet only lets hope that this is not your goal, merely 2B comfortable and happy. Peace of mind is the real jewel, and anyone able 2 get a fraction of this while alive physically, has a lot more answers than this blogger ever will hope 2 have, with all his astral connections and goddess friends. Believe me, they do not give a rats grass mole about the stock market or any of the Philadelphia sports teams, they know that I do however, and create my super bad magnetics so as 2 make me further miserable and down when everything works in an endless bad rhythm to my total disadvantage, on and on freaking endlessly, and this has been basically my horrendous and monstrous true story since August 15th of 1986. They poured it on severely last Saturday, and my Eagles just could not take the effect of my bad magnetics any longer and just poofed out. It all sounds I know, like magic and hat pulls and cats and mirrors, but that is only because none of U understand the techniques that lay hidden and invisible behind the trick, called INTENTIONALLY CREATED PARALLEL EVENT, ICPE!!!!!

The great family, where do I begin. It is filled with drug abuse, not bloggable sexual offenses, anger, threats, fighting, despicable deplorable and abominable behaviors, and the list reads on and on like a greedy child’s letter 2 an old bearded man in a red and white suit up in the north pole, at least on the astral plane. Since mail cannot as of 2009 B forwarded 2 this place, I will let the mighty George Jefferson keep his secrets 2 himself, all White Horse Apocalypse Pike 30 of them. 4 the 15 or so persons that really know what SSJKK has spoken in those mighty words, wow, is it not beyond the mind blow of Einstein, BR?????!!!! Us dogs indeed R outside the great gates of the city, and the real kicker is where my aunt Ruth Huntington’s hubby chose 2 live, while Senior Vice President of Manhattan’s Chemical National Bank, KING Nebuchadnezzar. U cannot make this go away, nor the hell and worry about the Dark Shadows deal, and it is on this day I waited intentionally, the PS-DUE DATE-#2, to tell my blogging-audience or {BLOGAUD}, the big fears that I have about my MOST PRIZED POSSESSION. 20 years is the key, and so R many other things from the show, it is all right there staring anyone right in the face that is not blinder than a blindfolded bat with cut out eyes. This is YI hope UR very careful soon, my wonderful Scylla, U know how this works, and your 20 years R coming up near a due date, U know all of this. U know that my most PP is not my astral isness, anymore than it was Paul Stoddard’s, or Paula King’s, it is U. Just please stay of the ESB, do that one thing 4 your THAT-BOY, and I can sleep at night. If I lost U Scylla, I would retrace U, and I do not care how this might alter this timeline in 5-DHS, so please B very careful around the 20 year point, just do this one thing 4 THAT-BOY. All the pieces have fit totally into place, there simply is no way 2 argue with any of it, as Green says it on the show, it is science, only with the “H” letter added, U cannot even argue it. I have put just 2 much together 4 anyone 2 laugh at this. If UR one that is getting what is being said, U also know it is true that no bull pit is here in any of my words. Harold Camping and his predictions regarding my PITSY #4 year of two thousand and eleven, well, the year prior 2 that scares me. I am watching the entire family going 2 hell in a hand basket, Levy blaming the Vietnam Hair War 4 his demise, as well as a New Jersey prosecutor, and fellow TAWFER, having 2 distance himself from the family, as did Frank from sister Sarah, and MC from her closer in sibs. I only prey and hope that this all can work out somehow and some way 4 the good of all of us, personally, I am, as the giant 27 year old freaky girl at the Atlanticare meeting indeed described me as, a glass half empty negative person, but with very extremely good reason. I have seen a lot in a very lot of years, and I know a lot of things. Computers is not one of the things I know about that much, but what I know, I do in fact claim with authority 2 know. So may the gods have mercy on this hypersphere, and the 6th and 7th dimensions that R laying beyond that. As 4 me, I feel that Subterrania has projected out a huge hologram, a super evil and negative game, and soon it is going 2 dissolve away, and B gone forever, I hope so, this would B the greatest escape from endless misery that my tiny little mind can conceive of in my wildest thoughts and dreams, BRA!!!!!!!!! Void infinity is the only truth and reality, there is no escape from this, we simply exist in void, and dream out and away from this, as MORIANITY has taught U all along. All this advanced travelers and entities and beings coming back here 4 the good of mankind is a pathetic sick and unreal delusion. Any of U anywhere anytime seen any evidence ever, that there is the remotest iota of truth in this.? Have any of U ever witnesses goodness 4 its own sake, lacking the desire of any quid pro quo? Have any of U seen any evidence that remotely could point 2 the reality that anyone or anything is not basically out for ME-ME-ME, and the hell with everyone else, oh they don’t come out directly and spew out garbage like that 4 fear of being both locally as well as globally ostracized. But we all know that this is a selfish evil sick twisted sin cursed diseased world, and if it were 2 blow up in space right now, there is not an atom in this 100 billion light year circumference 16 tone vibrating singing hypersphere that would cry out one sad note.

I am at least honest about things, and this is more than 90 some percent of other bloggers will ever B, they want 2B liked by the net world, I need only 2 feel that I have told a true story of both my life and its experiences, as well as how it all interacts with the controllers and manipulators of all of this humanity experiment, none other than the mighty and great MILLIONTH-COUNCIL!!!!!!!!!

One thing that has been holding up and not crashing 4 a long time even during super negatively magnetized assaults such as last Saturday, and I call this the 345-MAJORITY, roulette system. This has been a real Trinitrail Tennessee Avenue-8 Jennie Johnson system and I have been keeping my yapper shut about it, but soon, I will tell y’all some more. 55555555555555555555555555555555. This compensates 4 Jane Weeds Uglyclock and her attacks on me that R so brutal again. 55555555555555555555. BYE-BYE.

GOOGLE, SWIS, AND KSWL-2297, this is all copyright Michael Mountainpen, in the year ADEG-2009. All words contained herein R totally true, no additions nor omissions 2 any of this truth exists within this document. I am scared about 2010, please MC, your family is falling apart all over the place, and I am smack dab in the middle of it, C what U can do 2 help it B4 it all shuts down like a crashed computer. No one will B around 2 buy music any longer, it will all B over. Remember that no matter what, I am not your shellfish, I obey my mighty teen-queen for all eternity, and IWALU, 990-990-990-990-990!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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