Monday, January 26, 2009

8 straight rock and roll drummer siege

“8 Straight Rock and Roll Drummer Siege”
Datfile: 012609.072 Monday MoUrning/DKPP
Beginning Transmission:

As the title of the work goes, it has now been a rock and roll drummer straight-eight beat, or days of me getting a beat down by WMOM twisted diseased scum slime swallowers and puss drinkers of the planet. Change the P over 2 spots 2 a “Q” and we can always remember December of 1969 and Russ coming over 2 my pad stone drunk, and an hour later, no more BOB, the great BOOK OF BEACH, gone forever. Of course Mariena Carlittia Krassle showed mew her red and white version of it, and wow do I wish she would bring that back 2 the mortal world so I could read the contents. But then I wish I had Lottery Cat living here with me as well, so if the lamp genie is on duty, my third wish would B a perfectly and totally normal average life, yeah right, “dream on”, BR!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow or really later today after I go 2 bed and get up, as Don Cialoni used 2 say at the recording studio, “It isn’t tomorrow until I go home and go 2 bed and then get up”, but yes later, I will go and complain and shoot off my big mouth 2 the authorities at the hospital about my Chemtrail poisoning. It is a useless waster of time, but it does annoy the enemy, so I plan 2 make some freaking noise, BRA!!!! It is reaching the point where I will not sit back and just take an endless sore throat and major shit attacks, as the one I had coming home, and had 2 wash off my slippers in the shower, yuk!!!!!!!! and there R many other sites on this Chemtrail subject, these 2R great and I have memorized the web addresses so I keep hammering them into my whittle bwogs Elmer wabbit Fwudd!!!!!!! Sunday, Monday, all the way through the next Sunday, or yesterday, the sky assault has been quite brutal and it has brought me the expected kitty cat command tight on cue, BRA!!! DK has been angry with me ever since she was out with me and saw a bunch of them coming onto me, she thought until recently that I was making this up. So did my great friend of uncle Heinz Gottwald, the only family member that he had any respect 4, Aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, who married my uncle Stuart, named after his direct descendant Mary the Queen of Scotland. She said 2 me in 1971, “don’t flatter yourself”, until she was with me 2 weeks later and saw an entire girl gang come up all around me and give me the attention only a rock star would normally get. I do not a bang out of making people eat crow, and I do not understand precisely Y all of this godsdamn supernatural shit has 2B constantly going down all around me all of the freaking time, but it is and that is a fact pure and simple, player!!!!!!!!! Y the KCC is a powerful parallel event with days of relentless sky siege is not a visible parallel event like going into a biker bar and yelling out, “All U dick heads R a bunch of fem-pussies”, and then getting pronounced either dead or seriously and critically injured shortly thereafter at some hospital somewhere. That is a visible parallel event, but visible or invisible, parallel events R real, and like it or not lads and lassies, I speak the truth and if U choose 2 ignore the truth, that’s on U Blue Ray.

As soon as I posted my last blog up 2 the sites, I went 2 bed, and instantly, I was in a very wild and strange place filled with fog and bright lights ahead of me with 2 huge archways, and suddenly, all the words contained in all of my five blogs of the Morianity Project leaped off of the websites that they had all been posted on and began moving word by word along a strange and colorful line, each word a different series of colors, looping around these large and bright arches. Then, they began 2 extend down onto a road that led all the way 2 Babylon, New York, at the train station where Aunt Ruth would pick up my mother and I on many occasions when we would take the train from Philly 2 New York and then the Long Island railroad 2 Babylon, upon many a holiday 4 family visits 2 the snoot home. The words were all being literally sucked into the sign at the train station, that read BABYLON. Then I remember that I began feeling pain all through my body and it grew more and more intense. As the pain worsened into agony, I saw the words begin 2 scramble and no longer B in the order that were typed. Within a short period, all of my long blogs had become totally scrambled and meaningless, the words were so encoded and encrypted it would have taken 100 CIA’s 2 put them back into readable text. Then I heard the voice of Scylla, and she said 2 me, “I do not like your recent blogs THAT-BOY”. After repeating this a few times I found myself thinking that I had awakened out of this experience and was back in my room at TAWFHOUSE-HOH, the House-Of-Horrors. Then my Scylla appeared out of nowhere and broke my computer and smashed everything 2 bits, and then looked over at me and said that I must obey and stop saying things that she does not approve. Just then her 5th cousin 3 times removed, Dawn, entered my room and said, “If U guys can’t stop fighting please leave the house, don’t go breaking up this house”. Then Scylla looked straight into Dawn’s eyes and said, “Get out of here”, and Dawn instantly with her head bowed down, subserviently obeyed and walked out and closed the door behind her. Then Scylla said 2 me, “U need 2B chastised Yancy” and instantly she elbowed me in the ribs and I began spitting blood, and was in terrible pain. All my ribs had been broken and my lungs had both collapsed. It was agonizing and excruciating. She then walked over 2 my large screen TV that is used as a computer monitor when set on the VIDEO-S3 function, and in one powerful punch, broke the entire set, the glass shattering with a deafening sound. Then she smiled at me and said, I will heal U now and she touched my forehead very gently, and instantly, all the pain was gone and my ribs and lungs were totally healed up. Then she said that all names have a significance and that I will soon come 2 learn Y my aunt and uncle sold their home in Massapequa Park, Long Island 2 buy the home they both died in at 175 Peninsula Drive. She laughed again and said that Lady Diana knew a lot more about this than I do. I am still trying 2 put this wild interaction into some understandable context. After this, I woke up 4 real and went off 2 work after a quick wake up shower. As I said, chem trail attacks R ongoing 4 eight straight days, some planes as well. The chopper that got me the day all hell broke loose, back on Friday was when I had left Egg Harbor City where I had picked up Ann Silva’s glasses from the eye doctor next door 2 Roy Weiler’s place, and then we went back 2 my old residence where Ed Himacane resides. I thought the entire place was gonna shake until the foundations of the county sunk into Subterrania. Janufreakingary is always a major hell-month 4 me and all though THANX-2-GIVENS death siege starts normally around early to middle November of each year and lasts well into the spring of the following year, the month of January is always hyper time super hell. Remember the 10th back in the ‘90 year right after 36 days from meeting the Camden County Prosecutor assistant, Ron Wirtz? Remember the airplane that went over my home and made all of my audio devices come on and he was able 2 somehow broadcast filthy language onto everything, cursing and saying he was in an airplane and was gonna drop a bomb on an apartment he was passing over, and was calling himself Dizzie-Dee, and was talking 2 another person that he was calling mountain-man? Ron had just taken the case over and had left 4 Scotland Yard and told me he was onto something and wanted a detective there 2 help him with it. Whether he was so fullabulla that he stunk like a diseased maggot or not, the SAR surely only knows, Loretta Hartman!!!!!!!!!!!! On top of all other bull crap, I knew the Eagles football team was not good enough 2 go all the way, and I said so on the blogs, but I did all I could 4 them on the technology that I know secret stuff about, electronic metaphysics. I knew that when they finally died, my freaking bunt tapping magnetics would go right down the sewer pipes, and sure enough, this is when it all began, the day they died, 2 Sundays ago, I all ready knew the entire fookin’ thing was gonna go down like this, dirt ball WOMO!!!!!!!!!! Also it is always major important 2 get the Flyers All-Star game in their direction each season, just as they make the National League in baseball where the Phillies R in, lose every season, this has been going freaking on with me 4 a quarter of a Mother-Fletcher century, I oughta know by know Billy Joel what is going on here, I’d have 2B some mental vegetable not 2 know and C. As I began this blog between one and 2 this morning, a super nasty right side death angel attack hit me, and right side death angel attacks have recently become quite prevalent and very major and annoying. Take me death ass hole, don’t taunt me and screw with me. I love U DEATH, come get out of this misery called LIFE, in the name of JESUS CHRIST ALL MIGHTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cannot stand anymore of this Tom Delilah Jones!!!!!!!! Also, at about a quarter shy of ten tonight, all freaking hell broke loose, and I am quite sure it had 2 do with that stinking rotten Flyers and All-Star hockey game played. My electric in the car plugged into the client’s power supply went off 4 no reason, AGAIN, and I had 2 reset the bitch. Then major klutz out crap kept happening and crap got knocked over and spilled, all major badass indicators 4 times 2 come right around the damn corner. TOMORROW THE DOW JONES CHEATED STOCK MARKET WILL RISE BETWEEN 500 AND 1300 POINTS, AND THE WEEKLY GAIN WILL MOST LIKELY B A COUPLE OF FREAKING THOUSAND POINTS, BR!!!!! WOMO slime disease MILLIONTH DIRTBALL COUNCIL forces make every weekend and every day of my miserable emerefer life a total disaster hell nightfreakingmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got your message over the weekend on the radio-game. This new politically correct stuff is making life on this green brown EARTH totally FREAKING STINK 2 the ASTRAL HEAVENS. U can’t say anything 2 anybody. Everything is always a shot, or a threat, or some PC incorrectness. WAVE BYE-BYE 2 all freedom once enjoyed in this ONCE great land called the United States of America it is all gone now, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mashell Daniels at the recording studio was two decades ahead of her time, everything I ever said 2 that crazy ass bitch ho, she would say back 2 me, “MARK, was that a shot”. The gods Mashell, I got so I never wanted 2 say BOO 2U, let alone half of Yogi. Hay, if she wants, and I do not mean the one letter off girl from RPL, but if she wants 2 go 2 that building, I could care less, screw Peti and Picard and all of U, soon it’ll B incorrect 2 wish someone a merry Christmas, Santa can’t even go ho-ho-ho 4 crissake, what R we allowing this sick nation 2 become in the name of dog poop, U’all better think about it and wake the truck up B4 we awaken 2 find Nazi Germany in a year or 2, and this is no shot or threat, it is the simple truth, players!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell U quickly what the Cycle Research Institute of Florida told me right B4 the NASA space shuttle Challenger blew up after first blowing up in my ‘NEPHEW-CHOKE ROADTRIP DREAMS‘. On any string of any of the six outside roulette bets, in long run play, for any string of 7 black outcomes 4 example, there will also B two 6-string outcomes, four 5-string outcomes, eight 4-string outcomes, U get the picture. So waiting 4 a number of reds so U can bet black and martingaling the bet as 1 unit, 2 units, 4 units, etcetera, is always going 2 break U even, and the house edge of the two green zeros will finish players off every time in the long run. The only way 2 progress the bet at least in theory and on paper and many things work in a laboratory and then blow up like the Challenger, I had a dream 2 Mister King!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both of our dreams came true also, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But my pernt Archie without the print changing, is simply this. Waiting for say 3 RED outcomes and betting BLACK 4 times, but not 1-2-4-8, instead going 1-5-20-60, now do the math. Or wait for 4 ODDS and then bet 5-25-100-300, do the math. When there is a 7 string, U will lose the entire added sum of the 4 bets, but on 2 six-strings U make 600, on 4 five-strings U make 400, on 8 four-strings U make 200, and on 16 three-strings U make 80. That’s a total of 1280 bucks profit for every time U should lose on a seven-plus string in the long run playing event, which will cost U 430 bucks, or a net profit of 8 and a half bills minus green losses, and me, I’d rather cover my high bet greens say the top end 2 out of the four bets. The house grows luckier when large bets R riding outside. There is no myth about this, I have played roulette long enough 2 know that’s a fact, BR!!!!!!!! This is copyrighted information from the Cycle Institute of Florida, and may not B used without their permission, if they R still there and operational, I do not know, I only remember the information, but B careful not 2 break copyright laws, oh and I am not threatening anybody Mizz King!!!!!!!!! Jeese-Louise, Fonty!!!!!!!!!

In closing tom=night, let me tell U this simple little MILLIONTH COUNCIL super secret, I’ll get punished, but I do not care, I am tired of taking their trucking endless persecution and death-siege, BRA!!!!!!!!!! If I want 2 take over a person or a country or a business or a planet, I want first 2 win your confidence. Do any of U out there remember the TWILUIGHT ZONE episode called, “2 SERVE MAN”? There’s freaking power here, get a copy somewhere and watch it, powerful shit here lads and lassies, use it now and reread this again, and U will C that I am telling U a powerful and deadly frickin’ secret, BR!!!!!!! In the middle 18 fifty’s, telegraph operators were being electrocuted left and right and the system was nearly removed from use until scientists said that it was a rare disturbance from the sun that was causing it and all would B fine when it clears up, and it did, I am talking about the solar storms or prominences. They have short, intermediate and long term cycles. The 22 year short cycle is only a miniscule cycle within the bigger and much stronger cycles, and is Y winters grow a bit colder and summers grow a bit hotter as each 11 year semi cycles pass. The next cycle is also not that important, but skipping to fifteen small rhythmic 11 year prominence pulses, multiply 11 by 15 and add 1855. A child can C that the MILLIONTH COUNCIL is ready 2 indeed serve up man on a platter, only 4 real, not on some TV fiction show. All ready, and within a few more years it will B exponentially more so, but all ready, cars, homes, utilities, the entire financial global world, ATM machines, access 2 any of our money, the entire structure, the governments of the world, it is all on microchips, and needs only a real bad solar storm cycle over a year or so 2 totally wipe out our new age sophisticated society. Wee have no good back up plan 4 it, no one is talking about it, every satellite will shut down, it will B the closest thing 2 Armageddon that I can personally start 2 imagine. Maybe U can do the math and maybe U do not need 2 wear glasses, but perfect eyesight will not save us around this time period, not even clearly seeing it now, it is beyond 2 late, we depend on this technology 4 all of the functions of out very basic lives and existences. We R in the 14th cycle, look at the cable TV and C how many of our movies on cable channels, R constantly squaring out, but no one is talking about it R they. Well the next xcycle in 11 more years is the most powerful one, and just as in 1855, linemen again wikl B electrocuted, and all of our world will grind 2 a screeching halt. U will not evern B able 2 run your cars, they all have the chips. I tried giving a key to Chicky last week and he could not start my car, it kept shutting off, yeah, the chip. Watch oiut, eye glasses won’t save this world from this disaster, BR!!!!!!!!

As always I could talk on and on, Carry is most likely gonna knock my ass when I lose my waking world awareness, oh well, I will always love her no matter how many times she roughs me up. She’s my teen queen. She rules the empire, I just obey. 990-990-990-990-990!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWISS AND KSWL-2298, this is all copyrighted 2009 Michael mountainpen, except for the information about the proper way to martingale bet progress in a gambling game such as roulette, this is the property of the Cycle Research Institute of Florida, if they still exist, and their heirs would still hold the 75 year copyright, I am a songwriter and know a little bit about copyright laws

This is all truth and no parts of this blog R not absolute truth, there R absolutely no omissions nor R there any additions, 2 any of these total truths written herein. Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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