Tuesday, January 13, 2009

let me tell y'all a little bit more since TAWF never quits

DATFILE: 011309.544.4444444444444444444444444444444444444
Prior blog datfile was approximately 011309.018 if memory is correct
55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555, and
These fives R2 compensate my just now being assaulted by Jane Dirtweeds
One-eleven on this demented BOTBAR ASS AFTERNOON.

The reason YI could not post up the prior blog earlier today on www.blogger.com/ was because of some stupid part of my dat file that seemed 2 interact wrong with some program in their website that broke my tag and just read me a yellow error page of my blog but it would not post up, until I removed the datfile. The entire time I was experiencing this technical difficulty, I heard Scylla’s voice in my head telling me it would work if I merely removed the datfile, that read as follows: >CCC on 5th blog---011309.018.5555555, or some similar time and date. The more than symbol of (>) followed by the Roman number 300 or CCC, seemed to cause this fatal error. I removed it and merely skipped over and wrote START:, and boom, up it posted. She told me this in my mind, and I heard her plain as day, yet kept ignoring it until finally telling myself, what the shucks, Y not C if I really am hearing her telling me this, and sure enough I was, I corrected 4 the problem, and it then went on 2 successfully post up. Anytime the TAWFAMILY wants to mess with me, they can use insershagrams, a word I made up, another Benny Frank poor me, sorry, bear with me, I have been doing this 4 way 2 long 2 change in my habits now, and all it means is that they can use negative space fields, and then play their favorite sick diseased twisted game with kme of knowing something I plan 2 do and then FIX things all around the event or situation, so that my doing this and only this exact thing, isd doomed 2 screw up and never properly work. It is as the word implies, insert, they insert into the reality around me, a negative interaction factor towards whatever I choose 2 attempt doing. It goes so far beyond anyone’s desire 2 believe that all of this could B one giant coincidence, there is no way ion hot hell that this is some random happenstance crazy repeating fluke, Audrey Lollyslop. Things R2 perfect, they can only have freaking been perfectly precision ENGINEERED, none of this atheistic crap, I do not wanna hear it as it is total bull pit, and I am the one party on this wicked evil planet that knows without needing one bit of faith, that indeed these words R totally true, as R all of the words that proceed out of the mighty Bible from SSJKK!!!!!!!!! Y this disease does this is obvious 2 any warped kid who ever played with a bug, taking its wings off and slowly injuring it. Ti this TAWFAMILY of twisted sickness, it is pure fun, just as I told the story on the Atlantic City beach around 1966 in late June, with having and making your own fun verses having fun by ruining and wrecking other people’s good times. This is the twisted sickness factor or the TSF that I sill now abbreviate this into on any future blogging texts.

Today, I was stalked and followed by the ugly white and grayish corporate chopper, that followed me a lot during my HADDONWOOD DAYS, and has followed me along with basically 5 other choppers and 6 other planes that always seem 2B the same, they never get old and age, they never go away, show me how if my claims R a lie, that this can B so,. And I will anyone of your grasses, with no lawn mower, as in Dogtown, us dogs not only do not rule with Pedigrees, but must hew down thick weeds with heavy shears with our paws in a hot multiple sun environment, in all ways, this is hell, this is Y Earthly pain indeed is that window into this awful place, and suffering is indeed the work of Apollo-Lucifer Diabolis. Dawn who I was with and helping as usual, sees this thing hovering right over me, and says 2 me that I am paranoid. It is almost like watching a Harold Lloyd movie, if it wasn’t so fucking terrible and awful, it would B funnier than a Moe Howard eye clink. Anytime I do anything that involves UTILITIES, wham I am stalked and massacred, and who do all of U think owns the planet’s utilities and controls all of them in their regulation and operation? Just do an in depth study and examine this matter very carefully, and study the public records information, and do a BCO and learn 4 yourselves that indeed, this is none other than MARY CARTER, and the MILLIONTH COUNMCIL, or Enemies R indeed MC squared, just as my dad’s Princeton Park pal said. Mary Carter is the front 4 the CIA and the NSA, and this is truth, ask any good conspiracy theory club in America, but first U must obviously become accepted, they R gonna CU as a potential infiltrator-spy until they come 2 trust U.

OK mama truckers and cassettes, whether I will ‘C her again’ or not, now, or last night, is a bit irrelevant here Mister piss myself McGoo, as is whether or not I should and I would, let me just move on Bruce, 4 right now, after being cheated in both Sorry and Monopoly, and no one is sorry 4 always wanting 2 cheat and screw me, but since U want 2 Chemtrail me after the police protection broke off and damage my body and physical health, andf then stalk me with that muff diving chopper today at the tobacco store, and the Verizon Network store, both oin the mighty biblical WHITE HORSE APOCALYPSE PIKE OF 1994-2011, OF PITSY 3-4, WHICH 3+4 = 7 AND 3x4= 12, AND 7 AND 12 R THE MOST POWERFUL NUMBERS OF THE GREAT ALL MIGHTY SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, this is simple fact, truth, and or REALITY. These 3 triangulation terms R all able 2 interact as oneness. The alchemist in 1974 in Atlantic city never told me anything about the Law of 1. But after being simply exposed 2 him and his powerful essence for 20 minutes, I went back 2 my rented room at Dada’s place, and it struck me like a bolt of DZA. Yes every time, and all my prior blogging texts WILL BEAR THIS OUT, it is told all throughout them, that whenever anything utility related is occurring within my reality and or proximity, TAWFAMILY gets right up into my Train Collins L&O face and messes with me as though they think my name is Osama Bin Laden. Now since they want 2 keep playing their games, fine, let us play, let the games and the Gaines and the Atco, NJUSAESMWG gas-me’s begin, BRA!!!!!!!! I told U about playing with a reality experiment when U cannot seem 2 make a person get where UR coming from even though it is 1-2-3 simple, we have been here and done all that, let me move on 2 a nice new one, do these things, don’t sit on your freaking hands, do the and then C if old Mountainpen is such a deluded mental case, BR!!!!!!!!

I am quite sure that all of U in my Blogaud have had occasion 2 sit and think and polot and plan what U will say either 2 a spouse, a friend, an enemy, a neighbor, a coworker, a potential date, the list is that greedy letter to Santa thing again, OK King ol’ boy, let me move on with this. Wanna C how real this fucking MILLIONTH-COU NCIL-ELECTRONICS thing really is and put me to the real ultimate BOZ check out test or BCO???????? Then freaking do this simple whittle experiment Elmer!!!!!!!! Buy a small portable tape recorder at most electronic stores. Now this time when the sitch arises where U plan out what U will say, let’s say it is your wife dudes out there, U just had a nasty till B4U went off 2 work, and she’s of course wrong and of course UR right, and this is what UR gonna tell her when U get home, and blah bleee and blum. Only, activate the tape recorder and say it all on tape. Tell yourself exactly what U will say if she says or does this or what U will do if this or that happens, and on and on, say it all, make it juicy, not real short and sweet. Then hide the tape for future erasure, but do not erase out this as apian reality until U get home and C4 yourselves that what I am now gonna impart 2U is a major wild ass secret. U will swear even though the tape is hidden in an office safe or in your pocket or wherever, that your wife somehow heard it, as everything U plan will B defeated. It will B as if the great Andy Reed of the Eagles football team had given the opposing team the secrets and the playbook for the next game. U will swear your wife heard every word, as she will counter every move perfectly as if she was right there at some point playing your cassette tape B4U even waltzed your damn self through the door. U have 2 understand, that RF or radio frequency is used in turning voices into electrical energy 4 storage and retroviral purposes, or any sound B it music, voice, noise, or whatever. This frequency is magic, it is a Copperfield hat trick when properly understood. All of the collective unconsciousness of hum,anity is extremely sensitive to these frequencies. The awake conscious brain will then go on 2 further descramble things that R about them, and if U put emotion into it, and name the person by name, they will in one sense or another, KNOW that this was done and what U plan 2 do or say, as in this example when U get home 2 your wife from the office. Not only do I know tons oif hidden secrets about all of this tyope iof stuff, but I have been forced 2 apply these unknown hidden or occult skills into my own life, not 2 profit off of anything, nut merely just 2 survive against a lifetime of assaukt and misery, a lifetime of being in a 24/7 boxing ring with THAT-FAMILY, TAWF!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what I am talking about lads and lassies and labbers and Labradoodles, and first dogs. Some people think this is funny and amusing. Let them B forced to suffer one week of my hell and torment, and they would B off in a corner whimpering like a little ass girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END TRANSMISSION!!!!!!

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