Wednesday, October 22, 2008


“The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version”
ANTIBRIGGERANITY--Date And Time File: 102208.837.55
Let me start up me TRANNY, ye ugly ol’ GRANNY.

Timing, says a great recording artist and former friend, is EVERYTHING. He is totally correct. There is nothing 2 argue with here. It is all in the proper timing that either allows all things 2 fall into one of 2 categories and these R, successes or failures. Tonight was the perfect night 4 the re-airing on the TNT cable television network of the final episode B4 the movie came on just minutes ago, the episode with the business-cult, or whatever U would label it as a viewer of this great show, great in that, all L&O is great, but this episode is magical 2 those that KNOW Y indeed it is magical, and 4 those that do not, this blog is 4U, as now I will tell U a fantastic, but fret not, an abridged story, a story of the BRIGGERS, and their Astral World Cult. Let me do this my way Mr. Sinatra, pweeeeeze. Other writers would all do it differently, and yet professionally done, they would fall into a basic established way and pattern of putting down the story. This is because human world stories have a timeline. My story lies beyond the 4th dimension, or time, as do the BRIGGERS, so this cannot B told in established literary proper ways, so bear with me. They R angry, as my TV set is powerfully CLICKUNG AWAY, and they totally R behind this major assault of my personal property, and total illegal violation of both my civil and my constitutional rights. They hit the TV at seconds shy on the east coast of America with DST, of 8:21 in the Post Meridian. They have a keystroke-worm on my computer, and know all that I type as I am typing it as though they R literally sitting right here in my room. Do not take me at my word, ask any good hacker or geek if governments as well as private hackers cannot do this very thing. I will fight with the last drop of my blood 2 make sure that time is not played with, I all ready know what is supposed 2 happen in this exact part of hyperspace, and if it is messed with Doctor Camping, I assure U that we will not have 2 wait 4 two thousand and eleven. The timing of this TV show on the TNT Network was 2 perfect, and taking this along with how they gave me a horrific health attack a while back by blowing my bowels apart with sonic shots, this now MUST B done as a counter balancing return strike. I could B doing 1 of 30 different more enjoyable things right now, but there antics have left me no cherce Archie but 2 now tell U all this story, abridged a lot 4 time’s sake, but I’ll get my points across as the Camden County Prosecutor used 2 tell me that my DS destruct tapes thrown over fences into peoples nice green lawns in the middle of the night did in fact do.

If U think that some huge human waking world organized system exists that created the basic religions’ of man, or is in control of man and his 50 most powerful wealthy world owner (WOMO) families, then U my friends R quite sadly mistaken!!!!!! Atheists kill me. They believe in many invisible things such as germs and nuclear radiation, just not the spirit world. What floors me and wipes me into a laughing fit is that their own science approaches the rim of truths about this spirit world or ASTRAL PLANE. It knows only 2 well that their R many vibratory atomic frequencies and that this reality indeed is the cause of many parallel universes, or separate 4 dimensional space-time-continuum systems that all lie inside and within a larger whole, the 5th dimension or the MULTIVERSE. There R so many of these individual 4-D areas within this total hyperspace that a billion Einstein minds can grasp only the truth that this is so, not really ever grasping just how awesome the reality about this really is. Now all of these countless Transdimensional planes of reality R the one side of a coin called hyperspace, while another side 2 this coin is very real and based also in atomic science and the laws of physics when taken far into their quantum levels where bizarre beyond possible description behaviors of cosmos and more, all is in some form of dreamed down existence from a void nothingness infinity by things that will come 2B known as LAWTRONS. This other side is an ultra fast frequency causing the realm that’s made up of these atoms someday known as atomotrons, 2B a very light starry place, a shadowy or astral place, the SPIRIT-WORLD. When science develops quite a bit further, these concepts of merging science and religion truths will not seem so anti-palatable. The astral world is not where anything starts, and in fact nothing there starts, or stops. The simple reason 4 this is that we in this dream down have a time dimension built into things and they do not. Actually, this starry lighter realm has neither a space or a time dimension, as it is 2 thin 4 these type of dimensionalities 2B existing in, so it has a different ingredient or element if U will, INTERACTION. U simply begin interacting in anything by simply doing it seemingly out of nowhere, and it is out of NOWHERE, and then interaction becomes the only tangible thing that this lighter realm can ever support, but the interaction is then capable of supporting the illusions that there is in fact time as well as space, so that the interaction can indeed come 2 exist into these illusionary dimensions. This is the total reverse of mortal waking world reality, where first U need the real time and the real space, or the interaction just cannot come into existence. This is Y life and death R opposite polarities in a huge cosmic polar system not yet understood by humankind in AD2008. Moving on with this, there is no cult in and of itself such as in tonight’s Law and Order TV show, on the Astral Plane, yet indeed there is the existence of the BRIGGERS, and these R indeed the residents of the BRIGGBASE, in the PROVINCE OLYMPIA. It would take me 15-40 years 2 slowly make people, individually, understand with sufficient clarity, YI am saying what I am saying and it is all totally true. So put in other words, there is no Earth Hollywood that has formed a click called the Lambrigg Cult, and I never have meant 2 delude a single soul into believing this misperception. However, it still is as though, this were true, because, astrally, there R a group of 333,333 e3ntities that R party of the great MILLIONTH-COUNCIL consisting of precisely 1,000,000 entities that indeed R astrally elected roughly every 8 million years as time would seemingly feel in mortality, and these one third of the MC is the BRIGGER CULT. Hollywood entertainment world movers and shakers and studio owners themselves as well as smaller similar other global groups, R a controlled counterpart, manipulated and used by special entities, phase-4 entities, that R created by Brigger-Cultists just 4 this mission. No one on the mortal world owns this powerful force or cult. But invertedly, the astral or spirit world group does manipulate and control, and in a very real sense overall, does own the entertainment world, and this definitely includes Hollywood. They have shaped the mortal world society and altered each year and decade, the very way that all of us live and act and operate, what is the in thing to do and B and think, and what puts U out of it as well, but no one on Earth is behind this no matter how egocentrically and Donald Trump’ish they may wish 2 in fact veheminantly disagree with what I am proclaiming tonight. Now seriously look at tonight’s L&O show and then the plot after 1897 ended on Dark Shadows and Barnabas was forced against his will 2 become part of the Leviathans, and they returned back up to present times in 1969. This blog tonight will not hope 2 even scratch the surface of an iceberg totality that could sink a Titanic ship at sea. It really is this huge. Here is a tiny whittle example Elmer. Mrs. Goodfellow raping my school chum Russ, his comin g over at 1AM 2 my Oaklyn apartment, whether it was Dellway Arms or (Michael Dell’s way, armed with computers), getting me 2 burn up a powerful document that 2 this day seems 2 have a huge effect on the entire Astral Plane as Scylla’s mother visited me recently in a dream and came 2 me as a child, Mariena, and told me that she had her own version of my book called, THE BOOK OF BEACH, and the chain being stolen and the asterisk Chemtrail, and on and on and on, Russ either knowing that my mom was out that night with her boyfriend Sidney Crown or just didn’t care, what I’m getting at whether Jamie’s Dad on MC cares or not or cares about Gary 7 or Doctor Joe Gannon, still I am getting at this one point. Way 2 much all happened 4 this not 2B some gargantuan and humongous astral world plot. I ask any sane reader right now, WHAT THE TRUCK ELSE COULD THIS ALL B, as it is certainly NOT my imagination nor is it the deranged mind of a mad lunatic. Now really carefully examine the story on L&O as well as Paul Stoddard and the Leviathans on the famous Dark Shadows TV show of the sixties, and then just this one part of my life, forget all of the years later, and the MC stuff and blah-blah-blah, just go this far. Now if U dare blow up your mind, then go into the seventies, and the eighties and the nineties, and then into the now, and C that no way on EARTH, literally, is this coming from those here, even though it may well appear that it does, as they R using people. These forces work through what I call the PAWM. This is not an accented way of telling U it has 2 do with reading tea leaves and psychic readers. Instead I am telling U all that Gods and forces in the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL operated through, and always have and will in all of our entire 5th dimensional hyperspace that includes any and all possible time or space ever anywhere, they work through the PAWM, People, Animals, Weather, and Machines, and this is truth son!!!!!!!!! U don’t have 2 like it or love it or sing it BRA, but I am telling the truth, and so much more of this powerful mighty TRUTH and reality will B following that continues on with this in following blogs, but if I overdo with my Blogaud, I know it is highly counterproductive so this is tonight’s whittle Wesson Elmer Fwudd!!!! If Donna wants 2 keep retracing me and keep her finger on that button, that cannot B helped, but if I mush remain here, and carry on this horrendous monstrous family curse, the least I can do is 2 tell what I know about what really is happening, and this includes who really, is the LAMBRIGGER CULT. Love was in control, and I did a terrible thing in the 2290’s and I’m very sorry Donna. At least I know what Mrs. G. meant now by her question 2 me on the astral world of Y did I do this 2 her daughter.

Well as the disc jockey said some time ago, hang in there Berryville, it is not Scylla’s will 2 let her city of the berries burn up, nor her magical Marhouse. I know it was U earlier, thank U4 caring, I am OK. IWALU-MC-990990990990990.



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