Friday, October 10, 2008


T/T/W/M/---datfile”101008.873.55---Beginning of Transmission:

As the title goes, let us now probe and explore and even get into some out right cleverly worded confessions and theories. First off, as stated in a prior and recent blog, U must know by now unless the word vacancy is stenciled 2 your forehead and Moe is continually banging U in your head, that I am not only not an average ordinary person, but I indeed have strange abilities that when forced directly and absolutely to the mat and the wall, must in fact use 2 save my very life, this as U all also know is called the survival mode, and we ALL have it. It is instinctively built into each and every one of us, even life abhorrers such as me. The MIGHTY GOOGLE and others paying serious attention, can believe as they so choose 2, as well as remain in a Williamstown Policeman denialism attitude regarding this, but deep down U know this is all real. This is not only TIMED AND DATED GOOGLE ENGINE INTERNET officially stamped and documented within the acceptable barriers of presently known limitations of mans existence within the STC, space-time-continuum, but it is pretty difficult 2 totally read all of my blogs and follow along with even a limited amount of understanding of it all, and then look at the global situation, and not C the TRUTH. None of any of this is just happening. I claim and have made claim 2 some far out things, and mankind insists on a miraculous breakage of normal physical world laws 2 indeed back up wild claims, and I have claimed 2B able 2 do quite a few off the scale things, on land, in water, and far beyond the air, astrally. At the same unfortunate time, I have been screaming out 4 some group or system or foundation or whatever, 2 take an interest in all of this and help me, and not one tangible thing ever occurred even when telling that billions of dollars and eternal physical life can B your reward 4 helping me, should U indeed B dumb enough 2 desire being trapped within dream, as U all do. Just today, a wild unexplainable by human reasoning outlandish powerful; force, led me and Dawn and Ann into a fast food place, and U all know this story. This same force led me out of a residence where I was content and comfortable in my solitude, and into a mess that literally is worse or equally as bad anyway as being in prison. This force cannot B reasonably explained, and has the power 2 enter my dreams, remove objects, effect other people, and totally manipulate and control my entire existence, and seems 2B quite obsessed with both my life and effecting it and being a covert and totally secret invisible part thereof. The church tried 4 1900 plus years 2 understand what this is all about and failed miserably. Then came the UFO researchers, failure number 2, if I am permitted the bravado of this bold statement. Science, we won’t even go there. If they cannot put their spin on something, and screw it up, forget it. Every year they could easily use the past years notes and systems, as confetti in their annual science convention if it was held straight down 5th Avenue in Careyville. All I know 4 total sure, is that I tried, not once, twice, 2 tell a story of something really far out, yet is true, and is happening 2 me, with a powerful and mysterious female entity, first in the late nineteen-sixties with THE BOOK OF THE BEACH that Russell Thaxton in his wild and strange MOOD, was suddenly possessed 2 come over 2 another just 15 year old boy’s apartment, and get him 2 burn up this information, crissake, what were we a couple of juvenile CIA operatives, burn it, gimme a break Amy Arm Crusher Madonna?????? Then there is the present or near present, the first few years into our lovely and ever so groovy twenty-first century, where I was led out of one job and into another, destined Lawtronically obviously 2 meet up with coworker Christopher Bennett, who put me onto blogging, and then that turned into 4 lack of saying it any better, my 2nd BOOK OF THE BEACH, the ADULT VERSION. Anyone that can look back on any major event that led 2 a total altering of their human world present life, and think that it was all just a happenstance bunch of silly coincidental garbage, has a thinking process that eludes my tiny mind and I will blatantly and openly admit to this right here and right now, Lieutenant Van Buren. Chris Bennett at my work site was my anti-Russ Thaxton. First forces tried 2 stop me from telling my incredible and totally wild and true story 2 the world with a major powerful bunch of happenings that included child molestation, drunkenness, juvenile misbehavior, and much more. Then, a quarter of a century later, wham Batman West, zonk boom zing, pal, Adam, and Chicky punch, Dawnie Terra-bull, along comes Chris and my story re-enters the world via the great unstoppable internet. Nut how unstoppable? What real audience do I have? Well, 4 starters, I have one, and it may not B large, but it’s there. Then, there is Johnny Appleseed, John Denver, and George Burns, oh God what a motley crew. So Y is this all happening? Did I mention 6th and 7th dimensions? Did I mention adult playground rage? Did I mention the phases of reality, or the upline downline systems of our multiverse? I am sure I did, yet I still say again in reiteration, Y. Well, after 25 years of carefully not going completely crazy while living within the Twilight-Zone Squared, or times itself, I have come up with the only possible thing that makes sense. I have told this only thing that makes sense 2 the internet. I have told all that I believe is happening. I would swear in a court of law that I believe it all is true and accurate and the only possibility that could ever now or at any future time, hope 2 begin 2 explain what is going on around me, and right down 2Y no one is willing ever 2 render the smallest bit of assistance 2 me. Call me a real phony or just dumb or an ass hole, but I absolutely know that if I was Joe Average Football and read a blog that said what is there 2 lose, and if I am not nuts, U might end up with billions in a super law suit, as well as mans for whatever reason, biggest fantasy come true, wow, can this jerk off really turn me back 2 age 21 again cellularly with a multiwave oscillation integrenetronics frequency tunnel? I would if I Quattro stumbled onto a blog like this and examining all the facts right down to the entire current world situation and how it all connects being placed into this hell house behind Sam Walton’s, and MC’s project, and all perfectly Google stamped with date and time, what else could anyone ask 4 Mister Lex Luther except maybe some rooms off of a common elevator? Jeese-Louise-Fontana, what is wrong with this world’s population? The gods, if Herby the dirt bag of late ‘96 hadn’t put a huge butcher knige in my back in the Somerdale, New Jersey days, I cannot start 2 fathom how the planet would have ended. My GOD!!!!!!! If he had helped me with that simple little thing, the world as all of U know it today would never have happened. The computers would have all shut off in 2000, and the world would have gone darker than Oregon’s Polybius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U still laugh after what is happening. Man U all have a pair I wish I had, right down 2 the road pal friends of the Knicks. Maybe I’m a shrimp and can’t throw a basketball from here 2 my big toe, but I do know this, it may take me a day or a million years, but failed BANK on this one everybody out there in CYBERVILLE, I will get 2 the bottom of all of this, right down 2 who SSJKK really is upline, as well as just what the puke she really wants with me. I have offered her my life, 2 disappear 2 a Pacific Island somewhere, whatever she wants, but no, she wants what I said right along, that she wants, GAMES AND MORE GAMES AND MORE GAMES Polybius.
Never have I made any claims 2 anything I am not capable of doing nor proving. I admitted 2 what I now term the NEXT LEVEL HIGHPOINT ROTH SYNDROME, back in the very beginning years of the 70’s, the algebra course taken at Lower Merion High, in PAUSAESMWG, the Atlantic Ocean acting up the first summer that she no longer saw me there, in July of the ‘71 year, I never hid these truths from one solitary soul. I wrote “The Permission Barrier” as a fictional book in much the same way that my pal Roy Weiler from Egg Harbor City, NJUSAESMWG wrote his book, “Secrets of the Museum”. I told what I could and as best as I could without coming right out and literally putting an end 2 mankind in the ‘94 year when I sent it to the United States Office of Copyrights, Library of Congress, in Washington, 13-DC, shame-shame, whether U can dance or not 2 Shirley, but all jokes aside Curly Slap, bonk, base drum, and off key guitar string eye out, I did what I could 2 tell a true story. Someone or something has successful enjoyed making a total shambles out of one human life, mine, the life of Mark Wayne Mohr who goes by the internet psudenum of Michael Wayne Mountainpen. I have no closets. I have no secrets. People R telling me over and over, adults should not act and B this way, U need 2 wear a facade, a mask, play games, that is the way it’s done in the adult world. I do not live in any fixed world. If I was suddenly 14 again in 1969, I could pick right up instantly, and this is fucking gospel, INSTANTKY, from where that part of my life left off, and whether I would try 2 make an alteration with what I really totally now know, is very doubtful. The only thing I might do is attempt physical death as this would B at a time prior 2 my employee days at the RPOL studio and all the fucking DS shit. But this is not going 2 happen, it ios way 2 dangerous 2 further play around with any of this, now, or in Wildwood up in ‘31.------END TRANSMISSION!!!!!!!!

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