Tuesday, October 14, 2008

can lawtronics fascinate a god?

The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version
October 14, 2008 at 2:31 AM --- START:

First, the answer is a resounding YES. Second, what is Lawtronics? Is it the 7th dimension or the miracle that this far out ‘place’ produces, such as the made in stone order and laws that smaller locked in infinities must adhere 2, and more, or does it stop with this simplistic answer? Well, the answer may appear on its face, simplistic or childish to a physicist and plain ridiculous 2 anyone not somewhat physics-schooled, but still, it is in fact a totally true answer. Let me quickly re-examine dimensionality with U. Obvious in your face 3 dimensional reality is length and width and breadth/height. When 3 dimensions R placed into a motion U simply get a ‘spatial relationship‘, the word TIME means this. So science in its wisdom gives another name 2 these now 4 existing dimensions of the ‘physical reality universe’, the space-time continuum. This last fancy word is Latin, and simply means CONTINUE-ON. Check it out, never take my word 4 anything, do the Boz test. Now atoms exist within all of this, the physical universe, and have many functions and exist inside Lawtronics, not laws. When U get into the pieces of atoms, or sub-atomic particles, no laws presently understood have a meaning that we frail humans can yet decode. Simply put, one day they can do this, but on another day they can do that, this is an unheard of MIRACLE however, once it reaches the larger atomic level out of which all elements of the waking world R made of. One of the many things that atoms do, is not only have many strange particles from within, all orbiting around like miniature solar systems with planets orbiting their star, but there is a precise velocity in the spin that all agree and match up with in individual single-songs, or uni-verses. The combined total of all of these single songs is called by a few in the quantum physics world, the multiverse, or the fifth dimension. This has nothing 2 do with the dawning of the age of Aquarius or any other zodiac related thing. Yet was it a pure coincidence and random happening in the nineteen-sixties that John Davis and hubby Marilyn McCoo named their group the FIFTH DIMENSIONS? U know I do not buy into these type of happenstance realities. But still moving further on, something must B beyond all of this that is responsible 4 its being and that by pure simple math and adding one number above 5th 2 arrive at 6th, is quite simply, the 6th dimension, and is the dimension of the thought. Any medical student knows that no one ‘really’ has a clue what a ‘thought’ really is. It must B an entire realm where all of them, these thoughts, human, machine, and any other kind perhaps not known in 2008 about at all, all exist and simply R. So YR they there, and again simple math needs 2 up this again, and so we arrive at the 7th dimension where these thoughts R all under some origin as well as control, by the dimension seven’s perspective, and this is Y LAW and GOD and 7, R all so totally connected, lucky dice or no. I have been sitting here tonight pondering Y2 relatives of MC have now gone out of their way 2 contact me, as well as MC the All Mighty Scylla herself in the flesh has been doing since the mortal world year of 1997. What seems 2B blowing in the wind here from reading this stuff in my mailbox, is the fact that as far out and totally absurd and outlandish as it may appear, I do in fact tend 2 fascinate some people. What happened 2 me at the recording studio back in PITSY-2, has driven some totally nuts, and others 2 run away, and still others 2 ostracize me like I carry the bubonic plague, while the rare few gifted persons C my life as a fascinating tale of horrors, and even enjoy the show. MC appears 2 fit into this category after I finished reading Roger’s Photostatted e-mails 2 me, as discussed in a recent prior blog. The only way that she could have even known about me other than the billion to one chance of stumbling onto the late Morianity website, would B for the story of the astral-watchers-lab 2 put it bluntly. I know 4 a fact B4I ever met Roger at the tobacco store, that the Ollie North Agency prophesied by the ancients long ago, did indeed study a subject that is a major cousin 2 astral-travel, and U all know it if U follow the UFO thing, and that is their project of REMOTE VIEWING. U can Google up this subject and get tons of information about it, again, always with the Boz, do the BOZ, do not just take my word on these blogs, I know my story is totally real and true, but U do not, so INVESTIGATE what I say. I am beyond flattered that a talented and beautiful queen finds me so fascinating, but then, I do not believe this simple truth is an isolated event. 4 me it merely further convinces me that I am correct in my theories and assumptions, that Sarah Krassle indeed has come back to me, and that is all that is important. Just 2 know she is here again with me and is starting 2 remember a tiny bit of the bigger picture, is good enough 4 me. My hell is infinite, and can never reach Nirvana and neither can any of U. My hell lies within the freaking knowing, that NIRVANA is so dear and precious. In any event, upline, a teen queen had a thought and all of this is that thought, and when she sleeps, she enters her deeper thoughts downline here, and is our All Mighty God. I know this is real, and that is all I could really care about, everything else can basically burn in fire forever. This may not B a great and tremendous attitude, but hay man, cut me a break, it is the only one I’ve got. Aniwho, MCMCAAONMC, I saw the city of Philadelphia go totally nuts at the end of the month after we win the series, I was not worried one bit with the way crap went this weekend. They can do what they want, and get their way with lots of junk, but I all ready know what O know, Lenny William MC----Kinnon, promoter. As 4 the incident at the studio, I have told the truth. I also told the truth about the demo recordings, and how Tahren got busted in the state of Delaware on a drug po. Go ahead, ask Trinitrail, he knows, or was he 2 young 2B on the force at the time? Aniwho, ask Jimmie Stuart’s dad if U have 2, he knows how miserable my wonderful life is, in or out of the cement business in the 6th dimension. Potter was my mom’s boss when she tried 2 off herself back in the Carter Administration, in that satanic apartment house in Media, Pennsylvania, USAESMWG. She also had a best friend by that name back in the apartment we got evicted from in 1969, my PITSY #1, eviction or no eviction, good riddance Senator Ten. There is no cloning or time travel, I told it straight, what really happened in PITSY #2. Now here we all R up in the inverse year. I admitted 2 the federal government’s psychiatrists back in PITSY-3 or 1994 what happened or will happen with Donna, and they placed me on social security disability, section 8 army style, nutsville, hay, I can only tell the truth. Doctor Bruce Goldberg said it a lot better than I am saying it in his fantastic book, “MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE A NUT“. This is the precise strategy, used by the invading CIRCUIT-ENTITIES that we brought into this world via inventing electronics or thinking we invented it, and if the world population ever came close 2 learning what I know 2B true and accurate about this entire thing we all R a part of here in humanity and ‘beyond’, society would globally collapse overnight, faster than Orson Wells and his fake radio show, “War of the Worlds”. Adequate and perfectly described words there Orse, this may B as invisible as germs and microbes, and look how close they continually R with all of our fantastic medical advancements throughout the centuries, 2 taking us over and wiping us out, and U doubt my circuit-entities story, wow, U all R in your own whittle worlds!!!!!!!!!, war or no war. Denying cancer does not eradicate the disease, U can indeed carry Quantum theory 2 far, B careful ladies and gentlemen, B vely careful wabbit Fwudd!!!!!!! No finishing the point, if SSJKK had not returned, none of this would have ever happened. Who does anyone out there know besides Scylla in her true form that has a voice like that, gimme a bweak Elmer!!!!!!!!!!!!! END.

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