Monday, October 20, 2008


DATFILE: 102008.724.5555555555555555555555
Subtitles include and not limited 2: TIMCAM/WEBCAM
1995-VERSION, ETCETERA. Beginning Transmission:

Well, told y’all that persecuting me 2 my grave causes a powerful 90-100% AARALLEL EVENT, 4 the Dow Jones 2 FLY AND FLY AND FLY, and PHILLIES 2 LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, GENERATING FULL EVIL EMPIRES, evil, as in WHAT PART OF NON EVIL EXISTS IN persecuting an innocent person and totally wrecking his entire adult life forever so that they can get their way on 3 stupid fucking ass things???????????? The magic part of the day is that just as the week B4 last, Y wasn’t fucklng pussy literally crawling all over me, and it wasn’t? Phillies will B totally wiped out and LOSE tonight, giving these crud-bag joy-box lickers a major FULL EVIL EMPIRE. Y some parallel events R powerful such as persecuting me 2 get these 3 things going the ALEE FAVOR, being damn near 100%, while other parallel events R as weak as applying 2-parameter against next spin remaining parameter in a roulette game, 57%, after 100,000,000 spins according 2 Robert Provenzono, the now somewhat famous internet celebrity, while still pothers lay in between 60-80% somewhere, is not a random thing, nor is it a mystery once understood and the principles behind all of this R grasped. Parallel Event Science as I have termed and not invented this completely, or PES, and adding [technology] after science is always a good idea, only PEST is kind of an under exaggeration statement if I must say so myself, still let’s go with PEST from this point on in my blogging texts, is highly sensitive 2 a simple reality connected into all of this. That reality is as I will term it now, QS, or QUANTITY-SENSITIVE, and I will attempt 2 explain more of what I am referring 2 in 2 tiny examples as best as my tiny limited mind is able 2 do!!!!!! First off, the more visible a PE is, the higher it also is in being QS. Hence some PE is plain in your face LOGICAL, as with the repeated illustration that I have used, go looking 4 a fistfight by walking into a bar and calling lots of juiced up customers a bunch of pussy punks whose wives R ugly as sin as well as doing U in the afternoon, and then try 2 sit down somewhere and tell me out of 100 times, how many times U can just sit there and not get your face rearranged. I cannot fathom this not being a 100% PE, but just in case it is 99.99999, how about this one. Jump off of the building where last May, Scylla in her human incarnation proclaimed that SHE RULES THE EMPIRE, as she does of course, in NYNYUSAESMWG, and C how many times U can live 2 do it again. This is a better one. This is a 100% PE. Extra weak PE obviously again, R the less visible ones, such as after every RED/ODD outcome, the next spin is LOW-1-18, 37 times, while the next spin is HIGH-19-36, only 7 times, in a particular game of roulette. The divergence at this point of 44 NGS or (non-green-spins) resulting from 37 plus 7 outcomes of numbers not including the house vig zero or double zero, is 37:7. I did not say the ratio, I said the divergence. It is only the ratio after NGS-44, and can change up and down and is more a present-divergence, and yes the SORIAN GUARDHOUSE HACK-18 got me and spelled the first ration, as a limited quantity or RATION, and I had 2 click there and delete. Exactly YU get high divergences from time 2 time in roulette with an occasional bi-parameter, and there R 12 of them that any player with a small chart and a pencil and stand back and record using a stick figure method just as I did in the year of 1986 while using this 2 earn $9200 smackios at the Atlantic City casinos, is more of a hidden PE, and the more HIDDEN a PE tends 2B, or not so much in your face, it also tends 2B lower in percentage, yet do not scoff at 7%, it beats house vig by 1 and ¾ percent. Still, it is weak as old tea next to an in your face PE such as causing trouble in a bar or telling a cop U want 2 kill him/her, or bringing a weapon and flashing it around into a work place or a mall or a school. Some things R direct and obvious, yet there is this powerful in my face harassment thing and people still say what the fuck could this possibly have 2 do with the stock market or with any of Philadelphia’s sport teams, and U all have a right 2 ask me this, wait ‘till U hear the answer. NOTHING!!!!!!! By itself, it has nothing 2 do with these things, my being persecuted 2 death, and the Phillies, Flyers, and Dow Jones markets. However, this is a side effect action. Persecuting a person, me, U, your daughter, your father, I don’t care of its HIS EMINENCE, it brings U down by robbing your positive energies away from your inner core beingness and all around your entire general proximity. When this positive energy starts slipping away from U, all of the things that U DO NOT want 2 happen and that U HATE, R drawn into your being-circle and your life, and concentrically, all of the things that U DO want 2 happen and that U LIKE and LOVE, by the same reduction in your good energies that U need 2 sustain a normal human balance with this cosmos, R now repelled away from your being-circle and your life. This is not a complex thing, study it and you will grasp not only it but what is right now and has been being fucking done 2 me 4 nearly 23 fucking years now by pure filth bags, it is also named by me, ICPE. This again stands 4 INTENTIONALLY CREATED PARALLEL EVENT. It indeed is a highly advanced and super dangerous ultra-tool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U might think that I can compensate and throw up a great blog. First off, let us B real and honest about all of this. My audience or BLOGAUD as I’ve shortened this 2, is quite tiny and limited, if it was 10 thousand strong, I’da disafuckingpearred out 2C a long time ago, what U really think THEY’d sit and just let me blog my fantastic fucking truths 2 a listening large audience, get the fuck real fiends and friends!!!!!!! Second off, there goes that QS thing again, Quantity-Sensitive. My words tell powerful truths but words cannot make one sick, their Chemtrails can and do, go to: and and don’t take me at my word, I do not ever want U 2 take my word when U can click all over the planet and CI am fucking telling’ it straight and true 4 crissake!!! Words may not B totally palatable by WOMO when I tell secrets about them and their atrocities they R doing 2 me, but they R words and they cannot shake a home and rattle the windows. But these disease3xed fucking sleaze balls have powerful military choppers that indeed can fly directly over real low and do in fact JUST THISD, and all they want to, and seemingly get scott ass free away with it, 4 twenty=three years. These list just 2 things, there R dozens more, this makes what they can do 2 me far greater always than what ever flimsy counter assaults that I’m ever able 2 launch back at them, and these scuz know it, and laugh the fuck at me, knowing OK, the Dow would probably have gone up 500 today if I had just sat aback and taken their bull shit, but hay, they can fucking live with UP-400 just as well, so HA-HA-HA Mountainpen, U snotty little fuck head, UR no match 4 us and never will B, and Scylla oh she really cares about THAT-BOY, she has sat back since age 16 and not only allowed all of this, but caused it, I know this, how damn dumb does my brown eyes really think that I freaking am 4 crissake!!!!!! Laugh clown laugh, it’s all a big GAINES isn’t it, Dow? It’s all just one big GAME, so Y not GAS ME SORIAN-18, and remove history markers from my very copyrighted material itself, supposedly my legal right to do as long as the security of the nation is not effected negatively directly. If I write a song called LET’S NUKE THE VWORLD and the lyrical content was a precise method 4 arming enemy nations with 26th century ZPE-TECK, then I could C this bull shit!!!!!!! What have I done to any of these rat ass hoes 4 crissake??? Oh well, so they lose game one, fine, but they won’t continue on that roll, as I have a message 4 DC, my bosses boss and I know U read my fucking shit or I wouldn’t got that shit brought over 2 me by my fucklng inspector a while back on legalities of what I am able 2 publicly speak about. A terrorist threat was fucking made in your garage against Bill, by that muscle bound driver that comes punching in every week just shy of 12 midnight on Monday MoUrning. This is Y he will no longer enter any of the trucks he tells me. If he had made this TT in my presence, it would B on my log report, and I would have gone straight over to the Buna Vista State Police Barracks with it. Play the fuck with me, will ya????????? By the way, I made an error, it is not mercenary work, I talked about going overseas and working in dangerous places as I cannot ever B permanently killed, and can make some great money in Afghanistan or Iraq doing security work that I now get eight bucks an hour 4. He said it is not called being a mercenary. Sahwee, only human Bruce, nobody is perfect, yes sir, I do tend 2 fuck up from time 2 time!!!!!! END TRANSMISSION!!!!!!!!!!:

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