Saturday, October 11, 2008

Part B2 Prior-Blog Part-A, TRUTH ANGLES

“Part B2 Prior Blog Part A, Carefully Examining”
The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version
Timcam/Webcam/Morpro-1995 Audio, etc.
Datfile: 101108.352----Beginning Transmission
From the bridge of the Marhouse-65, SSJKK: and R2 great sites of many thousands I am quite sure, on the subject of CHEMTRAILS and CHEMTRAILING, not normal vapor or jet trails that we all once saw and normally vanished quickly away without making the populations of this pathetic globe poisoned and sick, such as poor Ann Silva right now who is sick as a dog, and as someone already HIV+, that is as low as it gets, BRO nice lawn. We indeed will continue in our debate and study about all the angles of truth, or reality, a slash symbol can always B used, same diff, just think about it 4 a ‘minper‘, Earth type of Astral world minute. First however, last night and this morning, all over Berryville/Hammonton, New Jersey, USAESMWG, chemtrailing abounds and is very nasty, I’ve seen worse, as have all local area observers, and I’d scale it 1-10 with 10 at worst or heaviest chemtivity as I’ll now Franklin coin the word, I’ve been making up my own words 4 more than 27 decades so do not try teaching an old dog any new tricks, but back onto point, we should all start this type of a rating scale and have all chemsites post area observers, and have a rated average of poster’s and my rating today is 7 or 8 if I start at 11 or just past last night when I left 4 my work shit/shift!!!!! Then an officially elected global as well as national master chemsite should take a daily weekly and annual average from all the sites that would B automatically hyperlink/logged in, C, I’m starting 2 get this computer world thing, a little, I think? Now back 2 the subject that is sort of a part-B to yesterday evening’s PART-A Blog on examining all angles of truth very carefully, and without being so sneaky this morning about it, and the smarties know all ready, I mean come on, do I have 2 get right into anybody’s face or does the world C yet how major I can effect the entire reality around me, right 2 a global, even a galactic scale? Think I’m delusional huh, think again after real careful and additional study. So in reiteration And foremost, I am not 4 or against anything, any sports team, any nations economy system, or the entire globe’s 4 that matter, ‘someone or something, Craptain Shitner’ started this war with me in the spring or summer of the year of 1986, I did not start this, but I will godsdamn finish it. Remember now that I went 2 a diner with a good pal I met while both of us were security guards at a department store, not Stacey’s, not Macy’s, but Carl and Dorothy’s #113 Caldor, in the very town all though not known 2 me at the time, Woodbury Heights, NJUSAESMWG, where resided the world renown psychic that was key in finding the kidnap victim and my classmate and friend of the sixties, Karen Levy; Mrs. Joan Durham. Long story short, it was May somewhere in the ‘86 year, and I had trusted David Roth, not the rock star, Van H., all though my Briggeranity does indeed as I will openly admit, cause a huge connection with them and me, and don’t envy this, rock stars R4 the most part major assholes, MC, U know that I am not including U, UR very special and I hope that U always stay that way. I admit that one of them saved my life back in the year 2000, and I cannot blog these details until Hitler gets out of town. He took over New Jersey a while back, and is more alive than Elvis, and guess who gave him the idea in the Army, 2 call himself the KING, his friend, a cousin of Ann’s. But some of U that know of prior blogging texts, know that the many stories of Elvis living well past 77 can B totally substantiated by me, but then,. Who listens 2 or believes credibility zero me? Back on point, I had just trusted, not the star, but another David Roth, and no relation, with the huge secret of the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE. We left the diner and were nearly mauled and shot by an off duty Medford Township police officer and his dog, 4 doing absolutely nothing at all wrong, welcome 2 New Jersey and the new America, as it was all forming in 1986. Doctor Camping of Family Stations Incorporated, it breaks my heart, UR so close 2 truth U can practically reach out and touch it in-between your crackers and the cream cheese on them. There R 2 diners that by my definition are title deeded 2 a hellofafella by the name of Rod Serling, the Medport in Medford, and the Martian Diner with the bus that ended up in the river. Nee-nee-nee-nee, nee-nee-nee-nee!!!!!!!! Yes my health was major fucked with by this chemattack and poor Ann is one sick fucking pup, these Lambrigger squat swallowers have not one mini-ounce of conscience nor shame. Whatever the God of this universe really is, and I know her as SSJKK, the mighty Lord/ess or Sarah, she is powerful beyond anything I can describe and my advice 2 this human world is 2 obey her and get on your knees, she DEFINITELY RULES THIS EMPIRE, as well as my heart forever, and she knows that no matter what she ever does 2 her THAT-BOY, IWALU-SSJKK-990-990-990-990-990!!!!!!!! Also, next to Lois Foca, that will always B my favorite song that U ever did in the human realm, whatever its title is. Oh well, chocolate cake, yellow cake, Incollingo’s grocery store, motor vehicle registration, alterations in the hyperspace after Donna’s many retraces of me on her favorite AVM recorder that I in the future taught HER HOPW 2 OPERATE, hay, DYNO, what can I say, babe hurricane-of ‘72???????? So much good shit is getting past the kids, or the under Hawaii crowd as we jokingly refer 2 our group as from time 2 time. But then the 70 and 80 and 90 year old folks think I am missing something. Sorry 2 disappoint U, I know what happened to Lincolns lost in history girlfriend that put a curse on him, and it is in my TPB book, the gods help us next year, I know I said lady’s turn, they changed stuff, I doubt they’ll try it again, it is minority time and that much I knew. But the internet chatter 4 a long time seems 2 agree with the curse. Cannot B more specific, just B careful everybody, or the world will really tumble into shit next year. It still can go all kinds of ways until the vacuum starts sucking some major realities into the continuum. It gets harder 2 alter a course as this goes on as more energy is required in order 2 do the same work, or change something that is heading into a time slot. This is Y the speed of light cannot B reached on an atomic level, as it takes an infinite amount of E (energy) for the M (mass) 2 reach this velocity on any level above the sub-atomic. This is all part of your great message, right, Mariah? CI know about the house and the lake, and all of it, but all the real secrets remain safe with me forever. YU ever showed me twice now, these major things, is something only U understand my All Mighty Teen-Queen. I still say UR the bravest person I ever will come 2 know on any realm or on any level of interactiveness. That-Boy is behind anything U ever choose 2 do in this life, and that U can trust and know. No more SHELLFISH MOUNTAINPEN, just eternally loyal servant, great queen. So anyway, Dave and I survived the police incident, only 2B put through an extremely wild roller coaster ride 4 many human years, 35 of them between us, give or take, a hell that cannot B mortally fathomed. But survive we did, I did anyway, he waved bye-bye in March of 2002 after Jonathan Schau, a fellow Mason, murdered him through a year or more of slow poisoning when the 2 of them would go 2 a place called the Crystal Lake Diner after meetings at a Masonic Lodge, I know these things 4 a fact, and if constable McMeekan would just exhume his body, they would CI tell a powerful truth. But there we R again, back on examining many angles of truth. Indeed this is true and I know it happened, but Y the world will not listen 2 me is all part of a greater and much more diabolical built in bigger-picture truth that surrounds this globe. It is responsible 4 creating this human world’s weather, making many Chemtrails, causing everyone 2 constantly fight and “B on edge and nervous, right down to the globally collapsing economy. Back in the 60’s and 70’s, who ever heard of all the bull shit in the Diseases of the Mind or DM4, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, acid reflux disease, well that is in the physical medical books, but U get the point, right? Whoever thought about these rages, postal and road and school yard, and on and on, yes tempers flare like nothing we ever saw just 30 and 40 years ago. Dr. Camping knows that the world has entered into what biblically is called the great TRIUBULATION period. There is no denying that something HAPPENED and that the entire world has ALTERED and 4 all of us, so R we all getting retraced by Donna up in 2299 minus Princebomb-300? Leaves around the tri state area of Delaware, Jersey and Pennsylvania stay bright green all through September and barely begin 2 color up by mid October, and hardly shed a leaf until the end of October, man this is 75 days off of what it was in the middle nineteen sixties around here, I was here, I know, I observe things, I do not just go through life and not fucking notice shit. Natch, I could choose 2 stop with these examples and I do, 4 sake of time, both yours and mine, but could just as easily sit here and bang on little black keys about this 4 hours on end. Examining angles of truth includes the little thought of reality, an every day occurrence, that no 2 people will or can ever witness the exact same event and interaction in the precise same way, they just cannot, as no 2 persons operate in the precise infinitesimal dit-to-dit motion interaction of the space-time-continuum, (STC). Everyone is conscious and aware 2 a motion we call and agree on as TIME, but none of us have the precise same interaction with the fractional pieces of it that move the same human race along this seemingly real line. Roughly we all R conscious 2 400 IPS or instants-per-second, But in reality, we do not all really have 24 hours in our day, just basically we do. The fractional difference would allow 2 people after say 100 years, 2 perhaps have one of the 2 seem 5 seconds or 10 seconds or so longer, that is the small difference, but this difference is sufficient 2 create all of our unique individual personalities. This 400-IPS may range from 398 to 402, I do not really know, I only know that I may B aware of 401.697948586978 IPS and U may B aware of 401.598800284473 IPS, and this is not Inches Per Second, All though this is definitely topic 4 another major debate and discourse on a ‘future’ blog. Even the bible proves this is all true and accurate, and not my own made up nutty story, or Y else R there 4 versions or GOSPELS 2 the same basic story of the human physical plane life of Jesus Christ, his mission on Earth, his death and crucifixion, and retrace, and all of it? So one angle on truth is that the very same interaction perceived by a crowd of people will B written about slightly differently by every person in this crowd, if they all R asked 2 write a short story about it say 4 maybe 50 bucks by an experimental laboratory researching this topic. I do not mean that each has their own style of writing, but each will remember and perceive the entire interaction on various levels of their perceptions not 2B excluded here, amount of detailed memory, elaboration and alacrity or lack thereof, personal bias, and again, we could add onto this list 4 quite a long time, but hopefully UR seeing and beginning 2 get some of my message. Then truth itself even if all time personalities were in perfect total harmonic agreement and flat even all 2 each other, still moves both through the hyperspace with ever changing alterations, but still more complex ingredients exist in all of this, that lead me into the topic of PHASE-4-ENTITIES. U cannot ever have anywhere near enough available random elements as unfathomable as this truth may appear 2 any of U, so as 2 ever create a thing, I’m sorry 2 break the egomaniac minds of the Tinsel Town crowd. UR not making up anything. They R coming through into U. U cannot, make up anything, there is not nor ever can or could B sufficient randomization-reality 4 any of U 2 ever accomplish this totally impossible feat. So phase 4 entities 4 reasons 2 complex 2 tackle right now, R attempting continually 2 gain entrance/access into this material world in a way that violates the Lawtronics, and when they in fact make this attempt, they instead come into phase 4 existence, as opposed 2 getting BORN-phase 3, in the DREN direction out of the astral worlds. This is one of 8 directions and where we get the world CHIL-DREN from, they R normally dreaming in as phase 3, DREAM-IN, DREN, sorry AMI, but yes your arm breaker name remains in the left out portion of the equation. I could talk on forever, U know ol; windbag Mountainpen? Have U ever seen a windbag? Well camp songs or not, Michael Landon, U sure know about SSJKK and her ability 2 come into human’s dreams. Yes Eugene Horowitz, Googie, we all miss U, both at Haddonwood, and Collingswood. Yes Googie, U may not B worth 400 dollars a share, but U had a secret that was worth trillions, U had 2 have known my SAR/AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I know U hear me on the Astral Plane, it really was a great show. UR like my mom and Dave Roth, none of UR missing that hell of a Richie Ryan party. If this is a party, give me a dunce cap, put on a romper room record and let me dance around with Captain Kangaroo on Peninsula Drive and then visit an adorable little tike not that far away, U will always B with me, if only in my DREAMS, SSJKK, but someday I will find a way 2 escape this place and leave this awful life.

Google and Swis, and World Labs of the future, your ancestor Paula and her giant friend both raped me, once in the sixties and once in the nineties. U have no shame. At least the dangerous girl from the Harbor never showed up yesterday. She is very beautiful but dangerous. Well, many women fit that description. And they say we guys R dogs, well, let me tell U my story, under sworn oath!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright Michael Mountainpen, 2008. End Transmission:

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