Wednesday, November 19, 2008

allen and wilson from the institute

“Allen and Wilson From The Institute, The Voodoo Priests”
All other subtitles also R included herein.
Datfile: (we could B up 2 CC or better since late in
February, but the after hyphen part is: 111908.601.55
And now/Cow/Cali/Kali/Kal, ol’ granny, me starteth me tranny:

I have some things that need 2B said, and many will draw many conclusions, all a bit different somewhat perhaps, yet as we all know by now in the study of Morianity and many prior established belief systems, everything really is one, and this oneness is the great void infinity, or the mighty Roman SIX, in their number system, VI, Void-Infinity. Click clack cluke, cluck, all that is missing is the magical duck, and also of course, any good luck, as we all by this time, know that mine but does suck!!!!!!! Sahwee, there goes the writer of lyrics in me again. Well, I survived another night in the MARHOUSE, and only because Goddess herself is shielding and protecting me, as she says, she loves me in a very special way that I will come 2 understand in good time, OK, sounds cool 2 me, surfer dudes, and fancy clothes wearers walking the older boardwalks of the western towns nearly 200 years ago, all duded up, and clickity clackity, your sisters were terrific last night. On a more serious note, and note one that is on a vibratory atomic frequency making up the single song or universe that we all R existing in, ‘permit me’ now great mighty Chem-Nat banker of the seventies, 2 simply say that all is well that ends well, and this particular point I speak of comes with a major apology 2 my boss, as well as 2 the Governor of the great state of New Jersey, a terrific dude who I misjudged, and now am here 2 publicly apologize 4 doing this. Yes, they sent me the check 4 my property tax rebate, and enemies who knew that it was in last night’s mail, tried 2 have me killed in this nightmare sitch I am in, B4I could get me money there maitee’s, YAR!!!!!!! I could bring back your kid Mel, but he is having a wonderful time in Sahasra Dal Kanwal with the great Stacey Krassle in a city of beautiful colored lights that U could not possibly fathom while human. I never am jealous of anyone any longer, as she has explained its so well 2 me, that everyone else is just that other part of me that is not me directly, so if I wish evil on even my Brigger Labbers far beyond KSWL-2301, I am wishing doom and evil 2 befall me. But, if I sincerely wish good and nice things 4 these wick entities that despise me with no cause nor reason, I really, am wishing these positives on those other parts of me that R not me directly, I am helping myself by following the golden rule and injuring myself by being a shellfish and disobeying it. Who wants 2 hurt themselves, well, let us examine this? I do. My unconscious mind wants the total destruction of me and every possible hell 2 befall on me and plague me until I rot away into maggots and taste the Earth above me. SSJKK told me that I am experiencing what it is 2B under my own torture. That it is me that throws ME off of the great 1400 foot Escloft, and so forth. Shje never wanted me 2 come into this astrall dream down as Mountainpen 2 face my own evil and anger, but it is and was of my own choosing 2 do all of this, and all part of this huge game. I even chased myself away from the one I have loved throughout all of eternity. This may sound bizarre and outlandish and totally unfathomable, but it is true, and does not take my 10 year old genius daughter 2 tell me this, I figured this out from various interaction combinations that I have somehow managed 2 remember with the mighty all powerful SSJKK. I call her GODDESS, as this is what she wants me 2 do, and she demanded that I now say this 2 the entire world. I was a scared wimpy baby and a shellfish last night, and have no intention of ever leaving my teen-goddess, now or ever, on this realm or any other, exploratronically or astrally. This is an official public apology for my silly stupid outburst, I was scared last night in here, but that is still absolutely no excuse 4 my shellfish behavior, as goddess told me when I lost awareness 2 this physical plane early this morning and found myself on top of the King Building in the great city of SDK, where SSJKK was assembling the giant kite I gave 2 her 4 her 16tgh birthday, which of course, it always is her 16th birthday, all throughout all of our time and Transdimensional hyperspace. This entire downlined reality is all nothing but her upline thought, or one single one of her thoughts, and this was of me and her THAT-BOY on her 16th birthday, U all know this fantastic story, and believe whatever parts of it that U may choose 2. Speaking of 2, she says I have 2 daughters here in this world, and I am not yet ready 4 her 2 explain it further 2 me, something about my not being able 2 properly handle it, and I made a typo when starting 2 discuss this on a recent prior blog and said 2 when I meant 2 type in a ’3’. Paula King got me twice here, once in Atlantic city, and once in Stratford, here in the garden state of lovely Bro-Green week, in New Jersey. She told me also that the voodoo priest boy, Allen Wolf took me from the summerhouse of the K-Cottage on the grounds of the New Jersey Pneuro-Psychiatric Institute in early June of 1966, and made me remember how he I-Ching’d us somehow into the great Trinidad Motel on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. A boy of just 11 years of age, and all ready calling himself a voodoo priest, and he had this amazing power 2 take another with him and the landscape really changed, and first we appeared in the Ocean 3 weeks in the future, and then over at room 323 where I saw my clothes and those of my mom’s as well, and we actually were somehow transported in our minds exploratronically, right 2 where mom and I would indeed B, come 3 weeks or so later on. I never saw him or his voodoo priest doctor assistant, Wilson Jessup again, but have come 2 learn that Wilson has recently died, and that cousins of Allen R behind the Law and Order hot television show. If my sources R correct, this is beyond being incredjulace. Yes indeed sir, “The things we can do in twenty-twenty-nine, soon will B 30-30, but not in my lifetime”. I will remember this song from the spring of two thousand and twenty nine until the day I die in the middle of June in ‘31. I wanted so much 2 bring Ann Silva’s bird back, as well as run on top of the waves 4 all 2C, but the world is not ready 4 my rotisserie spins and thinking forward on top of water surfaces, let alone distance delay lazar trace audio/video/material/Phoparmesh technology. I was close 2 taking my AEB last night, out of my drawer, and throwing it as hard as I could against the solid hard base of a large high fan that is in my room here at the M-house. Instantly the solar system would vanish and no more us. Oh well, Sarah-Stacey would just dream it all right back with a new thought as though none of this ever happened, it really would not make a hillbilly bit of difference, ackey-breaky and partner. Thank U very much 4 the money Governor, U will B in my thoughts and prayers, as I have major nasty bills and bill collectors that do not want 2 hear that some tax preparer checked off the wrong box late last January. Bankers R cold hearted and cruel, and so is business, it is dirty and rotten and crooked, and 4 saying this, I have no retraction at all, it is the truth and my Uncle Heinz from Long Island knew it, and they all know it. Go sail around the sound and laugh at everyone’s pain, U will all die and burn up in flames of torment forevermore.

As 4 the mighty Paula of Egg Harbor Township, Y don’t U just go back to the great city where UR so happy, Y torment your own hubby? Well, the answer is simpler than our daughter and her new age E-Bay invention could ever B. This is Y my roulette numbers 4 days now R coming out so weird and incredible, and I have not seen since I was taught this game by George Marcus Oreilles Belton ion December of 1982. Paula is an Exploratron, part of future dream-controllers of the Supermind-Society, and this is all part of the great game 2 save the human race, yet I admit 2 still being very far away from figuring all of the pieces 2 this cosmic jigsaw puzzle out completely. Right B4I woke up this morning and after my memories of the kite flying on the beach after SSJKK assembled atop of the KING BUILDING in SDK, I remember hearing a voice singing 2 me, and the words said that Wilson and Allen know, only Wilson tried 2 call U and died in his sleep, but the wolf is howling 2 make U remember, these words repeated over and over. What could an 11 year old boy from 1966 possibly have 2 do with any of these Campbell’s soups Rusty Lasko??????????

This is all copyrighted int-prop of 1 Michael Mountainpen in 2008 ADEG. It contains the truth as best as I am slowly assembling pieces 2 an incredible story, and she is assembling her kite. May the gods take pity on this poor mortal and allow me 2 find eternal rest and sleep some day. The Kalpa ion the Province of Olympia is 8 million years. Some more distant provinces have kalpa’s that R millions of times longer than this. Gawky told me that if I ever allowed myself 2 remember the entire deep time that I have existed through, the force would blow my mind apart and cause the universe 2 instantly B annihilated. Well, he may B right, after-all, look at the Gawnum, as even SSJKK does not people using it and messing with it here on the material planes of existence. Oh how I love U, sweet Nirvana, the end of existence, only it cannot ever end, as it never began, time is all a silly illusion that is built into a sick dream.

Google/Yahoo/SWIS/King-Soifer World-Labs, this is the truth and nothing but the truth, it is also the entire truth and is the best truth that I can give with total enlightenment, yet living here on this miserable physical plane. May the gods have mercy on my miserable and pathetic astral beingness. May supermind society’s of the Exploratron have just a tiny bit of mercy with their endless games and experimentation. I grow old and very weary. I would like 2 rest now, forever and ever, and forever more, but alas I cannot. Come forward might Paula King and tell the entire world who U really R, all of the U’s, please.

Old lovely granny, this now completes me pirate tranny, YAY and a rum bottle, but do not ever bring it here to 65 Middle Road in Berryville. Thank U!!!!!

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