Friday, November 21, 2008

another tell-all super honesty blog

Teohiv/Timcam/Webcam/Morpro-1995, etc.
Datfile: Somewhere between CC and CCC-112108.712.83
Well miserable old granny, me now starteth me twanny, EF.

Many blogs ago, I told the world that at the risk of your not understanding in enough clarity, the rules and principles of the phase-4, and how nothing Can B made up or imagined, and along these lines other similar topics, just exactly what happened 2 me as the 1970’s came in and progressed along. Now it is time 2 admit that I am not Jesus Christ all mighty god and all I have that most of U do not and never will have, is the following: First, I stumbled onto by a wild accident of mom bringing home some education audio tapes from her office, in early 1971, one that caught my fancy as I was indeed a loyal Dark-Shadows TV serial fan like someone today might B with Young and Restless or General Hospital or AMC, and since astral bodies were mentioned during several episodes where the I-Ching was part of the plot, an ancient totally real and non fictional Chinese art of divination and prophecy, the tapes that caught my fancy were more of the esoteric type and more in the real of the super natural, a word I personally now deplore, but will use in order 2 cooperate with potential audience. VHRRROOOM, yeah some one in the COUNCIL knows a doozie of a blog is a cumin’ and U can’t stop me, freedom of speech, BRO!!!!!! These tapes were from a source that knew their onions baby cakes, and knew them from the ground 2 the pot, no punches pulled and no dopey ropes and communication mysteries in the magical realm of the electromagnetic spectrum. B4 we even ever start in heavy quantum discussions, we will get more simple about many things, and if I tell U that throwing 100 pennies up in the air and C how many land as heads and how many as tails when they hit a large cement bucket, is the story behind most of all of your answers that any one of U ever had in this current life UR living, U would laugh at me and say I need serious couch time, and I do, but that is besides the point, and I could still divert on here but will not. There was a talk show hosted by a disc jockey on a Fort Lauderdale, Florida radio station, many years back, and the topic was the BERMUDA TRIANGLE. Some force that was using a human body, or in religious circles would B worded, possessed a human body, I sometimes say, influenced a human being, and not only influenced but altered the natural known laws a bit so as a 2 permit a miraculous thing 2 take place, and that is, the entire switchboard was taken over, and this person was the only one with the DJ, and he was telling how, WE R THE MILLIONTH COUNCIL, and that WE CONTROL AND OWN THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS OF THIS PLANET, I would imagine that that in deed do, n o argument at all from me, crack open the casing of any of your electronic instruments and take a look at the aliens, the silent 4 most of the time aniwho, guts inside the casing on a breadboard, all those little do dad things, UR looking at the Millionth-Council, the real alien invaders that have taken over this world entirely more than 100 years ago, but much more prominently in the past 25 years or so. Google up this story and all things on the subject of the Bermuda Triangle. Y would I make up anything than any of U could fact check and prove me out 2B a liar within minutes? Y is there a school in Haddonfield, New Jersey, that has produced 3 strange persons, me and 2 others much more important by human standards? B4I get into this however, as it all ties up perfectly on point at the end of this, let me start with my favorite congressman. Here is a man who knew me from when we were 20 years old, and he acts like stuff never even happened. I could go on with this believe me, and varooom 2U2. Karen, have your Penncy friend download this blog as well if U will, this one is serious, I’m telling stuff!!!!!!!! Now we will not waste lots of time on the Marcucci/Marola syndrome now, this opens up super crap 4 future discussions. I can tie lots of things together and it makes lots of sense, but I must continue my original admission that I am not Christ all mighty, and thus I must rely on what Diana Zudlocrenessia Arteemis and Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle have basically told me in numerous interaction out beyond this physical body and realm where it operates normally on. I can think I am Detective Colombo and Mike Mannix Connors all wrapped into one super sleuth straight out of the mighty Ron Wirtz January 10, 1990 Scotland Yard, but I’m not. I’m just a piece of ignorant little insignificant garbage, attempting 2 solve a cosmic riddle of Transdimensional importance. There was a boy at the Sarah J. Cobson school there who I came 2 know quite well. He was a ‘send-back’, I am not dumb, I know this, even this dumb little (dick-in-the-mouth) has figured it out, we R in a computer world, faces cannot B hidden, searches can B done, things can B learned, FCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This parenthesis enclosed somewhat crude and lewd expression was used all the time by the now, director of the great Bermuda Triangle Millionth Council controlled, RD, and no, not Spider Elvis, this is an entire other major nightmare story that the press would go nuts 2 get, and they can all burn up forevermore in fire and hell. This was my best friend, even though he called my other great pal, Bruce, a DITM all the time and drove the poor guy nuts. I left my powerful power-ball history marker with the United States office of the Copyrights 55 weeks ago. Try making that one go away Harner McCoy. Do U all know Y people in my past Roseanne, think of me as an embarrassment? Because I dare 2 tell absolute truth 2 people, just as my grand daddy’s uncle did 62 generations ago in my messed up human line family, TAWF!!!!!!!!!!! Every clue is all there if U know and read all of my blogs, just this calendar year in 2008, U need not go back beyond this, all though it tells a hell of a story baby-love, midnight Thaxton action at the Dellway Arms, and all, mister Michael have it your way, Smell/Dell!!!!!!!!!! So yes, the head of the Federal communications Commission is my old school chum, right there with crazy arm breaker Amy Lou. But only the mighty infiltrator could have pulled off all of this, and I know that in more ways than one, this was indeed the mightiest PERSON in this Haddonfield school. Now look at last night. Just as with the power outages earlier back in the summer time back at my trailer, pre PKDH-days, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! The MILLIONTH COUNCIL has possessed my best friend from school and is permitting all of this utility harassment and persecution 2 go on around me, I thought we were such good friends, U sold me right down the river, oh well, look at his name, Bob McDowell, I cannot escape the Sarah Callio initials or those of my FBD, not crossing any lines here, Y don’t need a degree n wisdom 2 figure this all out. A child with a runny snotty nose can C the symbols here, they R crashing at 14 bells of SPL. Every winder in me block is busted out Maitee, yar. DOW, MC, DOW JONES, how about Robert Zeranniss, maybe this is the president of the 2nd bank of Ricktown in Akoslem City on the Astral Plane, the 1st one is Jack McCoy as U all know, and he saw me counting one trillion dollars outside of my window at Ricktown Manor, Diana was not there, but I saw him smiling in at me at the window, U may have the goods on me Bro on this one, but I can get U on trespass, but let us just both forgive and forget, remember symbols and dreaming in the pain. I banked at Commerce Bank since it opened up in the middle seventies, more seventies talk 4U lovely daut, but moving on, and not Jefferson-up same city or not, uh-O, my daut is playing with me mouse, she has unlimited powers, and here, I am in this dream as Yancy and his dream down, to feel my own wrath., My story is backed up in the incredible mistranslated truths of the prophets from so long ago, but it is all the truth. I still wish U only the best 990, U know that. I will B there in spirit with U in 2 days, I am sop very proud of U, GODDESS!!!!!! I know how 2 spell Trinidad and Trinitrail and Latin king mothers and other names they go by, I was not born the day B4 yesterday, BRO. I could go on with the great Sarah Jacobson and Y she did what she did some time ago when Melanie found her brand new key and Arlo was riding on the city of New Orleans and Hostess Maria was greeting us at the diner at the circle of 70 and KINGS HIGHWAY. I will not waste your time or my time. I am telling a true story and this is Y the Dow Jones through persecuting me and illegally scrambling off my color, and a varooom 2U2 and all your ugly moms and sisters, last night, was able 2 cross up back over eight K and make a huge gain today. I said it B4 and I’ll say it until I decide 2 toss the AEB at the metal base fan in my room and put an end 2 all of this forever, I do not have one thing against capitalism or the Dow, 4 all I care, it could open Monday at 1340 or a million and forty, I do not care. I am tired of being trucking persecuted day and night since this nightingale all began 23 years ago, I should not have 2 suffer just so that these evil diseased sleaze can make money and have wealth and prosperity. If U disagree with this President elect O, then U would B spitting on all of your own history, this is YI believe U have come 2 me as my president, and just may soon come 2 believe me and help me, B4 it reality is as my mighty daut says, 2 LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I cannot take any more, I am not running off on a plane with a pass port, I am putting an end 2 all of humanity in one giant quick fell swoop!!!!!!!!!! Ron Wirtz at the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office knew it, and even said it probably would B the greatest favor that I could ever really do 4 humanity, good night, lights out, curtains, show closed Amy-Louise trash picker. Tell ma I hope she enjoyed my Wall Street Journal back in the fall of the seventy-one year. I got 2 sit next to the head of the FCC and hear his rotten 100 MPH Johnny trucker faster jokes, sounds fun. Yikes, U and mom were sitting across from us, well she was a few sweats up and U were with your girlfriend. I know how bad U wanted me. Every girl in that school wanted me. Move over superstar.

Paula and all of the things I have mentioned recently R all part of what happened as a result of jealousy, but this was jealousy of an ancestor from very long ago, and when it was all said and done, the Arab nation was found as a result, do any of U have iota point oh one what is going on and how big this pig junk is? This is Y in the sixties, the Shaw who was very good friends with my Aunt Jerry as well as mighty banker-snoots unk HG from LINY, told Jerry that day 2 please have daut Sandy go down 2 the TRINIDAD on Tennessee Avenue and ask Aunt Grace and cuz Mark Mountainpen if they would mind U staying there., Well, all of this was meant 2B quintillions of astral eons B4 our sun ever burned in the void of space, and THAT U can believe song swiper Celine!!!!!!!!!! VROOOOOM, U can make all the noise U want outside, and the upstairs neighbors can blare there stereo, I think a fist fight is soon going 2 ensue, as Dawn is very angry, U don’t want any of these KINGS angry with U, I know that on a very personal level, and have since the sixties. This upstairs nutcase thinks he can sing, and hollers along 2 his garbage blaring stereo. One thing I hate is when people think that they can sing and they cannot, it is sort of like an underdeveloped body builder trying 2 pose and flex his or her flabby out of shape muscles. Adam Schiff says it so well DEEDEE BIRD, “PITIFUL”. If U cannot sing, do not make other people wince 2 your horror. YIK, YUK, and hurl juices, please ,man. Well, I know I cannot sing myself, I sound like an alley full of Stray cats, isn’t that right Mister Clayton Smith of Arista Recording from 1981, how do U dudes live with yourselves, let alone shave and sleep at night? Creeps. Don’t U know I sent that 2U intentionally, don’t U know that was another HISTORY MARKER, from here 2 Virginia Tech? U get into a car crash and fall asleep and have nightmares, huh? Wrong, UR min an astral nightmare, and your physical plane accident is U here DREAMOING in the pain of your truer spiritual life. Until mankind comes 2C the Showtime fights and the ropes and the dopes and the MCDOWELLS and the Federal COMMUNICATIONS Commission, and all COMMUNICATIN REEAKLITIES, and C all of this 4 what it is, U will B forever trapped on a level that is beyond Neanderthal and pathetic. Everything is connected. When I saw those fights on Showtime last night where the dude got TKO’d in round 4 after hearing the rope a dope thing, I knew that L&O would air the episode the next day where they get up a stake pout team in Central Park and Lennie is talking 2 Lou, not Madonna, about it. I knew it and would have bet on it. There is a lt more 2 say, I have not cut the top off of that nice shinny grass around your school, lovely 990, but in a very special way, U know the score, 990, IWALU. Until I can figure out what the best thing 4 me 2 do is, I will do nothing. Nothing is always better than the possibility of error and regret. I cry every time U sing Lois Foca 2 me, but I’ll get over it, U take care.---------------------ENDING OF THIS TRANSMISSION:

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