Wednesday, November 26, 2008


“The Intentionally Discarded”
T-T-W-M-all subtitles ever used

Well, in less than eight hours on the East Coast of America it will begin good old miserable Thanksgiving Day. I do not mean 2, nor have any desire 2, rain on any of your parades. I hope all of U have a wonderful happy holiday, it merely is that mine will B hell, as they always R. Someone knows what I am about 2 say on this blog, I have been hacked 2 where I had 2 call the Staples Store where I purchased this piece of junk hacked up microsucks machine, and they R still trying 2 mess with me, they still want me 2 click in the (new updates R available X) and last time I did, the entire machine froze up and had 2B shut down and rebooted up and the enter button pushed 2 get back 2 normal screens again. They do not like me HARPING ON ABOUT THANKSGIVING DAY AND THANKS 2 GIVENS AT THE JOHN KING GREEN AND WHITE BUILDING AT THE ATLANTIC CITY NORTH INLET. As soon as I was unfrozen, the upstairs scum bag neighbors, as though right on a ‘perfectly Harner timed cue‘, began blaring their stereo which is a powerful portable that they seem 2 roll from room 2 room, as it is not always over my room, it is sometimes over the living room, or Ann’s room, or the kitchen and dining area, or Dawn’s room. Even B4 the attack on the machine, where after I clicked as Microsucks told me 2 do, they froze me up with an endless green screen, not lawn BRO SCYLLA, or SIS, but that would not make any sense 2 say, BRA, and after I did the command, the screen just remained at the final third configuration, 0% complete, and wouldn’t budge if its grass mole life of nuts and bolts and bits of data depended on it. What I do not get is that usually Dawn gets pissed off as well when they totally blare their garbage music and shout and holler along 2 it, in what they obviously mistakenly believe 2B singing, but this time, on this super death siege attack day and THANKSGIVING SIEGE, she is just ignoring it almost as if she is in on it herself. She had that smerky little look that GODDESS gets in our interactions, and said 2 me, “Y don’t U go up there and tell them 2 turn their music down”? It is all either because they know I have a Monday appointment at the Berryville Library with a man who is going 2 show me, the researcher that works there, how 2 operate my e-mail so that I can begin blogging on other sites, as I attempted 2 do again last night, and obviously failed, as everything is contingent on a users stupid electronic mail in this computer shell game, huh McCoy???????? The other possibility is this blog that they know is about some secrets of the holidays and this upcoming one in particular. Thanksgiving has been off the scale bad, and Christmas, all major holidays, but these 2 especially, 4 reasons totally freaking unknown 2 me presently, and I have searched diligently 4 answers 2 my queries on all of this ever since this nightfreakingmare began 4 me back in 1986 when they totally 86ed my life, do U hear cymbals crashing yet lads and lassies?????? I had none of this garbage 2 contend with at the trailer, 2 or 3 times a year 4 an hour, there was a rude scum bag, caring 4 only himself, resident that would turn up this miserable bang clang junk music of the past quarter century, but 4 the most part I could live there in relative peace and not hear it except 4 the occasional million watter that would B on the ‘White Horse Pike driving by, and had 2B totally stone deaf as otherwise no sane person could strand 2 listen at that level of sound pressure. The first few FULL YEARS that this incredible siege began, starting in 1987, say in-between ‘87-’92, this is when I noticed that this wild siege was worsened every single CHRISTMAS AND EVERY SINGLE THANKSGIVING as well as all of the other major holidays, my birthday, or basically put, on any day that could B thought of as a festive occasion, based on the word that we all know, festival. I know only that since after the ‘92 year, not only doesn’t it matter as it is always now here, but seriously; Albert, Mark and Sarah R not the only 3 that understand this, but Scylla sent me a powerful message nearly a year ago, that she was definitely starting 2 remember her true existence astrally. B4 that there was only the incident in 1997, with the [2-letters] shortly B4 Sarah Callio/Karge/King/Shape shifter, whatever Honorable Andrews, and this was right B4 the WOMO made my mom get mysteriously ill and flatline on the day after 1997 Christmas, and she was revived at the JFK Hospital, in Stratford, NJUSAESMWG, yet remained damaged goods and very ill and sick and eventually died a horrendous death, on March the 4th in in the ‘00 year. Obviously a VOORHEES SCUMBALL FLYERS GAME IS PLAYED TONIGHT AS WELL, always reason 4 a major UTILITY attack, and Monday while at the library, getting shown how I can expand my bloggability, I will get a contact-telephone number and or address of the Public Utilities Commission and report how my school chum DITM MCDOWELL, will not lift a finger at the Federal Communications commission 2 help his old Bud out, or maybe he is a BRIGGER now, and behind all of this. Remember Arthur Bancroft and what he told me on Woodlyn Avenue late in the autumn of 1987 regarding my “BEING MESSED WITH”, and this was an official chief lineman for AT&T phone company at the time!!!!!!!! Karen S., there R 2 major new dying man’s utterances and declarations on your voice mail system, just send them 2 an out of state friend, so that when I am shortly murdered, THE TRUCKING FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVERSTIGATION WILL B FORCED 2 GET INVOLVED IN THIS AND TRY 2 SOLVE MY MYSTERIOUS DEATH AND MURDER THAT I BELKIEVE NOW 2B RIGHT AROUND THE DAMN CORNER, it never has been this bad, this long, N--E--V--E--R!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been happening 2 me at this heightened level since I came out of that horrific interaction with Donna summer and Jimmie Carter on the night of August 15th in 1986. AS LONG AS THEY R PERMITTED 2 ENDLESSLY KEEP TORTURING AND TORMENTIONG ME AND P-[UTTING ME THROUGH AN UBNSPEAKABLE TRUCKUING HELL TIOMES 1000 TO THE POWER OF 1000, THE DOW JONES WILL FOREVER KEEP FLYING EVERY SINGLE DAY, WAY--WAY--WAY UP AND UP AND UP AND UP STRAIGHT 2 THE STARS, AND THE FLYERS CHEATING SNYDER MOBSTER TEAM WILL GO FOREVER IN THIS CHEATED STREAKING PATTERN OF WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN!!!!!!! Y would I make up this fantastic story is question #1? Y will no one ever never ever never ever believe in the remotest chance that I am in horrible trouble and make an offer 2 legally help me and investigate this in a real way, not like phony-baloney Ron at the damn prosecutors office who Dave and I met on the afternoon of 5 December in 1989, is question #2. The blatant in your face answer 2 both 1 &2, is quite obvious and SEMPLE, Virginia Mason Technical School of L&O. tech, is THIS: This has all been totally set up from way B4 the foundations were ever laid on our planet. Last night’s Apostle Paul described attack on me, as he said this biblically nearly 20 centuries back in D-4, these armies will include large black birds making the sounds of many chariots, I believe HELICOPTER was what he was talking about, Y WON’T ANY OF U JUST READ THE DAMN BILBLE, AND DO A DAMN BCO-L&O???? Check my claims and me out, go ahead freaking BOZ Marguerite!!!!! I believe her last name Donna Summer can relate 2 quite a bit, like DERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Dja ever hear the sound that many chariots would in deed make racing across a field or open area? I can tell U right now that the Apostle Paul, not Paula, was describing HELICOPTERS. Super large black birds with wings that sound like many chariots, gimme a trucking break rapies and germiblows!!!!!!!!!! Y this scum needs 2 endlessly torture a pathetic little down and out dude and endlessly kick him 2 the mat and then keep kicking like dirt bag CASINO-NICK, Sharon Stone, is beyond shocking and conscience, it is beyond monstrous, and only SATAN himself would ever engineer an attack like this on someone. There R throw-away-people, the intentionally discarded in societies, and always have been, tell me in honesty, do U really think homeless people were born that way? Wake the sucking truck rock chuck up ya dim witted bunt tapping knock luckers. They got this way and 4 REASONS. Real reasons in the real world turned these little babies born like everyone else on day, into what they R now, and there R reasons behind the hidden doors and back beneath all of the darkest closets, 4Y exactly these people have been TARGETED, by powerful dirt bags, 2 fail, and end up institutionalized or dead my their own by hand or through murder!!!!!!! I am the victim of THIS VERY CONSPIRACY, BRA, and so far have managed, with lots of help from my eternal hero, President Jimmy Carter, 2 manage 2 keep this disease out there from reaching its ultimate goal and destiny. My persecutors and BRIGGER CULTIST scummy diseased slime ball WOMO ENEMIES have wanted me out on the street and homeless and totally without defense so they could get at me from the very beginning of all of this or better still by their vantage point, incarcerated, committed 2 a Looney Bin, and eventually totally crushed and incinerated, right down 2 any memories that I was ever hear and suffered all of this trucking injustice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Giant girls R around again, a sign of very bad siege and death attacks still 2 follow. Also, the death angel attacks R coming back and getting worse again, lately a day does not go by without 1 or 2, still not 2 bitch 2 much, at the trailer park, I would in all honesty say that I averaged 30-40 of them easily each and every sucking butt wipe week. Does the GIVENS family know the KING family, U tell me, neighborhoods and apartment buildings R tiny little click villages, we all know this, don’t try laying any garbage on this schooled harbor boy. Terry, if I am a scatterbrain that makes no sense, Y then did Microsucks take painstaking pleasure and go out of their way 2 try and knock me off of the GRID today, tell me Y, Harborite!!!!!!!! Y did Michael dirt bag DELL decide 2 get back into the game again after I mentioned Frankie Blue eyes and doing things HIS DELL WAY, in the apartment in Oaklyn, NEW Jersey? I bet 2 fine ladies with names once ending in “OLA” know these answers much better than I do, BRO!!!!!!!! “CALLIO” has those same 3 letters in the name, am I right, or by any chance, am I right, or better said, AM I RIGHT!!!!!!???????? I’ll ask y’all just 1 more time 4 standing ovation, A--M---****---I---^^^^---R--I--G--H--T, forget the Amorites and the Jebusittes and the Hittites, and all of the other history lesson that Stacey Krassle has written of in her wonderful letter 2 her creation in, the mighty HOLY BIBLE, the sword that eventually is gonna kick your glass, Apollo-Lucifer, ya piece a miserable slit!!!!!! Paula King, if U do not stop this attack on me, I will do something very soon, and U do not want 2 know what it is, BACK OFF BITCH. It’s bad enough I’ll never get 2C wither of my daughters, LEAVE ME THE TRUCK ALONE SCUM SWINE TNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U have made this year the hottest and worst hell that I have ever suffered through, it stops now, or U WILL REGRET IT. Once up on 10 sites, my words will grow, and it will reach a point where we will confront each other, IN COURT, bring it on Disney girls, bring it on. My threats R always LEGAL, I never will break the law, so put away your bracelets Ron Wirtz McCoy, I mean crissake BRA, what would the mighty BRIGGER/EW have done without me the last 30 years, from ROBO COP 2 MATRIX 2 RAMBO, and the list could read on like a greedy child’s letter 2 Saint Nick. What would any of U dirt bag thieves have ever done without me 2 get all of your rotten ideas from, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!

WHERE THE TRUCFK RU MAGNETIC SOUND MACHINE, NOT MIAMI, but yes, revenge is sometimes quite sweat. Let me stop and stare a moment at 3 lovely large bright LED 5’s on my clock, U can go drink diseased blood Miss Dirtweeds. Just maybe the mystery of Y so much aerial siege has struck me since all of this hellishness began in the middle eighties. Between the railroad track that connects Philadelphia and Atlantic city, and Route 561, the road of woes as David Roth used 2 refer 2 it as, and the entire EW knew Y and kept their dirt ball mouths tightly shut, I can C that now in Perfectly Clear Nixon Hindsight, or PCNH as I may again make reference using this abbreviation, and historians or Watergate followers know what the scoop here is player, yo, here is the rest of it now BRA!!!!!!! The name of this Egg Harbor city road running parallel with Philadelphia Avenue, named after a city where I lived 4 half a century or so a very long time ago, has an interesting name, and leads from the rail roads to 561, and right there is a fascinating reform school, just 2 the left heading on 561 WEST. It is Saint Lois Avenue, as in the SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS, and in 190-something, I forget exactly, I have lived so very long, but notice the 2 digits when the final 4th actual year one is dropped off, as well as the first digit or millennium digit, and this is when AIR TRAVEL was born, the first successful aviation 2 occur on this planet, not counting balloons. The Wright brothers, copied or not, and all of this siege by air is connected to their airplane that they named, the Spirit of St. Louis. Go ahead Marguerite, do a BCO!!!!! Yeah, turn right at 561 at the end of Airplane Avenue and U will come shortly 2 the great and very tasty HERRS Potato Chip factory. But turn left if UR a Mariah Carey fan, and want 2 get your mind blown apart!!!!!!!! great site, visit it, all of U, she is the great Scylla, or the very highest/top singer, anyone with ears knows that no one on Earth could possibly sing like she can, and she blew my mind and told me once on the Astral Plane, that the movie Glitter is an admission, that she still never dares really sing all the way 2 her capacity, lest all will know once and 4 all, that she is Sarah-Stacey Krassle incarnate, starting on the 27th day of March in 1970, shortly after my 2 strongbox items joined the GONE-MISSING-FANCLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peekay, I will always detest U for what U have done 2 me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Flyers, WIN-WIN-WIN, go Dow Jones, UP-UP-UP, this is what is destined forever unless some one somewhere will get on freaking board, do a super BCO, and when UCI am 4 real, just never 5 REALE who molested me in July of ‘70, and help me out of this horrific sitch legally, then this will B the fate that seals my doom and endlessly locks my name into the word nightmare-hell.

Google Engine-Satellite World Interconnect system, {KING} Soifer World Labs of 2296, this is all the copyrighted work of 1 Michael Wayne ?mountainpen. It is the truth, the entire truth, and no truth herein has been left out or intentionally admitted, but natch, there is so much more 2 this unfathomable hellish story, and will all B told, and THAT, Celine U CAN believe in, as this IS the way it 1969 goes. Let me do what her husband did, and I would B blogging from a penitentiary library 4 the next 600 years, B--R--O!!!!!! Different rules 4 different fools, and Egg Harbor schools. Oh well, kill me U rat bastards, C if I care, once I’m dead ya stitches, even Lila can’t get at me and kick me around any more, FOOTBALL--GAME OVER, lovely Jessica, don’t hut me ya big beauty, I am just a tiny little weakling trying 2 tell a nightmare story, thank-U!!!!!!


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