Tuesday, November 25, 2008

title on doc below

“Mountainpen 2 supermind, come in please”
The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version
The Millionth Council and Me, all other sub titles also
112508.029.55-------Start Transmission:

TOLD U GINA, Flyers forever winning and winning and winning, Eagles losing and losing and losing, and the Dow Jones Stock Market up and up and up, forever and ever and ever and there is so much more 2 all of this than any of U will ever know, that is in the lives UR living in at what U presently think of as 2008.

No one will believe what I totally know is true, and I hear how fantastic and ridiculous it sounds at face value, every bit as much as U hear it when reading these words. If U forget about every bit of text ever written and published by me on www.blogger.com/ except 4 starting in January of this 2008 year, that is good enough. I know perfectly well that there is a REALITY-3, as U have all heard me make mention of. Still, that alters nothing in my human waking existence here on this planet and time period as Mountainpen. This evil trilogy is a powerful living monster enemy that has an energy all its own, and has been destroying and wrecking every single facet of my human present time existence since 1986, basically after I told David Charles Roth outside of the Medport Diner about the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE, and all of Dogtown broke loose B4 either of us could have shouted out Jack Finnegan McGuire Robinson the ninth!!!!!!! U will never know how this began and how my life journal starting around cassette tape program number 1760, while residing on route 70 also called the Marlton Pike, in Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG, recorded all of this going down live, something that defies wakeful imagination and in my definite opinion also defies Lawtronics as I came 2 understand it as Labber Zeejins in the late 22 hundreds.

This was another horrific monstrous day, and the major dearth assault on me began last Friday, and now 2 business days, the Dow Jones has gained nearly a thousand points and the Flyers R winning every single game, JUST AS I PREDICTED AND TOTALLY KNEW WOULD AND HAD 2B THE CASE, but let us explore a wee bit of new material now, it is time, Lamists Frid, it is time. First, when U absolutely know that my life cannot B blessed in any way, as in so doing, it would collapse world markets and economies, U do not have 2B Einstein 2 also figure out that the world owners of the Milituforce Otammites or WOMO as I have come 2 abbreviate this, also knowing this parallel event truth with total absolute certainty, R just not gonna ever sit back and let me have squat, B it in the realms of anything financial, social, peace of mind, or any positive that any and all non mentally ill person would strive 2 achieve. This is my nightmare. I live directly in the twilight zone, and no 385 Rod Serling’s could come together and ever create fictionally, the story of my real and true life on this 8000 mile diameter ball of upchuck, that y’all would call the planet Earth. Totally knowing that UR the center of reality, is more scary than digital recording was when first invented, 2 the musicians. I know many of them and worked with and around them, and when this was new, and they were used 2 the analog dirtier sound and suddenly now they know that if they one fart sniff off in any way, boom, there it is pronounced right in there face with the shock of a hard slap. What I know is like being a musician early in the eighties after say 20 years of playing as an entertainer or say a paid regular union rate studio musician. All of the world can laugh and scoff, but I totally know how real this is despite any and all of those disagreers B it 1 single person or 6 billion of them. U cannot know what I know and what I feel. I am not a mad man, and no matter how many of U out there that think I am, as well as the entire mental health community, I know with certainty and clarity, what is real and going on with me, and also at the very same time, know how incredibly fantastic it all is. I thought the studio days around 1980 were the quintessential nee-nee-nee-nee, nee-nee-nee-nee, but here is where I WAS wrong. This was not close 2 being far out, not all or any of it Joe Sivo, so blackmail me all U want 2 BRO!!!!!!!! Did I go back in time with a Microsoft program, did I do any of this, and if I did not, who did, as something is going on, am I right or am I right lads and lassies????? Jane Dirtweeds almost got me, influencing me 2 now look up at the clock 2C a stinking one ten in the moUrning, let me B safe and stop typing mow 3 minutes, and just lay back on my bed and shut my eyes, as if IC that miserable slob digitally represented, I am guaranteed another super nasty-ass BOTBAR today, Tuesday. None of this is new, and nothing ever will B new as in really new, just new as another view of the old. This is no different with music. The masters used up all the best chords and notes and variations of sound that is pleasing 2 a human ear while at CTL-1 with out 12-semitone musical octave. Still, century after century, year after year, we keep recycling style and making a new sound that remains in the realm of pleasing 2 the ear still based on this somewhat limited combinational reality. A trained ear hears 100 songs in every song ever written any more, this cannot B helped, but 4 long times yet 2 come, U still can have some originality remaining in the music spectrum B4 it literally is entirely all used up 2 the maximum capacity and basically then at this point, it has all been done, and people can more legitimately proclaim at this time, THAT IS ALL SHE WROTE, as it will B. The same principle applies and holds true with my story. I have told U about a coin. This is a concept coin, with 2 sides 2 it just as any physical actual literal coin U might have in your pocket as U read these words. One side is the 5 dimensions of hyperspace and the other side is higher dimensionality that is responsible 4 the upline and downline as well as all of the so called as we might perceive it in our awake mentality, circuitry dimensions that create the order and rule and intelligence that runs the show, Shakespeare. The higher than 5-D realm is Y the astral realm is the first one that is dreamed out and away by the
Lawtrons, from the ever encompassing truth or the void infinity, as well as Y the blue-energy as it will B known as in many hyperspace futures, endlessly moves downward into new lower closed curve infinities from the higher ones above where they seemingly came from, even though no real movement is happening, as it is going around in a circle that appears as a flat straight line from higher dimensions above all of this, and I speak of thought energy. The astral realms have all of the emotional values built directly into them, and thus emotion as we humanly perceive it, by our worldly standards, is major heightened on the Astral Plane. I have the ability 2 create a state of emotion without any stimulus, that literally allows me with eyes closed, 2 begin seeing the brightest white brilliance imaginable, more intense than staring physically into the sun which do not do 4 obvious reasons please, unless U wish 2B blind. If I do not break off the thing that I do, this brilliance eventually turns from white into blue, and once this happens, I open my eyes and I am standing in a room with 3 elevators on all 4 sides of the room, and this is all I am going 2 say about this tonight, as this is not my planned topic and point, but is merely a side tangent that I broke off into. I have on previous blogging texts, told all of U about this elevator-room, and what happens when U enter into one of these 12 elevators. Late in 1989 I told how I learned that the sink holes would start soon and worsen with time. More and more tunnels and areas R being caved out, and entire cities exist all over the world underground, and tunnels thousands of miles long miles below the floor of the oceans all connect up, and this is not some 21st or 20th century thing, these subterranean civilizations R tens of thousands of years old. Every 70 thousand years the world gets hot and every 70 thousand years the world gets cold, by hot and cold, I mean there is a natural cycle that is part of an ice age cycle that is 2 long 4 the short human lifetime of people, 2B properly understood, even by scientists that study billion year old fossils with carbon dating processes. It snows all the time and snow packs up and turns into ice and glaciers large caps. If this kept up without breaking off and melting, the Earth would wobble off of its 23.5 degree axis and normal winter and summer would alter, well, it does, but only slightly. We R seeing in recent times these caps melting and think that we R causing this, and powerful interest groups and green-peace and many other politically oriented agendas begin capitalizing on something that is a natural order and rhythm, of any living planet, as this is indeed a loving planet, no others around here R. The same thing with the ozone layer, agendas, making money, the entire thing is nothing but lots of darn bull. When the world warms up a degree here and there, the layer of ozone in the upper areas near the magnetosphere lose ozone 2 space, and this area of gap widens and the world warms. However, lightning creates ozone in the upper layers of atmosphere. The warmer the world gets, the more lightning or static electricity is generated in our biosphere. Eventually the cycle then as a result reverses, the gap closes and the world gets colder as more heat escapes into space when there is upper layer ozone thickness. U would think this is reverse logic, but it does this. Then eventually less lightning occurs as a result of a colder world, and the ozone slowly thins and tears in spots all over again. These all R totally natural rhythms and orders of any biosphere or living planet in the void of space. Money and greed and politics and agendas R all behind all the doomsdays and prophets of end times all throughout the civilizations of human kind. Just as the entire universe goes around in a circle and is a hypersphere, with motion from the escaping space from any given reference point, going in a concentric direction, and motion through space creates separation of event, or U may say ‘time‘. This is Y all of everything is illusion, it is waves and particles and no solid reality is existing. The interaction and awareness 2 some type of tangible physicality, is all coming from and happening within, our very inside of ourselves. There cannot B anything beyond this, the truth is void infinity and total lack of any real dimensionality. How does the great mighty Paula King then fit into this, some may B wondering about by now? Mountainpen calling Supermind, come in please. How do I tell

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