Tuesday, November 11, 2008


“SNASD- Same-Nightmare-And-Same-Day”
T/T/W/M/ etcetera and etcetera
It is just shy of 5 in the evening, on BOTBAR/BOTBAR
What can U expect on a numerical symbolic date of all 4 ones?

This is one of the worst mother trucking botbar of my life, the sky/Scylla attack is off the dial since roughly 2PM, and on top of that, After doing no0thing but one favor after another 4 the great and very mighty DAWNIE THE TERRA-BULL, I got chewed apart 2 the bone, and am just about now 2 make good my threat Wall Street, if taking my doctors note 2 the officials and the authorities, and have them inform the human version and counterpart of obviously, THAT ASTRAL WORLD FAMILY or TAWF as U all have heard me make so much mention of 4 at least going on 2 years now, that it is against the recommendation of the doctors and psychiatrists in my case, 4 me 2 remain any longer in a mutual living relationship at this horrific and vicious Marhouse, that 4 reasons only the great Caring Carey herself knows, decided one day last summer 2 have me placed in, and in my current extremely paranoid mood, I can easily think up dozens of reasons, and all negative, 4 her doing this all 2 me. But B4 moving on and we will not forget I assure U, let me say that things R ready 2 explode, as Dawn is very angry with me and yelling at her mom Ann Silver as I type and it is regarding me, when I did not one thing 2 deserve this, if I diem JJ, ACPO, please do your job and avenge my death. Click and clack, like this little persecution has any effect with all the other shit I am suffering through, click away scum slime, click away!!!!!

Christopher Bennett was the answer 2 a nightmare, when he put me onto computer internet blogging. It opened up the door that no I-Ching Dark Shadows door of squeaky danger could ever even hope 2 compare with. I am literally not allowed 2 move, breathe, voice any opinion or stick up 4 myself at all in any way in this nightmare living interaction/situation that I presently have found that I through no fault of my own have been thrust into by the hellish forces of demonic Satan and Lucifer HIMSELF, just because I know his truer Astral Plane name is Apollo-Lucifer, is as meaningless as a drop of bird poop falling down 2 the sky in some remote forest far away. I hope UR happy evil United States capitalist pigs under total influence of your chummy pal Satan, the ultimate deadly Brigger who in the long run means none of U any more good than he does mwe, I really hope U have some true honest satisfaction in all of this. I no longer trust Mariah at all, call me the ultimate shellfish. I believe that my death is at hand, and once U get me down and under the dirt, all of U, just try, JUST TRY finding another source where U can possibly ever derive a fraction of the long demented sick pleasure that U all got from tormenting me and destroying my entire life right into the grave. I can take some heavy pleasure and solace in one thing however, and none of U can do one thing 2 take this away from me, and that is the knowing of this particular fact now, as recently I was ignorant 2 it. If I owe the all mighty Scylla/Mariah anything, it is 4 giving me this wisdom, whether she did it directly or indirectly, is as meaningless as 2 dudes in a pitch dark room and one has a gun and fires it all around. The other has some chance 2 live as the shooter will indeed run out of bullets, still some Russian Roulette is involved here as the first shot in the dark, just might kill the other dude, think about it as I now embark on the thing that brings me a glimmer of hope and light at the end of a worm hole hell tunnel. I was doing what I rarely do, usually I turn on me whittle computer, print out a blog document on my word-works program, and then save it and then cut and paste it into the blogging sites, that until recently were 3, and now R2, and send them up 4 a posting 2 the world, and forever out of cosmic secret closets of Lamist-Brigger-Cultist ENEMIES!!!!! Say what U want, and this is another favor SSJKK-PIMC did 4 me when she told me that my blogs R2 angry and 2 lewd and lascivious, and that more audience would come 2 grow if I could tone it down no matter how angry or up set these diseased sleazy germs called the BRIGGBASE-RESIDENTS on the Astral Plane mange 2 make me. Anyway, I got up on a Google search page and plugged in some connection words with used words B4I came onto the Blogging world 3 years or so back, and learned with counters that some of these systems use, that 4 digit viewing hits on sites R indeed occurring. A child can C that with a MERCK PROGRAM I could use it to automated make quick comments on thousands of blogs as well as in chat rooms ands then learn about 100 sites where the automation also could post up my blogs, provided I stayed clean and civil tongued, and with 100 sites that my entire life’s nightmare story would all B posted up 2, and automation that would multiply the existing thousands of viewings with me not even doing anything that is promoting their viewing’s, I literally could most likely get traffic approaching that of the top rock star’s blogging sites on their own websites, and then eventually transfer all of my audience 2 a centralized and hyperlinked system labeled MY-BLOG, on my own website, Remember that I had a website, but it was not getting hits as no one knew it was there. Hopefully, the Mathew Lasko/Rusty Campbell thing, will change some of this 4 me, and become OTAMM SCUM’s worst freaking nightmare. What is so terrifying and horrific about my life situation is the knowing how real this thing that I am in really is, none of U CAN KNOW, none of U, I do not care if U think UR a top mystic or psychic or the head of your paranormal/esoteric class, what I am in as ex bizz-part PP said is totally accurate, “Mark, your problems go beyond religion”, and believe me they do. Still, if even as I speak, a small 4 digit BLOGAUD is there, and there is no IF when official search engine counters say so, all ready, I can KNOW, that I am indeed getting my retaliatory strikes in and really Pissing off the enemy Brigger-Cultists from phase-3-reality, or the Astral Plane, or the BARDO-”the land of the dead“. From this moment on and 4 a week or so now, I have something they cannot easily remove from me, and yes, I know these all powerful butt wipes can indeed many seemingly irremovable things from me, I have had this tested and Ron Wirtz CCPO been given the great reaction, that this man of Law-Enforcement told me of on the telephone when I called him one day at his office from National Park-Redbank, New Jersey, USAESMWG, from a pay phone. U will have 2 kill me, and if U manage 2 pull off what many now have tried and all so far have failed 2 accomplish, thanx 2 Donna Summer’s finger on the retracer trigger control up in the future, and admitted 2 in her unconscious past life here and now back in 1982, on one of her many great record albums. I never said she was not a Scylla, a top-singer, only that she means me no good at all, as I am starting 2 learn the very hard way, that none of them do.

The Dow Jones will continue now to fly endlessly up and up and up and up and up, and the Philadelphia Flyers Ice Hockey Team will go on winning and winning and winning and winning and winning, as this intentionally created parallel event or ICPE 4 short, WILL succeed in doing the job that it is meant 2B doing, and this is Y this slimy diseased garbage is and has been using this crap on me now since 1986, directly and the gods only know what happened B4I was aware of the situation. So clickity clackity 2U2 and wow, let me thank your moms and sisters and daughters 4 last night’s great fun, WO, WO, and super WOW.

MAGNESONIC, OPEN COMMAND GENERAL ORDER 7, go 23 all general and all special orders, and go 2 both atomic Duplicational and zero dimensional technologies, and use the Blogger site as follow as the A/B empowerment tones. Now I demand U do the following, I want 100% power placed against any and all persons on a domestic level, either behind a plot, or currently being used 2 create the environment and atmosphere, of making every minute and day of my nightmare life a living burning breathing hell of demonic monstrous atrocity on a level dwarfing the entire Jewish Holocaust. I want their total and absolute destruction, and I demand as I switch the gain up 2 11.8 and now beyond into infinity, as well as all other controls on your system, to the total max out points, and now scan 4 these diseased miserable people who have with a conscious effort, gone on and wrecked my life and placed me into a death house, the first death house being Somerdale that finished off my poor mother, and now presently this death house, that will very soon and very possibly 2-night, finish off your creator and the creator of all things. Help me JJ, ACPO, id I die, by her, it is on U, SIR!!!! U by their way R immune from my Magnetic Sound Machine scan, I need U here and alive 2 help me out of this gods forsaken nightmare hell that MC/MC and all MC’s have placed me in with out any shame or consciousness of guilt. What my filthy family did 2 yours MC was unforgivable and shameful beyond one day I witnessed that their horror caused all of U as they ran up those gods awful nightmare stairs, but I had no part of anything other than holding the leash of their stupid large dog, and talking a few moments 2 that evil teen aged witch that went on 4 all I know 2 inspire Melisa Hart. Maggie, obey or B forever destroyed. Wipe out whoever is doing and perpetrating this diseased sickness upon a totally innocent victim, your creator. On an I-2-D/ A/B-Tone, phasing punishment sequencing system, scan the crushed and singed and wiped out and obliterated object now appearing on your transpower block, G-13, G-14, G-901, and STOP. And click, I should add, well I have my solace, my secrets, and my revenge. Should I in fact B murdered, the engineers of my murder in here at 65 Middle Road in Berryville tonight R as follows: SNYDER, TRUMP, SUMMER, CALLIO, MCGUIRE, MARTINO, SCHAU, USA COVERT OPS GOV. AGENCIES, ALL BRANCHES AT TOP SECRET LEVELS OF YS MILITARY AND AIR FORCE SYSTEMS. Many persons will read what I have written, all it will take is one with enough human kindness and decency 2C that I have been brutally attacked and viciously wronged at the hands of a pile of bullies, and that some crimes R like the great Holocaust, and should not B permitted 2 go totally unpunished even if the claimant of the injustices appears 2B2 far out 2B telling a true wicked story, and appears 2B just a ranting and raving mad-man.

If I go tonight, and anyone doubts this, enjoy YOUR wild ride, as out west, California will experience an 11.7 on the Richter scale, and as Lex Luther puts it so damn eloquently, BYE-BYE-California. My enemies R all there and in NYNY so half will BG gone. G/S/W/ etcetera, BLAH, BLAH, AND BLAH. Somebody out here is gonna B real sorry, and pay in blood 4 this injustice that has been permitted 2B done 2 me and my mom and DCR. Bank on this and call it what it is, I careth not, as I know U never will get me by the law, ass I will never violate it in any observable and perceivable way on a human realm, HA-HA-HA!!!!!!!!


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