Tuesday, November 25, 2008

short blog B-6

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Datfile: 112508.900
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At just shy of nine I was struck by a super loud low MILITUFORCE chopper attack here at 65 Middle Road in Berrytown, New Jersey. They blew out my bowels and violated my civil and constitutional rights 4 the 10 millionth or so time in 23 years.

This constant siege is Y every single day . And just as I TOLD U WOULD B THE CASE, the DOW JONES goes UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP, and the FLYERS WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN!!!!!!!!

MAGNESONIC, GENERAL ORDER OPEN COMMAND 7. All commands ands all orders. All technologies. Crush all enemies ands destroy this evil vicious Brigger slime force of Satan. Go To G189, and STOP. The second this posts up to the website of www.blogger.com/ this will implement and commence.

How my business partner of the former decade tried 2 explain 2 me over and over again that all things now ion the world and especially here in the USA,. R totally run as systems. The criminal justice SYSTEM, the judicial SYSTEM, the SYSTEM of government, the SYSTEM of finance, it goes on and on. All of this, as well as the science of present day psychiatry, is a huge SYSTEM that lies beyond these systems,, sort of a container or box where all these sub-systems stem from and operate out of. If an enemy of someone knows exactly how @ PLAY in this SYSTEM, they can defeat endlessly, someone like me who is forever stuck inside what they R doing 2 me, there in absolutely no way out, and no one will ever listen or believe, as psychiatry says and insists that anyone making these claims is demented and sick and delusional, basically a paranoid skiz with l kinds of labeled delusions and itises and enicks. My only how is 2 run away, and they have me literally boxed in and this is more real than any prisoner in a penitentiary. Friends, family, wow, who needs enemies when your name and condition is Mountainpen? I have them anyway of course. I told U GINA!!!!! U can get away with murder or anything IF U KNOW HOW the rules work, but let me spit out a piece of gum on the sidewalk, and I will B blogging from a prison library computer.


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