Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the science of exploratronics can get quite personal

“The Science of Exploratronics Can Get Quite Personal”
The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version,
The Millionth Council and Me, etcetera, all other listed subs:
Datfile: between CC and CCC somewhere-112508.929.55
Well there ol’ granny, I now starteth up me tranny, yar maitee:

Huge computer hacking is going on, this is A MAJOR CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION, AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, U SHOULD ALL B ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES 4 ABUSING ME THROUGH NEGLECT AND BLATANT NON BELIEF IN MY TOTALLY LEGALLY SWORN COMPLAINTS. The problem is that this script has been written and nothing I can do is ever gonna B able 2 get me out of this endless eternal freaking nightmare hell. Who is writing these scripts? Not always is there one answer 2 this question, because exploratronics and hyperspace R involved. My Dow Jones enemies can relate perfectly 2 the example and parable I will give U now. If U trade many shares of stock on paper, U cannot really C the system operating in the real world, as your buys and sells would also B part of the up and down moves, no matter how seemingly small the effect, that would occur on each of the stocks involved. So never could UB trading on paper 2 test out an investment strategy in a systematic test-lab way and have it reflect what would B happening if U were actually trading verses your test-lab paper trading, especially if say U were playing around with a 10 or 50 or 400 million dollar portfolio, and this is precisely what is going on with inter-dimensionalization, or in the mechanics and circuitry of the hyperspace. If indeed, U would just agree, just 4 tonight that all the things I say R totally true facts in reality, just so U can follow along with me, let me say something that if U can at least partially grasp it will totally freaking blow your mind into splinters. Anyone at all that has the remotest whisper of wonderment that puts that little voice inside your head saying, gee, I wonder just what if this Blogger is 4 real and not sick or looking 4 some attention, how can I take this 2 the next logical level which 2 any working mature mind would in fact B, 2 further prove 2 yourself that more evidence in the real world indeed does support some of his wild and most outlandish claims. Well, there R2 things involved here, personal and life, and mathematics and calculation, so Y not use the latter over the former 2 take me 2 that next level in your mostly doubtful but with a tiny spark of desire 2 rule me totally in or out, mind of yours. Math will not lie. It will not make 2 plus 2 one answer on Wednesday and another answer on Saturday, it is 4 on both days. Any real think tank on this globe can watch my blogs and the claims made therein regarding how some force far beyond my next door neighbors has been using and applying what I have come 2 term INTENTIONALLY CREATED PARALLEL EVENT, and in some monstrous game or lab experiment, I am the unwilling forced participant in the most demonic game that has ever been played on this evil wicked sin cursed Satanic planet. It is beyond unfair and uncontainable. What is worse, every top authority is agreeing 2 it as logic dictates that if this was not the case, and if this was not so, then by now after 23 years inside of this horrendous nightmare, I could have reached out 2 someone that would have been WILLING AND ABLE 2 indeed get me the hell out of this. Persons who have committed murder and kidnapping and rape and robbery and terrorism have not been put through as much torment and torture as I have since the day B4 Madonna’s miserable steroidal birthday in the year 1986, newspaper and all. Since 08/15-86, my life turned on a dime and invisibly and covertly went from relatively boring and normal into the twilight zone amplified times ten 2 the exponent of forty-three!!!! The problem with Dawn and Chicky never goes away. He is back at the PKDH at 65-Middle, and him and Amazon Dawn R throwing the place around and screaming, same old same old, what else is new, same squat, different day, or 4 short, SOSO-WEIN-SSDD!!!!!!!!! I do not CYI have 2B forced 2 endure this, my problems were nightmarishly horrific enough B4 all of this hell, thanx 4 the permanent shove into the ninth dimension of the winds, GODDESS. But is she doing this, or is the entire problem in my human lifetime coming from exploratronic reality? The smarter percent of the population and Blogaud know. Supermind calling Mountainpen, come in and die and suffer, buddy. Yeah Paula, I will just go ahead and suffer, and die. Common sense tells me that all top authorities must B agreeing 2 allow this all 2 happen 2 me, was there not a STATE POLICE BARRACKS where McGuire’s Bar was on Tennessee Avenue, in the interaction with Karge the cigar chucker on the night of the eleventh of July in 1997? Then none of U know all the powerful crap that ensued after I awoke and started my day here on the 12th. This was the day I tried 2 TALK 2 FRANK, and Frank Callio left me standing 4 an hour out in the hot sunshine on South Carolina Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, as Aunt Victoria told him he better never talk 2 me again. Funny how all during the beginning of my quest 2 find the Callio family, that rapper fool with the rhyming name just “POPPED-UP”. Yeah, real funny, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell U another thing that is not funny, but could B labeled as the quintessential absurdity in logic. The enemies know Dawn King is a jailbird with a monstrous temper, who stands just shy of 6 feet tall, weighs 240 pounds, and there is not an ounce of fat on her body, her arms R as solid as a cement pipe, as is the rest of her powerful body. Here I am, and B4I go on, the fight is getting real bad, I do not expect 2 live through this much longer, maybe I will get lucky sand die in my pathetic freaking sleep, and then none of U miserable squat eaters will ever B able 2 kick me the hell around anymore. But moving on unless my door comes flying off the hinges in which case, bye-bye Mountainpen, but I was saying I am a foot shorter, and am nothing but soft flab from head 2 toe. If my enemy wanted 2 hurt me, Y don’t they download my blogs and give them 2 Dawn or her friends, and I would then B killed in my sleep, or awake, no real difference as she has the strength of 10 normal girls, and normal girls R close 2 twice as strong as me. Some of U may wonder, as I do, about these type of things, and admitantly, I have no perfect answers, anyone can make speculations, U, me, the damn Easter Bunny. Many things I will straight up flat out admit 2 my Blogaud, simply make no sense at all. This is YI believe the gods R amusing themselves with these sick evil games, Apollo-Lucifer or what the Earth world churches or many of them call Satan and the devil, is one of the gods, and a very powerful one. All of the main family of GODS in the Olympian Province of the Astral Plane, R part of the Arteemis or the Krassle families, those astral world families, or TAWF’s. Chicky said not 2 long ago 2 his wife after she clocked him, in the face and sent him hurling into another room, and this is a quote, JOHN JUDY, ATLANTIC COUNTY PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE, “Dawnie, one of these days, you’re gonna kill me”. If she does, she may decide 2 kill any witnesses, so then its gonna B curtains 4 ol’ pitiful Mountainpen. The enemy may B balancing the 2 hellish scales, keep me in hell but if he survives an assault, he gets out of it, again, just as we discussed Y they do not pour it on with 100% power every second of every day 365.2422. If they go 2 far, and I survive, and remember that I have a record in statistics of surviving so far as I pen this blog, every major siege they have put me through since August of 1986. So they R always balancing giving me a safe maximum siege amount without pushing things over an edge where it all must stop and then of course the world economy will collapse forever. They built and set up this connection and parallel between them and me,. Remember lads and lassies, I did not engage them or institute this game and nightmare with them, THEY STARTED THIS WUITH ME in the middle eighties. Now Paula King the mighty EXPLORATRON is having a blast with me. She has even managed 2 involve an entire planet in this one sick super hyper time game of hers. She wakes up and lives her life in her dimension wherever that might B, which is totally meaningless 2 any of this, and goes on about her life, whatever this is. Then 2 bed the following night, and on it goes, FOREVER. It is illegal and punishable 2 put a cat or a dog in a box and torture them, but not poor me, it is perfectly OK, and don’t listen 2 all the proofs in years of these blogs, he still is just a raving madman, forever sick in the head and totally a nut case, the ultimate space cadet. Well the screaming and the fighting will go on until one night the police will get called, and then just maybe, I will B able 2 leave this hellish freaking nightmare prison that my daughter has put me into 4 reasons only she understands. Please help me President Elect Oboma, U of all people know that this is not right, sir. Ha-Ha Jane Dirtweeds, U did not get me at the 4 ones.


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